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284. Prediction about gravitational force.

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284. Prediction about gravitational force.

In verses (20:53, 43:10, 78:6) of the Quran we find the Creator saying that He has made the earth a cradle.

The earth, attracted towards the sun by a gravitational force, revolves around it , like a merry go round without moving away from its path (orbit). It revolves around the sun like as if connected by a rope.

Though the earth revolves around the sun at a speed of 1,07,000 kms/hr we do not experience it.

While we rock babies in a cradle it is not felt by them, and in fact they enjoy it and make them sleep. 

Allah mentions the word cradle referring to the movements of the earth.

The scientific discovery about the revolution and rotation of the earth, and its mention in the Quran is yet another proof that the Quran is the word of God.

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