43. AZ ZUKHRUF – (Ornament)

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AZ ZUKHRUF – Ornament

– Total Verses - 89

As the verses 34 and 35 mention about the luxurious and affluent life this chapter is named 'Az-Zukhruf '.

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. By the promise on the clear Book.

3. Indeed, We made it a man which was revealed in the Arabic489 language for you to understand227.

4. And indeed, it is with Us in the Mother Book157 . It is exalted and full of wisdom.

5. Will We cease giving advice to you, because you are transgressing people?

6. And We have sent ever so many messengers to the fore-fathers.

7. Whatever messenger came to them they did not but mocked (at) him.

8. And We destroyed those who were greater in strength than them. The example of the fore- fathers has preceded.

9. And if you ask them, "Who created the heavens507 and the earth?" They will say, 'Only the one who is exalted in Might and the Knowing, created them".

 10. It is only He who made this earth a cradle for you284. He formed many roads, in order that you will reach the ways.

 11. And it is only He who sent down water in measure. We give life to the dead place, with that. Thus, you will also be brought forth.

 12. And it is He who created all the pairs242. He also made for you embarking ships and(riding) cattle on which you travel.

13,14. (He gave them) so that you will ride on their backs and will remember the bounty of your God while mounting and you should say, "The one who subjected those to us is Pure10 (from all weaknesses) we did not have the power for it. Indeed, we will only return to our God".

 15. They make some of His servants a part (of Him). Indeed, man is clearly ungrateful.

 16. Has He selected your male children in His creation, taking female children to Himself?

 17. And when one of them was given a good news about that (of the birth of the female child) that which is imagined for the Most Beneficent, his face turns black. He becomes angry.

 18. (Do they worship) that which cannot express clearly their case though they are adorned?

 19. And they have imagined the angels, who are the servants of the Most Beneficent as women. Did they witness their creation? Their statement will be recorded and they will be enquired.

 20. And they said, "Had the Most Beneficent wanted we would not have worshipped them". They did not have any knowledge about it. They have been nothing but imagining.

 21. Did we give any Book to them before? Do they hold it (as an evidence to it)?

 22. It is not so. They only say, "Indeed, We saw our fore-fathers in a way. We are follower of their foot-steps".

 23. And thus, whenever We send warner to any place, the people, who lived, in affluence, in that place, did not but say, "We saw our fore-fathers in a way. We are followers of their foot-steps".

 24. Ask, "Even if I bring the right way which is better than the way that you have been seen in your fore- fathers? They said, "Indeed, we are disbelievers of that with which you have been sent?"

 25. So, We punished them. Observe, how was the end of those who considered it a lie?

 26,27. And remind, what Ibrahim said to his father and his people26, "Indeed, I am disassociated myself with what you worship, except my creator. He will show me the right way".

 28. It is this He made the established principle among his progeny. They might mend due to this.

 29. It is not so. We made them and their fore-fathers, enjoy till the truth and the messenger who explain clearly came to them.

 30. When the truth came to them, they said,"This is magic. Indeed, we are disbelievers of this".

 31. And they say, “Should not, this Quran have been revealed to a great man from the two cities?

32. Do they divide your God’s bounty? We only divide their life in this worldly life. We raised the degrees of some over others so that one among them should make the other his servant. Your God’s bounty is better than what they gather.

33,34,35. And had it not been that the people would have become one generation (in disbelieving the only one God). We would have made, for the disbelievers of the Most Beneficent, the roofs of their houses and the ladder with which they climb, with silver and gold and would have made for their houses many ways and couches with decoration on which they recline. All of them are the facilities of this worldly life. For those who26 fear (God) there is your God’s Hereafter1.

36. And We will appoint a shaitan for the one who rejects the admonition of the Most Beneficent. He is his companion.

37. And indeed, they prevent the people from the (right) way. They also think that they have got the right way.

38. Finally, when he comes to Us, He will say (to shaitan), “Should there not be a distance between the East and the West between me and you? You are a bad companion”.

39. And as you have caused injustice that Day1 (nothing) will benefit you. You are partners in suffering.

40. Will you make the deaf hear? Will you show the right way to the blind and those who are in clear error?81

41. And (O Muhammad), If we take you away (in death), indeed, We will punish them. 

42. Or We will show you that which We have warned them. Indeed, We have power over them.

43. You hold that which is revealed. You are in a right way.

44. And indeed, this is a teaching for you and to your people. You will be enquired later.

45. And ask the messengers whom We sent before you, “Have We made any worshipful gods except the Most Beneficent?”343

46. And certainly We sent Musa with Our signs to Firaun and his courtiers. He said, “Indeed, I am the messenger of the God of the worlds”.

47. When he brought Our signs to them they laughed (at) on seeing them.

48. And whatever sign showed that was greater that what had gone before. We seized them with suffering, so that they should repent.

49. And they said, “O magician, you pray for us about the promise your God has given to you. Indeed, we will get success.

50. When We removed the suffering from them, at once, they transgressed.

51. And Firaun called his people. He asked, “O my people, is not the rule of Egypt belongs to me? Are not these rivers flow below me? Will you not understand?”

52. And am i not better than him who is wretched and who does not know to speak clearly?

53. Should he not have been given golden bracelets? “Or should not the angels come along with him?”

54. And he considered his people worthless. They obeyed him. Indeed, they were people who committed crime.

55. And We punished them when they made Us angry. We drowned all of them.

56. And We made them, precedent and an example for those who came later.

57. And when the son of Maryam was cited as an example, on hearing it, your people shouted (mockingly).

58. They asked, “Are our gods better, or Is He?” They did not say about him except for the sake of argument. No. they only do vain argument.

59. He is nobody but a servant on whom We bestowed Our favour459. We made him example for the children of Israel.

60. And, had We wanted we would have made angels instead of you as Khalifas46 on the earth.

61. And (say), “Indeed, he (Isa) is the sign of that Time1. Do not be doubtful in this. You follow only Me. This is the right way.

62. And let not the shaitan prevent you. Indeed, he is your open enemy.

63. And when Isa brought clear signs, he said, “I have brought wisdom to you. I will explain some about which you differed. So, fear Allah. Obey me”.

64. (Said), “Indeed, it is Allah who is my God and your God459. So, worship only Him. This is the right way”.

65. Among them many factions disputed. On the Day1 of harm, there is a woe called punishment.

66. Do they expect any other thing other than that the time should come to them suddenly, when they are not aware.

67,68,69,70. Except from among the close friends those who feared (God), believed in Our verses and remained as Muslims295 ,(others) will be enemies to each other on that day. (It will be said to them)26, “O My servants, today, there is no fear for you. You will not grieve. Will be delighted. You and your wives will enter paradise”.

71. Golden plates and goblets (vessels) will be brought to them. In that there will be whatever (your) minds desire and delightful to (your) eyes. You will remain there permanently.

72. And It is this paradise, which is bequeathed(awarded) to you, for what you have been doing.

73. In this, there are much fruit for you. You will eat from it.

74. Indeed, the sinners will remain in the suffering of hell permanently.

75. (The punishment) will not be reduced to them. They will have lost their hope, in it.

76. And We did not harm them. But,it was they who caused harm.

77. And they will ask, “ O (the keeper of hell) Malik, let your God give (death) as judgement against us”. He will say, “Indeed you will remain (here)”.

78. We brought truth to you. Yet, most of you are haters of truth.

79. Have they plotted (any) matter? We will also plot6.

80. Do they think that I have not heard their secrets and secrets (more deeper) than that? It is not so. Our messenger161 , with them, record.

81. (O Muhammad), say, “If the Most Beneficent had progeny, then I would be the first worshipper of Him”.

82. The God of the ‘Arsh’ who is the God of the heavens and the earth is Pure10 (from all weakness) from what they say.

83. Till they meet the Day1about which they were warned, leave them to revel.

84. And it is He who is God in the heavens507 and also God on the earth. And He is the Wise, the Knowing.

85. And He is the Exalted and the Almighty of the heavens507 , the earth and whatever between them. The knowledge about that Day1 is only with Him. You will be returned only to Him.

86. And those they pray except Him will not be the owners17 of intercession. Except those who understood and gave witness for truth.

87. And if you ask them, who created you, they will say, “Allah”. How are they misdirected?

88. And (We know) what (Muhammad) says, “My God, Indeed, they are disbelieving people”.

89. Ignore them. Say ‘salam’159. Then, they will know.

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