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44. AD-DUKHAN – (the smoke)

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Total Verses : 59

 As in the 10th verse, a warning about the ‘Smoke cloud’ is mentioned, this chapter is named ‘Ad-Dukhan’.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha Meem2

2. By the promise on this clear Book.

3. Indeed, We revealed this on the Blessed night. Indeed, We wanted to warn341.

4. All precise matters are decided only in it.

5,6.(This is) My order. We have been sending messengers as a Mercy of your God. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

7. He is the God of the heavens,507 the earth and whatever between them. If you are a firm believer (then, you know this).

8. Nobody is worshipful except Him. He gives life and causes death. (He) is your God and the God of your first fore-fathers.

9. Yet they are playing in doubt.

10. Except the Day1 in which the heaven507 will bring clear smoke.

11. It will cover the people. This is the painful suffering.

12. (They will say), “Our God, You remove the suffering from us. Indeed, we will be believers.”

13. How can the advice be (beneficial)to them? A clear messenger has come to them.

14. Then they turned away from him. They also said, “He was taught by others and (was) a madman468.

15. Indeed, We will remove the torment for some (time). Indeed, you will return (to the old state).

16. The Day1 on which We seize severely, We will indeed punish .

17. We have tested Firaun and his people before them. A noble messenger came to them.

18. Hand-over the enemies of Allah to me. Indeed, I am your trustworthhy messenger181.

19. And do not be arrogant against Allah. Indeed, I am the one who brings you the clear sign.

20. And indeed, I seek protection, from My God, who is also your God, from your stoning one to death.

21. (He said), “If you do not believe me, then you leave me”.

22. And he prayed to his God, “They are only a group of criminals”.

23,24. (God said)26, “You lead my servants by night. Indeed, you will be pursued by your enemies. And leave the sea in the state of stillness. Indeed, they are the force to be drowned”.

25,26,27. They left ever so many gardens, springs, plants, valuable places and the comforts they have been enjoying26.

28. Thus, we made other people inheritors of it.

29. And for them, the heaven507 and the earth did not cry. They will not be given any opportunity

30,31. And We certainly saved the children of Israel from the humiliating torment and Firaun. Indeed, he had been arrogant and transgressing26.

32. And We certainly selected them than the people of the world, knowingly16.

33. And We gave them such signs in which there were clear tests.484

34,35,36.Indeed, they ask26, “There is nothing except dying for the first time. We are not to be resurrected. If you are the people of truth then bring our fore-fathers”.

37. Are they better? Or the people of ‘Tubbavu’? We destroyed those who went before them. Indeed, they have been only the people committing crimes.

38. And we did not create the heavens507 the earth and whatever between them for play.

39. We did not create those two except with proper reason. Yet, most of them do not know.

40. Indeed, the Day1 of judgement is the time (warned) for all of them.

41,42. On that day no friend will be beneficial in anything to any friend. Except those whom Allah has caused mercy, they will not be helped. Indeed, He is the exalted in Might, the Merciful26.

43,44. Indeed, the tree of ‘Zaqqum’ is the food26 for the sinner.

45,46. It boils26 in the stomach like moltern copper and like the scalding- boiling water.

47. (It will be said to the angels), “Seize him and bring him to the centre of the hell”.

48. Then pour on his head the tormenting scalding water.

49,50. (It will be said), “Taste (it) .Indeed, you are the mighty, the noble. Indeed, this is what you have been doubting”.

51,52. Indeed, those who feared (God) will be in the safe place, in the gardens of paradise and in the springs26.

53. They will meet one another wearing ‘Sundus’ and ‘Istabraq’, the two types of silk garments.

54. Thus, We will make ‘Hurul Ain’ as their mates8.

55. They will ask there, without any fear, every fruit.

56. They will not taste death except the first death. He will save them from the torment of hell.

57. This is your God’s bounty. This is the greatest success.

58. And indeed , (O Muhammad),We have made this easy in your language, so that they will learn a lesson.

59. You expect. Indeed, they are also expecting.

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