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343. Can the earlier prophets be questioned?

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343. Can the earlier prophets be questioned?

Verse (43:45) commands Prophet Muhammad to question the earlier prophets regarding certain matters. 

A doubt here arises, as to how one can question earlier prophets who are dead and gone. This needs to be understood as “Look into the messages brought down by the earlier prophets”. There is another verse in the Quran that serves as a guidance in this context.

In verse (4:59) of the Quran Allah says “when there is a difference of opinion among yourself” take the matter to Allah and his prophet. Thereby suggesting using the Quran and the prophet as yardsticks, there can’t be any more meaning to it.

 This actually means as long as Prophet Muhammad was alive, matters of difference in opinion can be referred to him, but after his demise nothing can be taken to his notice, hence the message here to be understood is, to use his guidance as a yardstick. 

We need to understand this verse also in a similar manner. 

 The Quran in many places says the dead cannot hear, nor can they respond, and this should be understood in the same way is confirmed here.

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