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42. ASH SHURA - (Consultation)

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ASH SHURA - Consultation

Total Verses : 53 

As the verses 37 states that decision has to be taken only after consultation, this chapter is named 'Ash-Shura'.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. Ayn,Seen,Qaf2.

3. (O Muhammad), Allah, the Almighty, the Wise, thus reveals to you and to those who went before you.

4. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens507 and all that is in the earth. He is the Most High, the Most Great.

5. (Owing to the sins of the people) the heavens507 will try to split from above them and the angels will exalt with praise of their God and seek forgiveness for those on earth. Remember, it is Allah who is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

6. And it is only Allah who is the protector of those who took protectors besides Him. (O Muhammad), you are not their guardian.

7. And (O Muhammad), in order that you should warn281, the (people in the) Mother of cities (that is Makkah) and the people in its surrounding and to warn about the Day1 of gathering, about which there is no doubt, We revealed the Quran in the Arabic489 language (which you knew ) to you227. A party will be in paradise and a party in hell.

8. And had Allah wanted He would have made them (into) one generation. But He admits whom He wants into His Mercy. There is neither protector nor helper for the unjust.

9. Have they taken protectors besides Allah? It is Allah who is the protector. He will give life to the dead. He has power over everything.

 10. And say, "The decision is only with Allah if you differ in any matter. It is He who is Allah, my God. I rely only on Him. I return only to Him".

11. (He is) the creator of heavens507 and the earth. He made to you from among yourselves pairs and (for the cattle) pairs among the cattle. He made you spread in it (earth). There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

12. The keys of the heavens507 and the earth belong only to Him. He gives wealth generously for whom He wants. Gives less also. He is the Knower of everything.

13. Whatever He enjoined on Nuh, He also made for you the religion. (O Muhammad), what We revealed to you and that which we enjoined on Ibrahim, Musa and Isa, is only, "Establish the religion. Do not be divided in it". That towards which you invite, is very burdensome for those who associate (others to God). Allah, selects whom He wants for Himself. For the repentant He shows the way towards Him.

14. And they were not divided, even after the knowledge came to them, except because of the jealousy arose between them. If the order from your God has not preceded for a fixed period of time, judgement would have been given between them. After them those who were made inheritors of the Book are in grave doubt about it.

15. (O Muhammad), call towards it. You remain firm as you have been ordered. Do not follow their desire. Say, "Believed the Book revealed by Allah. I have been ordered to act with justice between you. It is Allah who is our God and your God. Our deeds are for as your deeds are for you. There is no dispute between us and you. Allah will gather us together (in the hereafter). Our return is only to Him.

16. And those who argue in Allah's matter after he has been answered (on the basis of proper evidence), then their argument becomes vain with their God. There is also anger upon them. There is also a severe suffering.

17. It is Allah who revealed the Book which contains truth and balance. How do you know that the Time1 may be near?

18. Those who do not believe it are in haste. Those who have believed fear about it. They understand it to be truth. Remember, those who argue about that Time1 are in extreme error.

19. Allah acts softly with his slaves. He gives wealth to whom He wants. He is Powerful, Almighty.

20. We will increase the harvest to those who like the harvest of the hereafter. We will give it to them from it to those who like the harvest of this world. There is no share for him in the hereafter.

21. Do they have gods who make that which Allah has not permitted as religion? If not for the order about the judgement it would have been decided between them. Indeed, for the unjust there is severe suffering.

22. You will see the unjust fearing about what they have done. That will be-fall them. Those who believe and have done good deeds will be in the gardens of Paradise. They will have whatever they want for them with their God. This is the great bounty.

23. Only thus, Allah gives as a good news to His servants who believed and did good deeds. (O Muhammad), say, "I have not asked for (any reward) from you except the affection which occurs on the basis of kinship377". We will increase the good to those who do good. Indeed Allah is the Forgiving, the Appreciating6.

24. Do they say, "He has invented about Allah a lie?" (O Muhammad), if Allah wants He will put the seal in your mind. Allah destroys lie. He establishes truth with His orders155. Indeed, He is the knowing of that which is in the minds.

25. And it is He who accepts repentance from His slaves and forgives the wrongs. He knows what you do.

26. And He recognises the prayer of those who believe and do good deeds. He increases His bounty to them. For the disbelievers (of only one God) there is severe suffering.

27. And if Allah gives the wealth generously to His servants then they transgress in the earth. Yet, He sends down whatever He wants limitedly. Indeed, He is Knowing His servants well and the Seeing.

28. And it is He who sends down rain after they lost their hope. He also spreads his Mercy. He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.

29. And it is in His signs, He has created the heavens507 and the earth and has spread the living things in both. He is powerful enough to gather them whenever He wants.

30. And whatever harm occurred to you it is because of what your hands have earned. He forgives (most of the things) much.

31. And you are not the successful on the earth. For you there is neither a helper nor a protector except Allah.

32. And it is in His sign that the ships, like mountains, sail in the sea.

33. If He wants He stops the wind. At once it stops on its upper surface (of the sea). Indeed, there are many signs for everyone who has attitude of patience and gratefulness.

34. Or He will destroy them (by drowing them) for what they did. He forgives (most of the things) much.

35. And those who argue vainly in Our verses, (then) will know that for them there is no refuge.

36,37,38,39. Whatever things is given to you there is only the facilities of this worldly life. What is with Allah is the best and the permanent, for those who believe and rely only their God, to those who avoid grave sins and the shameful things, for those who forgive while getting angry, for those who answer their God, establish prayer and consult between them in their matter and for those who spend (in good deeds) from what We have given and for those who seek help (in God) when they were caused injustice26.

40. And the reward for the evil is only an evil like it. For those who forgive and settle peacefully their reward is with Allah. Indeed, He does not like the unjust.

41. And whoever gets the help after injustice has been done to him, there is no way against him.

42. There is every reason to find fault against those who do injustice to the people without any right and transgress on the earth. For them there is painful suffering.

43. And whoever adopts patience and forgives that is one of the steadfast things.

44. And there is no helper for him except Him to those whom Allah has left astray. You will see unjust when they see the suffering, saying, "Is there a way to escape?"

45. And you will see that they will be presented before that humbled with humiliation, looking stealthly . Those who have believed (then) will say, "The losers on the Day1 of Qiyamah are those who have caused loss to themselves and their family". Remember, the unjust will be in permanent suffering.

46. And there are no protector to help them except Allah. There is no way for the one whom Allah has left astray.

47. You give answer to the call of your God before that Day1 comes from Allah from which there is no escape. There is no refuge for you on that day. You have no right to give any denial.

48. (O Muhammad), if they turn away, (do not be concerned) We have not sent you on them as a protector. You have nothing except to convey. And indeed, if We make the man taste Our Mercy, he became happy due to it. Indeed, the man remains ungrateful if a harm occurs to them because of the harm done by them.

49. The rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs only to Allah. He creates whatever He wants. He gives female (children) to whom He wants. He gives male (children) to whom He wants.

50. Or He gives them both males and females. He makes whom He wants barren. He is the Knowing and the Almighty.

51. And Allah does not talk to any men (in the other ways) except by revelation or from behind a veil or by sending a messenger thereby informing whatever He wants with His permission. He is High and Wise350.

52. And thus, We informed you in Our order, the basis. (O Muhammad), you have not been aware of what is the Book and what is faith344 .But We made it a light which shows the right way to whom we wanted. Indeed, you call to the right way81.

53. You (call), in the way of Allah, to whom whatever in the heavens507 and whatever in the earth belongs. Remember, matters return only to Allah.

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