39. AZZUMAR - (Groups)

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Az Zumar – Groups

– Total Verses - 75

 This chapter is named 'Az-Zumar' because the verses 71 and 73 of this chapter, mention about the good who will be taken to the paradise in groups and the bad, who will be taken to the hell in groups.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. This is the Book revealed from Allah, the Almighty, the Wise.

2. (O Muhammad), indeed, We revealed this Book which contains truth. So (when) you worship, you submit your prayer with sincerity of mind only to Allah.

3. Remember, this religion of truth belongs only to Allah. Those who have taken others besides Him as their guardians say, "We do not worship them except that they will take us closer to Allah"213. Allah will give judgement about what they have contradicted. Indeed, Allah will not show the right way to the liars who disbelieve (in Him).

4. Had He wanted to take a son He would have taken from what He had created. He is Pure10 (from all weakness). It is He who is Allah, the only one, the Governing.

5. He created the heavens507 and the earth only with proper reason. He covers the night over the day. He rolls the day over the night. He keeps the sun and the moon under His control. Each will run for a fixed period241. Remember, He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. 

6. He created you from only one368. Then He created his mates from him.504 He sent down eight pairs of cattle (eligible for slaughter) for you. He creates one creation after the other in the womb of your mothers, in three darknesses. He is Allah, your God. The power is only with Him. There is no one worshhipful exscept Him. Where are you misdirected?

7. (Even) if you disbelieve (the only one God) Allah is free from you of any need.485 He will not approve any denial from His servants. If you are grateful then He will approve from you. One cannot carry the burden of others265. Then, your return is only with your God. He will inform you what you have been doing. Indeed, He is Knowing of what is in your minds.

8. And when some harm occurs to the man, he calls his God submitting to Him. Then, when God gives his mercy, he denies that which he has prayed. He associates others to God, in order to mislead from the way of Allah. Say, "You enjoy for some period in your disbelief (of God). Indeed, you belong to the companion of hell."

9. Ask, "Is the one who worships during night, doing 'Sajda', stands fearing the hereafter and expecting the Mercy of his God (or the one who is not like that)? Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Indeed, the knowledgeable get the teaching (learn a lesson).

 10. "O My believing servants, inform (what your God says), fear your God. There is only good in the world for those who have done good. Allah's earth is spacious. For the patient reward will be given without any account."

11,12. Say, "Indeed, I have been ordered to offer (my) worship with pure mind to Allah while worshipping and I have been also ordered to be the first among the muslims".

13. Say, "Indeed, if I disbelieve my God I fear the suffering of the great day1".

14,15. Say, "I will worship only Him offering my worship with pure mind to Allah. You worship whatever you want besides Him". And say26, "The real losers are those who caused loss to themselves; their families on the Day1 of Qiyamah. Remember, this is the clear loss".

16. There will be plates of fire above them. There will also be plates below. Allah threatens His servants with this. My servants, fear Me.

17. For those who turn to Allah, avoiding evil powers, this is good news for them. Give good news to My servants.

18. They will hear the word and follow whichever is good. Allah showed the right way only to them. They are the wise.

19. Is the one against whom the order of suffering is confirmed (will go to heaven)?Will you release the one who is in heaven?

20. But for those who feared their God there are palaces above palaces ,raised high.Beneath them rivers flow.This is Allah's promise.Allah will not break His promise.

21. Do you not know that Allah sends down water from the heaven507 and makes it flow as springs on the earth? Then He brings forth plants with variety of colours.Then, you see it withers and turns into yellow. Then He makes it into stalks.Indeeed,for the understanding there is a lesson in it.

22.To those whom Allah has expanded the mind for Islam,he is in the light received) from his God.Woe to those whose minds have hardened from remembering their God.They are only in clear error.

23.Allah only revealed the good news.They are often repeated and similar to each other.The skins of those who fear their God shiver. Then their skins and minds relax in order to remember Allah.This is Allah's right way.With this, He shows the right way to whom He wants.There is no one to show the (right)way to whom Allah has left astray.

24.Is he who will shield his face from the harmful suffering of the Day1 of Qiyamah(enter the hell)?It will be said to the unjust,"Taste what you did."265

25. Those who went before them also considered as lies.So the suffering came to them without their being aware of it.

26. Allah made for them to taste humiliation in this worldly life. The suffering of the hereafter is very great. Will not they know?

27. And We have cited each example in this Quran for the people in order that they should learn a lesson.

28. We (revealed) the Quran which has no crookedness, in the Arabic489 language, for they should fear (Us.)227.

29. Allah cites an example of a (slave) man. He has owners, who were many partners, with difference of opinion. (God) also cites an example of another man. He is subjected to only one man. Are the two equal in comparison? All praise be to Allah. Yet, most of them do not understand.

30.(O Muhammad), indeed, you have to die. Indeed, they will also have to die.

31. Then indeed, you will dispute before your God on the Day1 of Qiyamah.


32. Who was unjust than the one who told lies and considered the truth, which had come to him,a lie? Is there no place of refuge for the disbelievers in hell?

33. And the one who has brought the truth and the one who makes it true are the (God) fearing.

34. Whatever they want will be there with their God. This is the reward for those who do good.

35. Allah will remove the wrongs they have caused from them. He will give them reward for the good they have been doing.

36. Is not Allah sufficient for His slaves? They threaten you about those who are other than Him. There is no guide to show the right way to one whom Allah has left astray.

37. And to whom Allah shows the right way there is no one to mislead him. Is not Allah Mighty and Punishing?

38. And if you ask them, "Who created the heavens507 and the earth?" They will indeed say, "Allah". You ask, "Tell me about those you pray besides Allah." Say, "If Allah intended me a harm could they remove His harm? Or if He intended Mercy, could they prevent His Mercy? Allah is sufficient for me. Those who rely should rely only on Him."

39,40. Say26, "O my people, you act in your way. I will also act. You will know, indeed, to whom humiliating suffering will occur? On whom the permanent suffering will descend?"

41. Indeed, We reveal to you this Book which contains truth for the people. The one who gets the right way, gets it(the right way) only for himself. The one who goes astray, gets astray only against himself.(O Muhammad), you are not their guardian81.

42. Allah seizes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die during their sleep. He keeps with Him those for which He has decreed death and leaves others for a fixed period. Indeed, there are many signs for the people who think.

43. Ask, "Have they imagined intercessors besides Allah? Even if they are not owners of anything and without understanding?"

44. Say17, "All recommendations belong to Allah". The power of the heavens507 and the earth belong to Him only. Then you will be returned only to Him.

45. And when only Allah is mentioned, the minds of those who disbelieve in the hereafter shrink. When those others than Him are mentioned, at once, they become happy.

46. Say, "O Allah, O Creator of heavens507 and the earth, O Knower of the hidden and the seen, You give judgement between them, on the matter in which they differ".

47. And if the unjust possess everything in the earth, in addition, double the like of it, they will give as ransom (to escape) from the worst suffering, on the Day1 of Qiyamah. There will appear for them from Allah that which they have not thought of.

48. There will appear the evil that they have done265. whatever they have been mocking will surround them.

49. And if any harm occurs to the man he calls Us. Then, when We gives him Our bounty, he says, "This is given to me for my knowledge". It is not so. That is a test.484 Yet, most of them do not know.

50. Those who went befopre them also said the same. Whatever they had earned did not benefit them.

51. And the wrongs done by them seized them. The wrongs done by them will seize265.the unjust among them. They will not be successful.

52. Do they not know that Allah gives wealth more and less to whom He wants? There are many signs in if for the believing people345

53. Inform (that Allah says), "O My servants, who have transgressed against themselves, do not lose hope in the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah will forgive all the sins. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful471".

54. And you turn towards submitting only to Allah before the suffering comes to you and you were not in a state of being helped by anybody.

55,56,57,58. And you follow the good that is given to you from your God26, before the suffering comes to you suddenly, when you are not aware, before anybody should say, "I would have become among the (God) fearing if Allah had shown me the right way and before (you) should say, "When you see the suffering, "I would have been among the good if I had the return".

59. (It will be said), "But, My verses came to you. You considered it a lie. You became arrogant. You have been disbelieving (Me).

60. And you will see, on the Day1 of Qiyamah, the faces of the inventors of lies as black. Is there no dwelling place for the arrogant in hell?

61. And Allah will make those who feared (Him) successful and will save them. No harm will occur to them. They will not also grieve.

62. Allah is the creator of everything. He is the Guardian of everything.

63. The keys of the heavens507 and the earth belong only to Him. The losers are those who disbelieve Allah's verses.

64. Ask, "O ignorant, do you order me to worship the one other than Allah?"

65,66. And (O Muhammad), to you and those who went before, the message was revealed26, "If you associate others to God, your good deeds will be destroyed, you will be the loser. But, worship only Allah. Be (one) among the grateful".

67. They have not honoured Allah with true honour. On the Day1 of Qiyamah the entire earth will be in His fist488. Heavens507 will be rolled up in His right hand225 & 453. He is Pure10 (from all weaknesses). He is High, from what they associate with Him.

68. And 'Sur' will be blown. Whoever is in the heavens507 and the earth will become unconscious except those whom Allah wants. Then, (one more time) again the 'Sur' will be blown. At once, they will rise and see346.

69. And earth will shine with its God's light. The (Register) Book will be placed (before). The Messengers and the witnesses will be brought. Between them, honest judgement will be given. They will not be caused injustice.

70. And for each person will be given fully of what he has done. He is well knowing of what they do.

71. And the disbelievers (of only one God) will be driven to hell groups after groups. Finally, the gates of hell will be opened. Its keepers will ask, "Did not the messengers, who convey your God's verses to you, from among yourselves, come? Did they not warn you that you have to meet that day1? For that, they will say 'Yes'. Yet; for the disbelievers the order of suffering is confirmed.

72. It will be said, "Enter into the gates of hell". They will remain there permanently. The dwelling place of the arrogant is very bad.

73. Those who feared God will be driven to heaven group after group. Finally, the gates of heaven will be opened and when they come there, the keepers will say to them, "Peace be upon you". You will be happy. You enter into it in the state of permanence".

74. And they will say, "All Praise be to Allah. He has fulfilled His promise to us. He made us inherit the earth so that we will stay in the Paradise as we liked. The reward of the workers is good".

75. And you will see the angels, moving around the Arsh, exalting with the praise of their God. Honest judgement will be given between them.It will be said, "All Praise be to Allah, the God of the worlds".

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