40. AL MUMIN – (The Believer)

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AL-MUMIN – The Believer

Total Verses:85

 This is called 'Al-Mu-Min' because in 28th verse of this chapter, this 'Word' is mentioned.

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. This is a Book revealed from Allah, the Almighty, the Knowing.

3. (He) is the Forgiver of sin, Acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment and the Bountiful. There is no one worshipful besides Him. The return is only to Him.

4. Except the disbelievers (of only one God) (others) will not argue about Allah's verses. Let not their wandering (affluently) in the cities deceive you.

5. Before them the people of Nuh and after them many generations considered (it) a lie. Every generation thought of attacking its Messenger. They argued in order to destroy the truth with lies. So I seized them. How was My suffering?

6. And the order of your God, that the disbelievers (of only one God) are the people of hell, was confirmed.

7. The bearers of Arsh and those arround it exalt Him by praising their God. They believe Him. They seek forgiveness for the believers, "Our God, You have surrounded everything with your Mercy and Knowledge. So, forgive those you sought your forgiveness and followed your way".

8. They pray, Our God, admit in the permanent gardens of paradise which you have promised for them, their parents, their life-partners and the good among their progeny. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise."

9. And (they also pray), "You save them from the evil. You have given your Mercy to those You have protected this day from the evil. This is the grand success".

 10. Indeed, It will be said to the disbelievers (of only one God) “Allah's hatred is greater than the hatred in your mind at the time of your denial, while you were invited to believe”

 11. They will ask347, "Our God, You made us die two times. (You) made us alive two times. We accept our wrongs. Is there any way of escape?"

12. This is because, "You denied when Allah alone was prayed and you believed when He was associated with others". The promise is only with the High and the Great.

13. It is He who shows His signs to you. He sends down the food for you from the sky.507 Except the one who mends, others do not learn a lesson.

14. Even if the disbelievers (of only one God) hate, you make your worship with pure mind and pray sincerely to Allah only.

15. He is the promoter of ranks. He is the owner of the 'Arsh'. He gives His inspiring orders to whom He wants, among His servants to warn about the Day1 of meeting.

16. The day they came out, there will be nothing hidden about them from Allah. To whom does the rule belong this day? It is only for the Almighty.

17. This day, every one will be rewarded for what they have done265. There is no injustice today. Indeed, Allah is swift in taking accounts.

18. And warn them about the Day1 which will come swifty that, their hearts will come to their throats which they will chew and swallow. There is neither a friend nor an approved intercessor for the unjust17.

19. He knows the treachery of the eyes (done by signs) and that which the minds hide.

20. And it is only Allah who gives justice. Whoever they call besides Him will not give justice. Allah is Hearer, the Seeing.

21. Should not they travel in the earth and observe how was the end of those before them? They were superior than these in strength and the prints they had left (behind) on the earth. Allah punished them for their sins. Nobody is there is to save them from Allah.

22. It is because they denied when their messengers brought clear signs. So, Allah punished them. He is Strong, Severe in punishment.

23,24. And We sent Musa with clear signs and clear authority to Firaun, Haman and Qarun. They said, "He is a great lying magician".

25. And when he brought the truth from Us to them, they said, "Kill the male children of those who believed him and leave their female (children) alive". The plot of those disbelieve (Us) will end only in error.

26. And Firaun said, "Leave it to me regarding the killing of Musa. Let him call His God. I fear that he may change your religion and cause corruption on the earth".

27. And Musa said, "Indeed, I seek the protection in My God, from every arrogant who did not believe in the Day1 of Enquiry".

28. And from among the people of Firaun a believer who has been hiding his belief, said, "Are you going to kill a man who says, 'My God is only Allah'? He has brought from his God clear signs to you. If he is a liar then the lie will only be upon him. If he is true then in what he warns something may occur to you. Indeed, Allah will not show the right way to the liar who transgresses".

29. (He also said), "O my people, this day the rule is only with you. (You are) powerful in the earth. Who will save us from it, if the suffering of Allah came to us?"To that Firaun said," I show you what I consider(to be right).I do not show (anything)except the right way to you."

30,31.And(that) believing man said ,"O my people , I fear in your matter ,an end like that of other people, like the people of Nooh,the people of Aad and the people of Tamud .Allah does not want injustice for the servant26.

32. And , O my people ,in your matter I fear the Day1 of calling for enquiry.

33. On that day you will run showing your backs.There will not be any protector to save you from Allah.There is no guide to show him the right way to whom Allah has left astray.

34. And Yusuf brought clear signs to you before. You remained in doubt about what he had brought. After he died ,you said,"Allah will not send any messenger after him."Thus, Allah misguides the one who transgresses in doubting348.

35. They argue in Allah's verses without any proof having come to them.This will cause great anger with Allah and those who have believed.Thus, Allah seals every mind which is arrogant and oppressing.

36,37. And Firaun said," O Haman, you raise a high tower for me. Have to see the God of Musa by reaching the ways , the ways to heaven.507 Indeed consider him to be a liar." Thus , for Firaun his evil deeds were shown as attractive.He was prevented from the (right) way. His plot ended in disaster26.

38. And the one who believed said, "O my people, follow me. I will show you the right way".

39. (He said), "O my people, the wordly life is only (temporary) enjoyment. The hereafter is the permanent world".

40. If anybody does a wrong, he will not be given a reward except the like of it. Either among the men or among the women those who having believed and did good deeds will enter into paradise. They will be given unlimitedly, there.

41. And O my people, is it my concern? I call you towards success. But, you call me towards hell.

42. You call me to disbelieve Allah and associate that about which I have no knowledge to Him. But, I call you towards the Almighty, the Forgiving.

43. Indeed, there is no doubt that towards which you call me has no eminence to be prayed either in this world or in the hereafter, indeed, our return is only to Allah and indeed only the transgressors are the people of hell.

44. And also said, "You will understand it, what I say, later. I entrust my affair only to Allah. Indeed, Allah is seeing of (His) servants".

45. So, Allah saved him from the evils of their plot. The evil suffering surrounded the people of Firaun.

46. They will be exposed to hell-fire in the morning and in the evening. (It will be said), "When that Time1 comes, cause the people of Firaun to enter into severe suffering349.

47. And when they argue in the hell, the weak will ask the arrogant, "Indeed, we were only following you. Were you in a state to prevent Us from a small portion of hell?"

48. The arrogant will say, "Indeed, all of us are only in it. Indeed, Allah has given the judgement between the servants".

49. And those who lay in the hell will tell the keepers of hell, "Pray to ur God. He will lighten the suffering for only one day".

50. They will ask, "Did not your messenger bring clear signs to you?" To that they will say, "Yes". The keepers of hell will say, "Then you (yourselves) pray". The prayer of the disbelievers will end in vein.

51. Indeed, we will help our messengers and the believers in this world and the Day1 on which the witnesses come.

52. On that Day1, their excuses will not help the unjust. Curse is for them. They also have a bad dwelling place.

53. And We gave the right way to Musa. We made that Book, inheritance of the children of Israel.

54. That was a guidance and a lesson for the understanding.

55. (O Muhammad), observe patience. Allah's promise is true. Ask forgiveness for your sin. You exalt your God with your praise in the morning and in the evening.

56. Indeed, there is nothing except arrogance in the minds of those who argue in the verses of Allah when they have not received any evidence. They are not eligible for that. Seek protection from Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing and the Seeing.

57. Creation of the heavens507 and the earth is greater than the creation of man. Yet, most of the people do not know.

58. And the blind and the seeing are not equal. Those who have believed and did good deeds (were not equal) to those who have done bad. You learn a lesson only a little.

59. Indeed, the Time1 has to come. There is no doubt in it. Yet, most of the people will not believe.

60. And your God says, "Call me, I will answer49. Indeed, those who are arrogant from worshipping me will enter hell, humiliated".

61. It is Allah who created the night so that you will get peace and the Day for seeing. Allah is Merciful on the people; Yet most of the people are not grateful?

62. It is He who is Allah, your God. He is the ceator of everything. No one is worshipful except Him. How are you misdirected?

63. Thus, those who disbelieved Allah's verses were misdirected.

64. It is Allah who made for you the earth firm and the heaven507 as the roof288. He gave the form to you. He perfected your form. He gave you only pure things. It is He who is Allah, your God. Allah, the God of the worlds is Blessed.

65. It is He who is (ever) alive. There is no one worshipful except Him. You call only Him, submitting your prayer only to Him with pure mind. All praise be to Allah the God of the worlds.

66. (O Muhammad) say, indeed, "When clear signs came to me from my God, indeed, I have been prevented from worshipping those you call besides Allah. I have been ordered to obey the God of the worlds".

67. It is He who created you from the clay368 then from the sperm-drop and then from the (zycote) clot365. Then He brings you out as a child. Then you reach your maturity. Then you become old. There are also people among you who are seized before that. You reach a fixed period. (He tells it to you ) so that you will understand.

68. It is He who gives life and causes death. If He decides on a matter, He says only 'Be'. At once it (becomes) is.506

69. Do you not understand, how those who argue in the verses of Allah are misdirected?

70. They consider the Book and that with which We sent Our messengers a lie. They will come to know.

71,72. Then on their necks shackles and chains will be there. They will be thrown into the boiling water. Then they will be burnt in the fire26.

73,74. Then it will be asked to them, where are those that you have associated besides Allah. They will say, "They have disappeared from us. No. we have not been praying anything before this". Thus, Allah leaves astray the disbelievers (of only one God).

75. It is because you became proud and arrogant without right on the earth.

76. You enter into the gates of hell. You will remain in it permanently. The dwelling place of the arrogant is very bad.

77. (O Muhammad), be patient. Allah's promise is true. So, when We show some of what We have warned them or if We cause you to die, they will be brought only to Us.

78. And We sent many messengers before you. We have also related you about some of them. We have not related you about some of them. It is not for any messenger to bring any miracle except with the permission of Allah. So, when the order of Allah comes, judgement will be given honestly. Then, the vain will incur loss.

79. It is Allah who made cattle for you so that you will ride. You (also) eat from them171

80. And you have (other) benefits also in them. You get your need in your mind (by riding) on them. You were carried on them and on the ships.

81. And He shows His sign to you. Which of the sign of Allah do you deny?

82. Should they not travel on the land and observe the end of their fore-fathers? They have been more in number, more stronger and have left more traces of identity than these. But, what they did had not saved them.

83. And they become proud due to the knowledge they had, when their messengers brought to them clear proofs. What they have been mocking at, surrounded them.

84. And when they saw Our suffering they said, "We believed only Allah. We disbelieved that which we associated (to Him)".

85. Their belief when they saw Our suffering did not benefit them. This is the way of Allah on His servant who had preceded. Then the disbelievers were lost.

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