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Chapter 11

Hud – (A Messenger of God)

Total Verses: 123

This chapter is named ‘Hud’ because the verses 50 – 60 of this chapter narrates the preaching of the messenger Hud, the troubles caused to him by his people ,the rescue of the good and the destruction bad.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Alif,Lam,Ra2. (This is) the Book. Its verses are filled with wisdom and then are explained by the Knowledgeable and All-wise.

2. Say(O Muhammad), “Do not worship(anybody) except Allah. I am a bringer of good news from Him and a warner.

3. And say, “Seek forgiveness from your God. Then,turn towards Him. He will give you good facilities for an appointed time.Gives reward to every doer of good.If you reject(then indeed)I fear the suffering of a great day1, in your matter”.

4. Your return is only with Allah. He has power over all things.

5. Remember, they cover their chests in order to hide from Him. Remember, even if they cover with their cloths, He knows whatever they hide and reveal. Indeed, He knows of that in their minds.

Part 12

6. And it is Allah’s responsibility to give food to whatever living creature on the earth463. He knows the living place and their (final) place of rest. Everything is in the clear Register157

7. And it is He who created the heavens507 and the earth in six days179 in order to test,484 “Which among you are with good deeds?”. His ‘Arsh’ was on water. When you say, “Indeed, you will be raised alive after your death”, those who disbelieve say, “It is nothing but clear magic.”

8. And when We postpone the suffering for them for an appointed (period) time, they ask, “What prevented it?” Remember, it will not be prevented for them on the day it comes to them. It will surround them about which they have been mocking (at).

9,10,11. And when We make the man taste our mercy, then if it is withdrawn from him, he loses his belief and indeed becomes ungrateful of (Us). When We make him taste happiness after harm has occurred to him, he says, “Bad (things) have left me.” He becomes elated and proud. Except those who tolerate (troubles) and do good deeds. It is for them forgiveness and great reward26.

12. You may (O Muhammad) leave some (part) of what was revealed to you because they say, “Should not he be sent a treasure? Or should not an angel come with him?” Your mind may become uncomfortable. You are only a warner. It is Allah who is the Guardian of all things.

13. And say ,” Do they say that he has invented this? If you are truthful invent and bring ten chapters like this. You call whoever ( for ) your (help) except Allah7.

14. And ask, “ If they do not answer you, then know that it revealed with Allah’s wisdom and there is none worshipful except Him. Do you obey ?”.

15. We will give those, who want this worldly life and its attraction( reward ) for their deeds in full, here itself. They will not be deprived here.

16. For them, In the hereafter1 there is nothing except hell. Whatever service they have done will be destroyed. Whatever they have done will become worthless.

17. There are a few with the signs received from their God. Followed by it, a witness has also come. Before that, Musa’s Book was a harbinger and mercy. They believe that. Will the people who deny Him and ( the people who believe ) be equal to ( them ) ? Their place about which they are warned is only hell. Do not be in doubt about it. Indeed, It is the truth, came from your God. Yet, Most of the people will not believe.

18. And who has caused injustice other than the one who has invented lies on Allah? They will be brought before their God. Witnesses will say, “These where the people who told lies in the name of God.” Remember, Allah’s Curse is on those who have caused injustice6.

19. They prevent from Allah’s way. They project it crookedly. It is only they who deny the hereafter.

20. They would not have been successful on the earth. They do not have protectors other than Allah. Their suffering will be multiplied. They cannot hear. They cannot even see.

21. It is they who have caused loss to themselves. Whatever they have imagined has disappeared from them.

22. Certainly, There is not even a small doubt that they will be the greatest losers in the hereafter.

23. Indeed, those who believed, did good deed and turned towards their God, are the people of paradise. They will remain there permanently.

24. The example of these two parties is like the blind and the deaf and the seeing and the hearing. Will they be equal in comparison? Will they not learn?

25. We sent Nuh to his people. ( He said), “ Indeed, I am a clear warner.”

26. Also said,” Do not worship any one other than Allah. I fear the day1 of the painful suffering in your matter.”

27. The eminent among his people, who disbelieved said, “We see you only as a man like as. We see people who are lowest and inferior in thinking only follow you. We do not consider that you have anything superior than us. Instead, we consider you only a liar.

28. Nuh asked them to answer.” O my people, will it be possible for me to force it upon, if I remain on the basis of the evidence, received from my God and He has given His mercy on me, then it is hidden to you and it is hated by you”.

29. (And said),” O my people, I have not asked you any wealth for this. My reward is only with Allah. I am not the one to drive away the believers. They will meet their God.488 Yet, I consider you only ignorant people.”

30. And said, “O my people, if I drive them away who will save me from Allah? Will you not think?”

31. ( And he also said ),” I will not say that I have the treasuries of Allah to you. I do not know the hidden. I will not also say that I am an angel. I will not say that Allah will never give any good to those, about whom, your eyes consider worthless. Allah knows well what is in their minds. If (I)said like that Indeed I will have caused injustice.”

32. They said, “ O Nuh , you have argued with us. You have argued a lot. If you are truthful you bring us that about which you warn us.”

33. He said,” If Allah wants; it is He who will bring it. You cannot defeat Him.

34. And said, “Even If I want your good, if Allah wants to leave you in wrong, any advice will not give you benefit. It is He who is your God. You will only be returned to Him.”

35. Do they say, he has invented this? Say, “ If I have invented, then the sin would have been related only to me. I am far removed from your sins.”

36 & 37. And It was informed to Nuh26,” None of your people will believe except those who have already believed. So, do not worry about what they have been doing. You build the ship under Our observation and by Our order. Do not talk to Me about those who caused injustice . Indeed, they will be drowned.”

38. And he started building the ship. Prominent among his people, when they crossed him, mocked at him. He said,” if you mock at us then, we will also mock at you as you have mocked at us.”

39. (And also said),” To whom will the humiliating suffering come? You will know on whom the permanent suffering will fall.”

40. When Our order came and the water overflowed221, (We)said,” Board from each of them a pair, your family members except those on whom Our fate has over taken and the believers.” Only a very few believed with him.

41. He said,” Board this. Whether it runs or stops is only in the name of Allah. Indeed, my God is Forgiving and most Merciful.”

42. And we took them over waves like mountains. Nuh said towards his son who remained apart, “Dear son, you board with us. Do not be with the disbelievers.”

43. He said,” I will climb over a mountain. It will save me from the water.” He (Nuh) said,” Except to those Allah has given His mercy, now, no one is there to save you from the order of Allah.” A wave crossed them. He became one among the drowned.

44. And it is said by (God),” O earth, you suck your water. O heaven,507 you stop.” Water dried out. Matter is finished. That ship rested on the Mountain ‘Judi’222. (He) also said,” Those who have caused injustice were far removed (from the mercy of God).”

45. And Nuh, called his God and said, “My son belongs to my family. Your promise is also true. Your are the best among those who give judgement.”

46. He said ,” O Nuh, he does not belong to your family. This is not a good deed. Do not ask Me about which you do not know. Indeed, I advice you not to be ignorant”.

47. He said ,” O God,I seek only your protection from asking that which I do not know. I will be a loser if you do not forgive and (show) mercy to me”.

48.(It was) said, “O Nuh, descend (from the ship) so that blessings be showered and peace be settled on you and the generation along with you”. For some generation We give comfortable life. Then, painful suffering will reach them.

49. These (O Muhammad) are hidden news. We inform you these. You and your people were not aware of this before. So, keep patience. Indeed, good out-come is only to those who fear Me.

50. And We(sent)to the people of Aad, their brother Hud. He said, “O my people, worship Allah. For you, there is none worshipful except Him. You have been only inventing”.

51. (He said),”O my people, I have not asked any reward for this to you. My reward is only with my Creator. Will you not understand?”

52. (And also said), “O my people, you seek forgiveness from your God. You turned towards Him. He will continue to shower(rain from) the heaven.507 He will increase strength over strength to you. Do not become sinners and reject ”.

53. They said, “O Hud, you have not brought any sign to us. We will not leave our gods because you say so. We are not of those who will believe you”.

54,55. (They said), we say, “some of our gods have harmed you”. He said, ”For this, I make Allah witness; you also be witness. I am away from what you have associated with except Him. Hence, all of you plot against me. Then, do not give me time26”.

56. Indeed, I belong only to Allah, who is my God and your God. Which ever may be the living thing He has been holding it by its forehead. My God is in the right way.

57. (He also said),”I have conveyed to you what has been sent to me for you. If you deny, then He will create other people instead of46 you in you place. You cannot harm Him. My God has been observer of all things”.

58. And we saved Hud and the believers with him, with Our grace, when Our order came. We saved them from severe suffering.

59. And these people of Aad, rejected their God’s signs and disobeyed His messengers. They followed the order of every obstinate(unmoved) oppressor(tyrant).

60. And curse pursued them in this world and in the khiyamah1 . Remember, the people of Aad denied their God. Remember, the people of Aad, who are called the people of Hud, were far away(from the mercy of God).

61. And We ( sent ) to the people of Tamud, their brother Salih. (He) said, “ O my people, worship Allah. There is none worshipful to you other than Allah. He only created you from the earth. He made you to live in it. So, you seek forgiveness from Him . Then, you turn towards Him. Indeed, my God is near49 and answering (you).

62. They said,” O Salih, you have been a trusted person among us. Do you prevent us from worshipping that which our fore-fathers worshipped? We have grave doubt about which you invite us”.

63. He asked,” O my people, who will save me from Allah, If I disobey Him when I remain with the sign of Allah and He has also given me mercy? Give me the answer. Then, you will increase only loss to me”.

64. And ( said ),” O my people, here is Allah’s camel as a witness for you. Leave it to graze on the land of Allah. Do not cause any harm to it. (If you do it) suffering will be caused to you quickly”.

65. They slaughtered that. He said, “You enjoy in your houses for three days. This warning will not be belied”.

66. When Our order came, We saved Salih and the believers with him, with Our mercy from the humiliation on that day1. Indeed, your God is Strong and Mighty.

67. And a great sound struck. They lay fallen in their houses in the morning.

68. They became as if they have not lived there. Remember, the people of Tamud denied their God. Remember, the people of Tamud moved far away (from the mercy of God).

69. And Our messengers161 (angels) brought good news to Ibrahim. They said ‘salam’159. He brought the fried(meat of the) calf without any delay.

70. He considered them to be strangers when he saw that their hands did not move toward that (to eat). He feared about them in his mind. They said,” Do not fear. We have been sent to the people of Lut."

71. His wife was also standing. She laughed. We gave him a good news about Isac and after Isac, Yaqub223.

72. She said,”What, it is a wonder. Will I give birth to a child, when I am an old woman and here is my husband who is an old man? Indeed, this is certainly a surprising news.”

73. They said, “ Are you surprised about Allah’s order? Let Allah’s mercy and blessing be given to the family (of Ibrahim). Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Mighty.”

74. When the good news came, fear left Ibrahim and he started arguing with us about the people of Lut.

75. Indeed, Ibrahim is very tolerant and kind. (He) used to turn (towards Us).

76. (God said),”O Ibrahim, You leave this. Your God’s order has come. Indeed, unavoidable suffering will approach them”.

77. And when Our messengers (angels)161 came to lut, he became sad about their matter. He became sorrowful. And said, “ This is a very difficult day”.

78. And his people came to him quickly. Before this they have been doing wrongs. He asked,” O my people, here are my daughters. They are pure to you. Fear Allah. Do not humiliate me in the matter of my guests. Is there not a good man among you?”.

79. (They) said,”You know certainly that we have no need with your daughters. You know what we desire.”

80. He said,” should I not have power in your matter? Or should I not have got the strong support?”

81. (Angels) said,” O Lut, we are the messengers (angels)161 of your God. They will never approach you. You depart with your family members expect your wife at a portion of the night. Nobody among you should look back. Indeed, whatever that is going to happen to them will also happen to her. Indeed, their appointed time is dawn (early morning). Is not the dawn near?”

82. When Our order came, We sent down rain of heated stone on the place and made the upper surface(of the land) into the lower surface (of the land).

83. (They) are marked by your God. That place is not far away from those who have caused injustice.

84. (We sent) to the city(place) of Madyan, their brother shu’aib. He said, ”O my people worship Allah. For you,none is worshipful except Allah. Do not make the measure and weight inadequate. I find you only in good state. I fear about the surrounding day’s1 suffering in your matter.

85.(He said),”O my people make your measure and weight adequate, honestly. Do not reduce their things. Do not wander causing corruption on the earth”

86.(He) said, “ if you have believed the benefit that Allah gives is better for you. I am not an observer over you”.

87. They said (with mockery), “ O shu’aib, is that your prayer which orders you to leave us from what our fore-fathers worshiped and from doing what ever we want? Indeed, you have tolerance and honesty”.

88. Also said, “ O my people, answer me, if I had received signs from my God and if he had given me the good wealth what would be your state? By doing what ever I forbid you, I do not want to act contrary to you. I want only reformation. Good health to me is only with Allah. I only trust Him. I return only to Him”.

89.(He said),”And O my people,let not your hatred for me, incite you towards things happenings to you, similar to what had happened to the people of Nūh, the people of Hūd and the people of Salih. The people of Lūt are not far away”.

90.(He said), ”And you seek forgiveness to your God. Then, turn towards Him. Indeed, my God is most Kind and Merciful”.

91. They said, ”O shu’aib, we do not understand most of what you say. We consider you only weak among us. We would have stoned you to death but for your tribe. You are not strong against us”.

92.(He) said, ”O my people, are my tribes men respectful more than Allah to you? And you have pushed Him behind your back. Indeed, my God is all Knowing of what you do”.

93.(He said), ”O my people, you act according to your position. I also act (in my position). You will come to know, to whom will happen the humiliating suffering and who will be the liar. (you) Expect. I also expect along with you”.

94.And when Our order came, We saved with our mercy shu’aib and the believers with him. A great sound attacked those who caused injustice. They lay fallen in their house in the morning.

95. They(became) as if they had not lived there. Remember like the people of Tamūd, who departed (from the mercy of God), so also the people of Madyan moved away.

96,97. And We sent Mūsa with Our signs and clear authority to Firaun and his courtiers. They followed only the order of Firaun. The order of Firaun is not good26.

98. He will come before his people on the Day of Qiyamah1.He will lead them towards hell. The place (to which they are led) is very bad.

99.The curse pursued them here(this world) and the Day of Qiyamah1. The reward which will be given is very bad.

100. These are(O Muhammad)news about (some) places. We only tell this to you. Among them(some)remain. (some)destroyed.

101. And We have not caused harm to them. Instead, they caused harm to themselves. When the order of your God came, the gods, which they used to call besides Allah have not helped them even to a small extent. They increased nothing but loss.

102. And thus, Allah seizes them, when He seizes the places which cause injustice. His Seizure will be painful;severe.

103. Indeed, there is a lesson for those who fear the suffering in the hereafter1. That is the Day1 in which all the people will be gathered together. That is the Day1 people will be made to stand before the God.

104. And We have postponed it only for an appointed time.

105. The Day1 it happens no body can speak without his permission . There are bad among them. There are good also.

106. Bad will be in hell. For them, there is sobbing and screaming .

107. They will remain there permanently till that time225, the heavens507 and the earth remain firm, except what your God wants173. Indeed, your God will do what ever he intends.

108. And good people will be in paradise. They will remain there permanently, till that time225, the heavens507 and the earth remain firm, except what your God wants173. ( That) is the bounty, undiminished.

109. Do not be in doubt (Whether there may be any evidence) in their worship. They worship as their fore-fathers had worshipped before. And indeed, We will give them their reward in full, undiminished.

110. And We gave the Book to Mūsa. Their arose a difference of opinion. The judgement would have been passed among them if Allah’s fate (His Will) had not overtaken. And indeed, they are in grave doubt about it.

111. And indeed, for each of them, your God will give His ( reward) for their deeds in full. He knows well what they do.

112. As you are ordered, you and those with you, who have repented, stand firm. Do not transgress. Indeed, He sees what you do.

113. And do not incline towards those who have caused injustice. If you(Incline like that) hell will touch you. There is not protector except Allah to you. Then you will not be helped.

114. And (O Muhammad), establish prayer at the two ends of the day and parts of the night. Good (deeds) will remove the bad (deeds). This is a lesson for those who require a lesson226.

115. And be patient, for indeed, Allah will not waste the reward and the reward of those who do good.

116. Should not there be good (people) among the generations which went before, except those who have been saved by Us, who could prevent the corruptors on the earth? Those who cause injustice were drowned in luxurious life. They were also criminals.

117. And when the people of the place were reformers Allah will not destroy that place unjustly.

118, 119.And if Allah had wanted He would have made the people into a single nation. (As He had not wanted) except those to whom your God has giving His mercy, others will continue to disagree. Indeed, for this Allah created them. Your God’s promise is fulfilled26. “I will surely fill this hell with people and Jinns.

120. And in the record (history) of the messengers, We tell all, that will strengthen your mind. In this, you have received truth, advice and teaching for the believers .

121. And say to the disbelievers, “You act in your state. Indeed, We will also act.”

122. (And say), “(You) expect; We also expect.”

123. And whatever is hidden in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Allah. All things will turn only towards Him. So, worship only Him. Trust only Him. Your God is not unobservant of what you do.

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