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240. The sky also rests on pillars.

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240. The sky also rests on pillars.

The verses (13:2, 31:10, 22:65) of the Quran say “The sky what you see without pillars , and the earth were created by Allah”.

These verses convey the message that the earth and the sky with invisible pillars were created by God Almighty. 

Are there invisible pillars between the earth and the sky? Yes definately there are !All planets in this universe have a certain orbit within which they manoeuvre and also exhibit force of gravity to hold them onto places in the sky. 

For example the earth that we live on rotates at 1670 km/hr and revolves around the sun at 1,07,000/km/hr. 

If there hadn’t been a force that holds the earth together, while rotating and revolving at such high speed, the earth would go asunder from its orbit.

The weight of the earth is 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000.kgs.(6, followed by 24 zeros)

Scientists have calculated that one lakh crore of steel rope with a width of five metres is needed to hold the earth in its place in relation to the sun.

The force of gravity acting as pillars is the reason for the earth to remain its place. 

This scientific truth is what Allah refers to as “the invisible pillars”.

This force of gravity is what holds the various planets in their orbits.

The Quran has revealed 1402 ago, what man discovered in the 17th century. 

When there are no pillars found in between the sky and the earth, there is no need for the usage of the word ‘invisible pillars’.

The words (“pillars that cannot be seen”) are God’s word used to denote the unseen pillars,indidirectly.

This is yet another proof to show that ‘The Quran’ is not the imagination of Prophet Muhammad but word of God.

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