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477. A great solution for depression. 

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477. A great solution for depression.

Verse (13:28) of the Quran says, minds become peaceful with the remembrance of the Almighty. An American research declares people with belief in God experience less of depression than those bereft of it.

This study was conducted by a psychiatrist Davil Rosmarin of the McLean Hospital on one hundred and fifty people, regarding belief in God, expectation of being cured and undergoing a simple treatment. It was found out, people with belief in God were less prone to depression than disbelievers.

People who did not have an iota of belief in God did not experience any change in the intensity of their depression.

Rosmarin declared, those who believed in God had a hope they would be relieved of their depression some way or the other with the help of God. This is the most significant part of the findings, and he hoped this finding would be of much help to the world of medicine in the coming days.

Today mental depression stands to be the most suffered phenomena in the world with 75% of the population affected by it as per the statistics provided. And more than 90% of the suicides committed in this world are due to depression underwent by them shows a study.

If a person believes in God the way he should, there is absolutely no necessity to resort to suicide. This research confirms the faith of Islam being instrumental in avoiding suicide.

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