41. FUSSILAT – (Explained clearly)

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FUSSILAT – Explained clearly

– Total Verses 54

This is named 'Fussilat' because this word is mentioned in the third verse of this chapter.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. (This is) revealed from the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

3. This is the Book whose verses were explained for the people of understanding. This Quran is in Arabic227&489.

4. (This is) a giver of good news and warner. Most of them denied it. So, they will not hear.

5. And they say, "There are lids in our minds (to prevent) from that towards which you call us. There are also plugs in our ears. There is a veil between us and you. So, you act. Indeed, we also act".

6. (O Muhammed), say, "I am only a man like you. Message is revealed to me that your God is only one God. So be firm (in your belief) with Him. Seek forgiveness to Him. For those who associate others (to God) there is only woe". 

7. They do not give Zakath. They also disbelieve in the Hereafter1.

8. Indeed, there is an unlimited reward for those who believe and do good deeds.

9. Say, "You indeed disbelieve the one who created the earth in two days?179 In addition you imagine equals to Him. It is He who is the God of the worlds".

 10. And He made pegs on it.248 He blessed it. He determined its sustenance in it in four days179. This is the proper answer for those who ask questions.

11. He turned towards the heaven507 , when it was a smoke353. He told it and the earth, "You have to obey whether you like it or not". They said96, "We obeyed willingly".

12. And He made seven heavens507  in two days179. He declared His order respectively in each heaven. We decorated the nearest heaven with lamps. We (made them) protected307. This is the arrangement of the Almighty, the Knowing.

13. If they turn away, then say, "I warn you about the thunder-bolt, like the thunder-bolt which occurred to the people of Aad and Tamud".

14. Messengers came to the people before them and after them in order to teach, "Do not worship (anything) except Allah". For that they said, "If our God had wanted (He) would have sent down the angels. So, indeed, we are disbelievers of that which you have been sent".

15. The people of Aad became arrogant without any reason. They asked, "Who is stronger than us". Do they not see that Allah who had created them is Mightier than them? They were denying our signs.

16. So, We sent on them a severe cyclonic wind in evil days381 in order to make them taste the huliliating suffering in this world itself. The suffering of the hereafter will be more humiliating (than this). They will not be helped.

17. And We showed the right way to the people of Tamud. They liked only blind way rather than the right way. So, as they have earned, the humiliating punishment called thunder-bolt attacked them.

18. And We saved those who believed and feared (Us).

19. And the enemies of Allah will be sorted on the Day1 they were gathered.

20. Finally, when they came, their ear, sights and skins will testify against them, of what they have been doing.

21. And they will ask their skins, "Why did you testify against us?" They will say, "It is only Allah, who has made everything speak, made us speak. It is He who created you for the first time. You have been brought only to Him".

22. And you did not hide lest your ears, sights and your skins will testify against you. You thought that Allah did not know most of what you have done.

23. And this is your thinking about your God. It has destroyed you. So, you have become among the losers.

24. The hell is their dwelling place if they are patient. If they consider (doing worship) a hardship then they will not be burdened (for that).

25. And We have appointed companions for them. They show, what is before them and what is after attractively. So along with the evil groups among the jinns and the men, who went before them, the order was confirmed against them also. Indeed, they have become the losers.

26. And the disbelievers (of only one God) say, "Do not listen to this Quran. In order to supercede, you do distrupting things (to confuse).

27. We will make those who disbelieve (Us) to taste severe suffering. We will give them as reward whatever evil they have been doing.

28. This is the hell, the reward for the enemies of Allah. They have permanent dwelling in it. This is the reward for denying Our verses.

29. And those who disbelieved will say, "Our God, show us those among the jinns and the men, who misled us. We will put them under our feet so that they will be humiliated".

30. Indeed, to those who said, "Allah is our God" and remained firm, angels will descend and will say, "Do not fear. Do not grieve. You be happy about the paradise which was promised to you".

31,32. Will also say26, "We are your helper in this world and the hereafter. You will get whatever you desire as the gift of the Most Merciful, the Forgiving. You will also get whatever you ask".

33. And who tells a good word then the one who called (people) towards Allah, did good deeds and said indeed, I am a Muslim?

34. And good and bad are not equal. You prevent the (evil) only with good. Then, the one between whom and you there is enmity, will at once become a dearest friend.

35. This (attribute) will not be given to others except those who have adopted patience. This will not be given (to others) except the one who has great blessings.

36. And you seek refuge in Allah when any harm occurs to you from shaitan. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

37. And of His signs are the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Do not do 'Sajda' to the sun or to the moon. If it should be Him you worship then do Sajda to Allah, who created them396.

38. If they behave arrogantly then those who are with your God pray (to) Him night and day. They will not get tired.

39. And of his signs is that you see the earth dry. It (plants in it) grows luxuriantly when We send the (rain) water on it. Indeed, one who gives life also gives to the dead. Indeed, He has power over everything.

40,41. Indeed, those who twist Our verses and those who denied when they teaching come to them will not escape from Us. Is the one who is thrown into the hell better? Or the one who comes without fear on the Day1 of judgement? (You) do whatever you like. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. This Book will supercede26.

42. Wrong will not come either from before or from behind it. This is revealed from the Praiseworthy and Wise351

43. (O Muhammad), only what is said to the messengers before you, is also said to you. Indeed, your God has at His command forgiveness and a painful suffering.

44. And if we had made this a Quran in a non-Arabic489 language, they would have said, "Should not its verses be explained in detail? Is (it) not non-Arabic and (he) an Arab?" You say, "This is a right way to those who have believed and a cure for disease". There is a plug in the ears of the disbelievers. This looks like blindness to them. They are called from a distant place227.

45. And We gave the Book to Musa. Difference of opinion arose in it. If the word from your God had not preceded then the judgement would have been given between them. They are in grave doubt about it.

46. Whoever does good deed, it is for himself. Whoever does bad it is only against himself. Your God is not the one to cause harm to the servants.

PART – 25

47.The knowledge about that Time1 will be turned only to Him. Appearance of the fruits from the branches and the pregnancy and delivery of a female do not occur without His knowledge. On the Day1 He calls them, "Where are those who were considered My equal?" They will say, "We accept to you that there is no one among us to testify".

48. And those they have been praying, before this, will disappear from them. They will be certain that there is no refuge for them.

49. Man will not be tired of praying for good things (in this world). When harm occurs to him then he remains hopeless and desparate.

50. And when We make him taste Our Mercy after the grief occurred to him, he says, "This is mine. I do not think that Time1 will come. If I am taken to my God, then only good will happen to me from Him". We will inform those disbelievers (of Us) about what they did. We will make them taste severe suffering.

51. And if We do Mercy to the man he turns towards himself, ignoring. When harm occurs to him (then), he has been a doer of lengthy prayer.

52. (O Muhammad), ask, "Reply, who is more astray than the one who is far astray if it has come from Allah and you have refused to accept it?"

53. We will show them Our signs in many parts and within themselves. Is it not sufficient that your God has been watching everything?

54. Remember, they are only in doubt about the meeting with their God.488 Remember, He is the Knowing of everything completely.

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