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96. Do all creations obey Al-Mighty Allah? 

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96. Do all creations obey Al-Mighty Allah? 

 These verses (3:83, 13:15, 41:11) of the Quran say that all creations in heaven and earth obey Al-Mighty Allah voluntarily or involuntarily. 

Now a question could be raised casting doubts about the veracity of this verse when apparently majority of men and jinn are seen disobeying Him.

This doubt could be cleared when we comprehend the context in which the word ‘obeying’ is used here.

God has created each with a specific task. This means each creation performs the task allotted to. 

Each and every part of the human body performs its work allotted to it. 

God has created certain living organisms to fulfill the food needs of men though it is not liked by them to lose their lives in doing so (to fulfill the food needs of humans.) 

There are organs in the human body that work twenty-four hours a day non-stop, till they come to a complete stand still. 

This verse speaks about such obeying and not in the context of religious adherences.

Because verses 5:32, 5:49, 7:179, 22:18, 57:16 of the Quran say there are millions of humans and jinn that keep disobeying God.

Hence, we cannot take these verses to mean as all creations adhering to religious acts. 

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