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348. An end to the advent of prophets. 

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348. An end to the advent of prophets.

Allah says in this verse 40:34 of the Quran “earlier Yusuf brought clear evidence of which you were skeptical, and we when passed away you said no more prophets would emerge. Allah misguides those who doubt limitlessly. 

Allah warns about a community that rejected prophets believing there would be no more prophets after Prophet Yusuf.

We believe no prophet would ever come after Prophet Muhammad, similarly there was a community that believed no prophet would come after Prophet Yusuf, but indeed there were prophets following him. In the same way a person by the name of Mirza Ghulam argued, though the belief there would be no more prophets after Prophet Muhammad existed even now, declared himself as a prophet after Prophet Muhammad. (To know about no more prophets after Prophet Muhammad and to know about Mirza Ghulam please refer to explanation point 187.) 

 It was wrong on the part of those people to declare Prophet Yusuf as the last of the prophets, whereas it was not. Since there are evidences to prove there would be no more prophets after Prophet Muhammad, there should be a declaration by these people (Mirza Ghulam followers) but they failed to understand the difference. 

Let’s take the instance of a fair price government shop, where there is an announcement of distribution of free rice to 50 people.

 After distributing the free rice to the first person, the shop denies it to the remaining 49 people; it would amount to irregularity in distribution and be punishable. Denying rice thus to anyone of the remaining 49 is an offense. At the same time while distributing rice to the 50th person, denying to the person next to him cannot be termed as irregularity.

Since there was no end to the coming of the prophets after Prophet Yusuf, declaring prophets would not come at all after Prophet Yusuf is absolutely wrong.

But there are ample evidences to show there would be no prophets after Prophet Muhammad. And declaring someone as a prophet after Prophet Muhammad’s demise is punishable.

 Hence the declaration there would be no more prophets after Prophet Yusuf is wrong, and at the same time declaring there would be no prophets after the demise of Prophet Muhammad is correct as per this verse.

A very important aspect to be noted here is, these people who believed in the false prophets after Prophet Muhammad’s demise challenge there could be no prophets after their false prophets pass away. This shows them being in utter falsehood.

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