35. FATHIR - (the creator)

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Total Verses :45

This chapter is named 'Fatir' because the word 'Fatir' is mentioned in the first verse of this chapter.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. All praise be to Allah, who created the heavens507 and the earth. (He) will send the angels161; two- winged, three-winged and four winged, as messengers. He will increase in His creation whatever He wants. Indeed, Allah has power over all things.

2. Nobody is there to prevent the mercy opened (granted) by Allah for the people. Nobody is there to send afterwards what He had prevented. He is Almighty and Wise.

3. O people, remember the favour Allah has done to you. He gives food463 to you from the heaven507 and the earth. Is there any other creator except Allah? There is no one worshipful except Him. How are you misguided?

4.And O Muhammad, if they consider you a liar, before you, many messengers were considered liars. All the matters should be returned only to Him.

5.O mankind, indeed, Allah's promise is true. Let not this worldly life deceive you. Let not the deceiver (shaitan) deceive you in Allah's matter.

6.Indeed, shaitan is your enemy. You make him your enemy only. He calls his group in order to become the people of hell.

7.For the disbelievers there is a severe suffering. For those who believe and do good deeds there is forgiveness and a great reward.

8.Was he (the companion of paradise) to whom his bad deed was shown attractive and he considered it as good? Allah leaves astray whom He wants. He shows the right way to whom He wants. (O Muhammad), destroy not yourself by grieving for them81. Indeed, Allah is well-knowing of what they do.

9. And it is Allah who sends the wind. It disperses the cloud. We rain it on the dead place. Thereby, We give life to the dead land. This is the resurrection.

10. Whoever wants honour then to Allah belongs all honour. Pure speech ascends only to Him. Good deed will raise it. For those who plot in evil (ways) things, there is severe suferring. Their plot will be destroyed.

11. And Allah created you from clay368 and then with sperm. Then arranged you in pairs. A woman conceiving and giving birth (does not) happen without his knowledge. Giving life-span to one and limiting (decreasing) life-span to one is not but recorded in the Register157. This is easy for Allah.

12. And two seas cannot be alike. This is sweet with low density and good for drinking. But that is salty and bitter. You eat fresh meat from each. You bring- forth ornaments that you wear (from it). You see the ships run ploughing through it in order to seek His bounty and give thanks to Allah.

13. He makes the night to enter into the day. Makes the day to enter into the night. He keeps the sun and the moon under His control. Each of them move for a fixed period of time241. He is Allah, your God. The power is only for Him. Those you call except Him do not have even an atom of power.

14. If you call them they will not hear your call. Even if it is assumed that they have heard they will not answer you. On the Day1 of Qiyamah, they will deny your association (of them) with God. Nobody can inform you like the Knowledgeable one.

15.O mankind, you are in need of Allah. Allah is free from need,485 Praise-worthy.

16. If He wants He can destroy you and bring a new creation.

17. And this is not difficult for Allah.

18. And one will not bear the burden of the other265. If the one who has heavy burden calls anybody , even if he(the one who is called) is a relative, nothing will be shifted on him from that.You warn only those who feared God,when they were alone,and have established prayer.The virtuous purifies himself only for his good. The return is only to Allah.

19,20,21. The blind and the seeing ,the darkness429and the light ,the shade and the heat will not be alike26.

22. And the living will not be equal to the dead. Indeed, Allah makes whom He wants hear.You cannot make those who are in the graves hear.

23. You are nobody but a warner.

24. Indeed, We sent you with truth in order to give good news and to warn. Not even  to a single generation but a warner has not come.

25. And if they consider you a liar, those who went before them also considered (their messengers) liars. Their messengers brought to them clear signs, scripture and enlightening Book105.

26. Then I seized those who disbelieved (Me). How was My retaliation?

27. Do not you know that it is Allah who sends down water from the heaven?507 We brought forth with, it fruits of different colours. There are roads in the mountains white, red and in different colours. There are also black colour roads .

28. And thus there are different colours among the people, moving creatures and cattle. Among the servants of Allah only the knowledgeable fear Him. Allah is Mighty and Forgiving.

29. Indeed, those who recite Allah's Book and establish prayer and spend ( in good deeds ) from what We have given them, secretly and openly, expect a business without loss.

30. Thhat He will give their rewards in full. He will give them still more from His Bounty. He is Forgiving and Appreciative6.

31. And (O Muhammad), that we have revealed to you from the Book is the Truth, that confirms that which went before it4. Indeed, Allah is well Knowing of His servants and Seeing.

32. Then, We made inheritors of the Book, those We have selected among our slaves. Among them are those who caused harm to themselves. There are also moderates amoung them. Amoung them, are those who with the permission of Allah, hasten towards good. This is a great bounty.

33. They will enter into the permanent gardens of the paradise. There they will be adorned with golden bracelets and pearls. There their garments will be silk.

34. And also will say, "All praise be to Allah who removed the grief from us. Indeed, our God is Forgiving and Appreciative." 6.

35. Also will say "He has settled us in the permanent world with His bounty. Neither diffculty nor grief will touch us here.

36. And there is hell-fire for thouse who disbelieve. It will not be decided that they should die. Its suffering will not lightened for them. Thus, We will give suffering to each of the disbelievers.

37. There they will cry," Our God, send us out. We will do good deeds unlike what we have been doing(before.)".(It will be said) "Have we not given you a life-span to an extent that you can learn a lession?. Have not a warner come to you? So taste it. There is no helper to the unjust."

38. Indeed, Allah is the Knowing of what is hidden in the heaven and on the earth. Indeed, He is the Knowing of what is in the minds.

39. It is He who made you the progeny46 on the earth. Whoever disbelieves, his disbelief is only against himself. For the disbelievers their disbelief will not but increase the anger with their God. For the disbelievers their disbelief will not but increase the loss.

40. Ask,"Show me, what did your gods, you call besides Allah, create in the earth?. Or give answer, do they have any share in the heavens?507. Or they in clear understanding due to the Book We have given them?". No. Each of these unjust promise only delusion.

41.Indeed, it is only He who has held the heavens507 and the earth from displacement (moving away). If both are displaced nobody except Him can hold it328. Indeed, He is the Fore-bearing and Forgiving.

42,43. And if a warner came to them they firmly promised on Allah that they would be guided in the right way than any other generation. When the warner came to them that did not increase in them nothing but hatred, boasting on the earth and bad plotting. The bad plotting surround only those who did it. Do they expect (any other thing) than the end of the fore-fathers? You will not see any change in Allah's practice. You will not find any change in Allah's practice.

44. Have they not travelled on the land and observed how was the end of those who went before? They were far more stronger than these. Nothing can win Allah in the heavens507 and the earth. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Omnipotent.

45. And if Allah had to seize the people for what they have done He would not have left any living thing on earth. But, He has given them time for a fixed period. When the time comes, then indeed, Allah will be seeing of His servants.

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