33. AL AHZAB - (The Confederates)

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Book 10.

Chapter: 33

Al Ahzab – The Confederates

Total verses – 73

This chapter is named “Al Ahzab” because the verses 9 to 27 of this chapter, mention about the event in which many types of the forces of enemies gathered and came for attacking Madina and then the Great Help rendered by God”s to the defenders.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. O (Prophet), fear Allah. Do not obey the disbelievers (of only one God) and the hypocrites. Indeed, Allah is well Knowing and Wise.

2. (O Muhammad), follow what is revealed to you from your God. Allah is well Knowing of what you do.

3. And rely on Allah. Allah is sufficient as a Guardian.

4. And Allah has not made two minds inside any man.502 He has not made them your mothers, whom you have compared, among your wives with your mothers.316 He has not made the children adopted by you as your children.317 This is only the word uttered by your mouth. Allah tells only the truth. It is He who shows the right way.

5. You call them along with their fathers” (names). It is only justice with Allah. If you do not know their fathers then, they are your brothers in religion and your friends. It is not wrong on you if you say it wrongly. Rather, it is (wrong) only when you say it. with intention in your minds. Allah is Forgiving and the most Merciful .

6. For the believers only this (prophet) gets (more) priority over themselves. His wives are their mothers 322. Only the (blood) relatives get the priority 385 over the believers who have done hijra to each other. Except you help your friends on your own.This is in the Book of Allah.This was written in the Register157

7,8.Remind their promise95 that We took from the messengers,particularly from you, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa and Isa, the son of Mayam.We tooka strong covenant in order to enquire the truthful about their truth. He has prepared a painful suffering for the disbelievers 26

9. Obelievers, think about the favour of Allah upon, you when the confederaters came to you. We sent against them wind and forces which you did not see. Allah is Seeing what you do.

10,11. When they came to you from above and below, your eyes became staring, your hearts plugged your throats and when you had many different thoughts about Allah, there the believers were tested484. They were severly shaken26

12. When the hypocrites and those who have disease in their minds said, “Allah and His messenger gave only a promise of deception”, (they wee tested).

13. When also a group of them said, “O people of Yathrib(Madina), you cannot stand (against). So, return”(they were tested). Even though their houses were safe, a group of them asked for permission from the prophet, saying, “Indeed, our houses are unsafe”. They did not like anything except to flee.

14. If invasion had occured from its various places against them, then, if they had been asked to cause corruption, they would have done that. Except a few, others would not have remained there.

15. They had promised Allah before that(they)would not run turning their backs. The promise made with Allah has to be enquired.

16.Say ,”if you flee, the fleeing will not prevent either death or killing.Then, you will be given facilities, only a little.”

17.Ask, “Who can save you from Him, if Allah intends you harm or (protect you) if He intends you mercy?” They will not see either a guardian or a helper except Allah.

18. Allah knows among you those who prevent and those who said to their brothers, “Come to us”. They will not come to the battle field except a little.

19. They show stinginess against you.When fear comes to them, you will find them, looking at you with their eyes revolving, as if they are over-taken by unconsciousness (due to fear) of death. When the fear departs, they torture you with their sharp tongues, having greed for the materials (procured in the battle). They have not believed. Allah has destroyed their deeds. This is easy for Allah.

20. They think that the confederates have not gone. If the confederaters come then they will want only to enquire the news about you from the villagers. Even if they had been with you they would have fought but only a little.

21. There is a good role –model in Allah”s messenger for those who believe in Allah and the Last Day1 and for you who remember Allah often318.

22. When they saw the confederates, the believers said, “This is what Allah and His messenger promised us. Allah and His messenger spoke only the truth”. No other thing was increased to them except faith and obedience .

23. There are also among the believers those who were true to what they promised Allah. There are also among them those who reached their goal. There are also among them those who have been expecting (it). They have not broken the promise even to a small extent.

24. Allah will reward the truthful for their thuth. (If He) wants (He) will punish the hypocrites or (He) will forgive them. Allah is Forgiving and the Most merciful.

25. He sent back the disbelievers with their anger and without getting any benefit. Allah is sufficient for the believers to fight for them. Allah is Most Powerful and Almighty.

26. He brought those who helped them from among the people of the Book,from their fortresses.He put fear in their minds.You killed a group of people and imprisoned another group.

27.He made you inheritors for their land,houses,their wealth and the land which you had not trodden.Allah has power over everything.

28.O prophet (Muhammad),tell your wives," If you want this worldly life and its adornment,then come.I will give you provision and release you with grace."

29.Allah has prepared a great reward for those who do good among you ,if you want Allah ,His messenger and the hereafter.

30.O wives of the prophet, whoever among you do clear shameful act,then indeed,she will be given two-fold suffering.That is ever easy for Allah.


31.And whoever of you (among the wives of the prophet) obey Allah and His messenger and do good deed ,we will give their reward twice. We have prepared a grand food for them.

32.O wives of the prophet, you are not like others among women .If you fear(God) then do not speak softly. In whose mind there is disease then he will be tempted.Say only good saying.

33.You remain only in your houses.Do not display while wandering as you have displayed in the former days of ignorance.Establish prayer. Give zakath.Obey Allah and His messenger.Allah wants only to remove the impurity from the people of the house and to purify you completely.

34.Remember , Allah`s verses and wisdom 67 recited in your houses .Indeed, Allah is subtle and Most Knowing.

35. Indeed, the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the obeying men women, the truthful men and women, the patient men and women, the humble men and women, the donating men and women, the fasting men and women, the chaste men and women and for the men and women who ever remember Allah for such of them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.

36. When Allah and His messenger decide on a matter the believing men and women  do not have a. choice of making self-opinion in their matter. Who ever disobeyed Allah and His messenger has clearly gone astray.

37. The one on whom Allah bestowed favour and you also bestowed favour on him, remember, what you said to him, “You keep your wife yourself. Fear Allah”. You hid it in your mind that Allah would have disclosed. You fear the people. Allah has the to be feard. When Zaid finished his need (divorced) with her, We married her to you. (We did it) in order that when adopted sons finished their need with their wives the (adopting fathers) believers marrying them should not be considered as an error. Allah’s order has to be fulfilled319.

38,39. There is no error on the prophet in what Allah has prepared. This is the way of Allah to those who went before, fearing Allah, conveyed the message fearing no one except Him. Allah’s order is a decided decision. Allah is sufficient as an Accountant.

40. Muhammad is not been the father of any one of your men320.But, he is Allah’s messenger and the seal187 of the prophets. Allah is Knowing of every thing187

41.Obelievers, remember Allah more often.

42.You pray to Him in the morning andin the evening.

43.It is He who gives mercy inorder to take you from darkness429 to light.His angels seek mercy for you.He is the most Merciful on the believers.

44.On the day they meet488 Him their greeting will be peace159 He has prepared for them honorable reward.

45,46. O prophet (Muhammad),indeed, We sent you as a witness ,a sayer of good news,a warner,a caller who calls towards Him with Allah`s permission and an illuminating lamp26

47. Tell them the good news,"For the believers there is a great mercy from Allah."

48. Do not obey the disbelievers (of only one God) and the hypocrites.Ignore their harm.Rely on Allah. Allah is suficient as a guardian.

49. O believers, if you marry the believing women and divorce them before touching them there is no”Iddah” to be observed for you69 give them facilities of life. Release them in a gracious way.

50. O Prophet (Muhammad), indeed, We have permitted to you your wives to whom you have given their marriage-gift108, the slave-women whom Allah has given as prisoners of war107, and from among the daughters of your paternal uncle, daughters of your paternal aunts, daughters of your maternal uncles, daughters of your maternal aunts who did “hijra”460 with you. If the prophet (wants to marry the believing woman whho have submitted) given herself to the prophet, (We have permitted), in order that it should not cause you embarassement, it is a special rule for you, excluding the believers378. (For others) We know what we have prepared for their wives and slaves. Allah is the For-giving and the Most Merciful.

51. (O Muhhammad), You can set aside among them whom you want. You can keep whom you want. From whom you set aside, there is no wrong on you to (take them back), whom you want. This is better for their eyes to be cooled (comforted), for they should remain without grief and that all of them should be satisfied with what you give to them. Allah knows what is in your minds. Allah is knowing and Forbearing.

52. After this, except the slave-women107, other women will not be permitted to you. Even if their beauty attracts you. Instead of them, changing others wives (after divorcing) is not lawful. Allah is watching over everything.

53. O believers, do not enter the prophet’s house unless you are permitted for a meal. Do not look at his vessel. Instead, go if you are invited. You return at once after eating the food. Do not engage (yourselves) in conversation. Indeed, this will be a trouble for the Prophet. He will feel shy to tell you. Allah will not be shy in speaking truth. If you want to ask them (wives of the Prophet) about anything, you ask them from behind a veil.500This is what is pure for your minds and for their minds. You should not trouble the messenger of Allah. You should never marry his wives after him. Indeed, this is grievous matter for Allah322.

54. Indeed Allah is Knowing of everything that you hide or reveal.

55. There is no sin on them in the matters of their (Prophet’s wives) fathers, their sons, their brothers, their brother’s sons, their sister’s sons and women and their slaves107. Fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is an Observes of everything.

56. Allah shows his Mercy to this Prophet. Angels ask for him, His Mercy. O you believers, you also ask for him, (His) Mercy. Also convey salam324.

57. Allah curses6 those who give trouble to Allah and His messenger in this world and in the hereafter. He has prepared for them a humiliating suffering.

58. Those who trouble the believing men and women, by saying what they have done, have born slander and clear sin.

59. O Prophet (O Muhammad), tell your wives, your daughters and (all other) believing women to draw their veils down472. "This is better in order that they will be known (as morally upright) and not be troubled300". Allah is Forgiving and Most Merciful.

60. We will indeed, make you (O Muhammad), rule over them, if the hypocrites, those who have disease in their minds and those who spread lies in “Madina” do not pull out. Then, they will remain living near you only a little185.

61. They would have been cursed. They will be caught and slaughtered where ever they are seen.

62. This was the way of Allah in the matter of those who went before. You will not see any change in the way of Allah.

63. (O Muhammad), people ask you about that Time1. Say,"The knowledge about that is only with Allah". How do you know, that the Time1 may be near?

64. Allah has cursed the disbelievers (of only one God)6. He has prepared for them, Hell.

65. They will remain there permanently. They will not see any guardian or helper.

66. On the day their faces will be turned over in Hell, they will say,"Should we not have obeyed Allah? Should we not have obeyed this messenger?"

67. (They) will also say,"My God, indeed, We obeyed our leaders and the eminent. They misdirected us".

68. (Will also say),"Our God, Give them double suffering. Curse them with a great curse".

69. O believers, do not be like those who gave trouble to Moosa. He cleared him of what they said. He was honourable before Allah394

70. O believers, fear Allah. Speak only honest word.

71. He will straighten your deeds, for you. He will forgive for you, your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger has gained a great victory.

72. Indeed, we placed the trust446 before the heavens507, the earth and the mountains. Fearing, they refused to bear it. Man bore it. Indeed, he is unjust and ignorant.

73. (He did like this), in order that Allah should punish the hypocritical men and women and those men and women who associate partners to God and that Allah should forgive the believing men and women. Allah is Forgiving and the Most Merciful.

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