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500. Veiling the face is a requirement, exclusive to the wives of Prophet Muhammad.

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500. Veiling the face is a requirement, exclusive to the wives of Prophet Muhammad.

This verse (33:53) is one that has been misunderstood by the majority of Muslims all around, and on the basis of which people argue, it is mandatory for womenfolk to cover their faces with a cloth veil. Let’s understand this in detail. 

We have explained in point 472 with proper evidence about the non-requirement to cover the face of women.

Though we have presented several proofs that say about non requirement of Muslim women to cover their faces, the only contention of the people against the evidence provided is as follows:

These people contend that Muslim women remained with uncovered faces before this verse urging women to veil themselves in the presence of men, could be revealed.

What does this verse known as the ‘verse of the hijab’ talk about? 

Oh! You who believe, do not enter the house of Prophet Muhammad unless invited as a guest to dine! Do not keep lingering as the food is being prepared, and depart immediately after dining, do not get engrossed in conversations, that may be bothering him, as he is shy of disclosing this to you. Allah is not shy of disclosing the truth. And if you need to talk to the them (the wives of prophet Muhammad) do it from behind a curtain, since this is better for your hearts and theirs. Do not disturb the messenger of Allah, and you are not to be married to his wives after his demise, this remains as a greatness with the Creator.

The Quran 33:53 

Since it is being said that any conversation with wives of the prophet need to be carried out by men from behind a curtain, these people argue the Muslim women should cover their face at large.

This verse is revealed as an exclusive law only to the wives of the prophet and not for all the Muslim women to follow is clear from the wordings of the verse itself.

The phrase used in this verse ‘the houses of the prophet’ 

And the phrase ‘if you wish to converse with the wives of the prophet, do it from behind a curtain’

And the phrase ‘do not cause disturbances to the prophet’

And the phrase ‘do not ever marry the wives of the prophet’

Clearly point out as special conditions exclusive on wives of the prophet. 

These people very well understand the verse saying ‘do not ever marry the wives of the prophet after his demise’ addressing exclusively the wives of the prophet and not other women, at the same time, they bend another condition of the same verse to their convenience. 

It can be seen from verses 30-33 of the same chapter, in matters of morality and discipline the wives of the prophet have to experience additional restraints.

30. Oh! Wives of prophet, a clear-cut exhibition by you of shameful acts will invite a twofold torment for yourselves.

31. For those the (wives of the prophet) who obey the Almighty and are guided by the prophet and lead a virtuous life We pay them twice and We have made ready for them gracious food.

32. Oh! You the wives of the prophet, you are not akin to other women, if you fear the Almighty do not speak to other men in a soft-spoken manner lest they be carried away by ill intentions. Always speak virtuously.

33. Remain in your homes, do not go about places exposing yourselves like the women of the days of paganism did. Attend worship, and pay your mandatory charity. ‘Obey your God and his prophet, You the women of the prophet’s household, Allah seeks to cleanse you of all impurities and make you immaculate.

All these verses serve as evidence to prove, the wives of the prophet were governed by additional restraints.

From verse 33:30 we understand the wives of the prophet are cautioned, of any violation by them in matters of morality will invite double the punishment meted out to others. 

Verse 33:31 says the wives of the prophet will be gifted double fold. 

Verse 33:32 says Oh! Wives of the prophet you are not similar to others, and while conversing with aliens do not express softness, in your tone, lest those with ill thoughts in their hearts be carried away. Always express goodness. 

Allah makes it clear in this verse the wives of the prophet are not considered to be in par with other women when it comes to matters of morality etc., 

In verse 33:33 of the Quran Allah says pointing out to the wives of the prophet ‘Stay at home and move around places like the women of the ignorant days did. 

 Allah says the wives of the prophet should not leave the household even for their needs, while other women are allowed to do so. 

When these verses are pondered upon, we come to understand the special restraints like veiling the face is for the wives of the prophet alone.

And the hadiths also clearly declare the same.

Umar (RA) narrates: 

Oh! Messenger of Allah, the good and the bad come seeking you, hence I requested the prophet to order the mothers of the believers to remain behind curtains, it was at this instance the verses regarding the hijab were revealed. 

Book: Bukhari 4790, 4483 

Umar (RA) did not make a plea to the Prophet of Islam requesting all women to remain behind curtains, he insisted the restraints only on the mothers to the believers (i.e.,) the wives of the prophet. For the very same reason this verse was revealed.

Substantiating that fact this verse was revealed pertaining to the family members of the prophet can be seen in the following hadith. 

At the occasion of Prophet Muhammad’s wedding with Zainab (RA) he had arranged a celebratory meal, and after the guests left, some lingered on and indulged in conversations among themselves inside the house of the prophet, this act of theirs embarrassed him. A group of guests remained seated inside the house of the prophet when the rest had left. The prophet was also present then, Zainab (RA) who was also there in a kind of displeasure turned herself to face the wall, this made the prophet consider these people as a burden to him, hence Prophet Muhammad left the house to visit his other wives and greet them. When he returned the guests who remained back realized they were an embarrassment to him, and hurriedly left the place. The prophet of Islam then entered the house and downed the curtain. Anas bin Malik says ‘I was seated in the same room and the prophet was also there only for a little time. He left the place and came back to me, the time by which verse 33:53 had been revealed to him. The messenger of Allah came out and recited the verse to the people.

This verse says, Oh! You believers do not enter the houses of the prophet of Allah unless invited by him for a meal, and after dining leave immediately. Do not get yourselves engrossed in conversations, indeed this act of your’s hurts the prophet. 

At the instance of the revelation of this verse the wives of prophet Muhammad were provided with curtains, and regarding this, said Anas bin Malick (RA) I am the best informed among men.

The same incidence is recorded in Bukhari: 5466. 

The situation at which this verse was revealed and the words used clearly indicate the law regarding veiling the face of women is exclusively for the wives of Prophet Muhammad.

The law for other women is explained in point 472.

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