394. What was Prophet Musa blamed on by his people?
In verse (33:69) of the Quran it is being said the Almighty relieved Prophet Musa of the blame thrown on him by his people.
There are two opinions expressed about what Prophet Musa is being blamed for by his people.
The people in the community were in the habit of washing themselves in the open stark nakedly. But Prophet Musa used to bathe alone away from the gaze of his people, for this reason the people of his community said he did so because he was suffering from hydrocele. On a particular day Prophet Musa removed his clothes and placed it under a stone weight and while washing himself, the stone weight rolled down carrying along his clothes. On this Prophet Musa ran naked coming out from the water after his clothes crying aloud ‘my clothes, my clothes’ when his people viewed him naked and found their assumption he suffered from hydrocele wrong. Prophet Muhammad has said this is what is referred by the Almighty in the Quran. Book Bukhari: (278, 3404, 3407, 3152.)
When Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon went atop a mountain, Prophet Haroon passed away there, his people suspected Prophet Musa to have killed him. Prophet Muhammad is seen saying, the Almighty relieved Prophet Musa of this blame by sending Jibril (AS) in the hadith book Hakim in a authenticated hadith.
Of these two reasons the one quoted in Hakim is acceptable, because the prophets of God would never do anything that would affect their honesty, justice, discipline, vital for spreading the message of God.
And physical ailments would not be counted as impediments to spread God’s message. Numerous prophets all along history suffered from many diseases that did not impediment their efforts to spread God’s words.
But accusations against messengers of God pertaining to their good behavior would serve as their character assassination. When a message of Prophet Musa of having committed a murder spreads the people would grow skeptical of his prophethood. Hence it is imperative that Almighty get rid of the blame thrown upon Prophet Musa.
Hence the reason found in the hadith book Hakim is more acceptable than that is found in Bukhari.
394. What was Prophet Musa blamed on by his people?
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