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23.AL MOOMINOON (The Believers)

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Chapter 23

Al- Muminun (The Believers)

Total verses: 118

This chapter is named ‘Al- Muminun’ because the verses 1-11 of this chapter mention about the believers who succeed.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Certainly the believers have succeeded.

2. (They) will maintain humility in their prayer.

3. They will turn away from the vain.

4. And they will also fulfill zakath.

5. 6. They will save their chastity except from their wives or their slave women107.Indeed, they should not be blamed26.

7. Indeed those who sought (other means) beyond this are the transgressors.

8. And they will maintain their trusts and agreement.

9. And moreover, they will also maintain their prayers.

10,11. There are the inheritors of paradise called ’Firdaus’ . They will remain there permanently26.

12. And certainly We created the man from the extract of clay368&503.

13. Then We made him into a drop of sperm in a safe place.

14. Then We made the drop sperm into a conceived egg365. Then We made the conceived egg into a piece of flesh. We also made the piece of flesh into bone and clothed the bone with flesh. Then We made it into a different creation296. Allah the perfect Creator is blessed.

15. Then indeed, after this you will have to die.

16. Then indeed, you will be raised alive on the Day1of Qiyamah.

17. And We have created seven heavens above you. We have not been negligent about Our creation.

18. And We sent down water from the heaven507 limitedly. We settled it on the earth. And indeed, We have the power to carry(dry) it away.

19. And from that We brought forth gardens of date-palms and grapevine for you. In them you have a lot of fruits. You eat them.

20. And We (created) a tree which grows out of ‘Tur Sinai’. That produces oil and sauce to those who eat.

21. And indeed, there is a lesson in the cattle for you. We give you to drink that which is from its stomach. You have a lot of benefits from them. You eat them171.

22. And you are carried on them and the ships.

23. And We certainly sent Nuh to his people. He asked ,” O my people, worship Allah. There is no one worshipful besides Allah. Should you not fear?”

24. Elites among those who disbelieved said,” He is no one but a man like you. He wants to be more honoured than you. If Allah had thought He would have sent angels154. We have not heard this from our fore-fathers of old.”

25. (They said),” He is no one but mad. Give him a time limit.”

26. He said,” My God, Help me as they have considered me a liar.

27. We reveal to him.” Make a ship under Our Supervision and according to Our revelation. When Our order comes and the water gushes forth221, board from each a pair, and your all other family members except those about whom the order has preceded. Do not talk to me about the unjust. Indeed, They are to be drowned.”

28. And when you and those along with you seated in the ship, You say,” All Praise to Allah who saved us from unjust people.”

29. And say,” My God, you make me settled at a blessed place. You are the best among the accommodators.”

30. Indeed, In this there are many signs. Indeed, We are ever been testing.484

31. After them, We created another generation.

32. And We sent messengers from among them (to warn),” Worship only Allah. There is no one worshipful to you other than Him. Should you not fear?”

33. And those leaders from among that generation who disbelieved, considered the meeting of the hereafter a lie and to whom We gave a comfortable life said,” He is no one but a man like you. He eats what you eat. He drinks what you drinks.”

34. (They said),” And you will lose if you obey a man like you.

35. Does he warn you,” You will be raised alive when you die and become dust and bones?”

36. It will never happen. About which you are warned will never happen.

37. (They said),” There is no life other than our worldly life. We die and we live.We will not be raised alive.”

38. (And said),” He is no one but a man who had invented on Allah. We will not believe him.”

39. He said,” My God , help me as they considered me a liar.”

40. (God) said,” They will become sad after a short period.”

41. A loud sound struck them in truth. At once We made them into chaff. (Allah’s mercy) will be far away for the unjust people.

42. After them, We created many other generations.

43. No generation will precede its time limit. Nor they will be behind.

44. Then We sent Our messengers continuously. For each generation , when the messenger came , they considered him a liar. So, after a few among them, We made some others to follow. We made them old tales(forgotten people). For the disbelieving people (God’s mercy) is far away.

45,46. Then We sent Musa and his brother Harun to Firaun and his people , with our signs and clear evidence. They boasted. They were people exercising their authority26.

47. (They) said,” Could we believe these two men who are like us, when the people of these two remain as our slaves?”

48. They considered both of them liars. Hence they became the destroyed.

49. And We sent the Book to Musa so that they will get the right way.

50. We made the son of Maryam and his mother signs.We settled them in a high ground which was fertile and firm.

51. O messenger, eat pure things and do good deeds. Indeed, I Know what you do.

52. And indeed, your generation is only one generation. I am your God. Fear only Me.

53. They have divided their work in many divisions among themselves. Each group is happy about what it possessed.

54. Leave them in their wrong for some time.

55,56. Do they think,” We hasten in giving good things”, as We have given them wealth and children? Not so, they will not realize26.

57,58,59,60,61. Indeed ,such of those who shiver with the fear of their God, those who believe their God’s verses, those who do not associate others with God and those who fearing in their mind that they should return to their God, give what they give and get their benefits fast. It is they who hasten to that26.

62. And We will not cause burden to any body beyond their capacity68. The Register157,which speaks truth, is with US. They will not be caused injustice.

63. Yet, their minds are careless about it. For them they have other deeds besides that. They do them.

64. Finally, when We seize those who lived luxuriously, they raise the cry of help.

65. Do not raise the cry of help to-day. Indeed, you will not be helped by Us.

66. Our verses have been recited to them. Then you have been turning your back on your heels.

67. Out of pride you have been complaining about it during night time.

68. Do not they think about their word, or has anything , which has not come to their fore-fathers, come to them?

69. Or do they deny him because they are not aware of Our messenger?

70. Or do they say he has madness?468 Instead, he brought them only truth. Most of them have been only hating the truth.

71. If the truth had followed their desires, the heavens,507 the earth and those between them would have been ruined. Rather, We have given them only their teaching. They turned away from their message.

72. Or do you (o Muhammad) ask them for any wage? Your God’s reward is the best. He is the best among the providers.

73. Indeed, you call them towards right way.

74. Indeed, those who have not believed in the hereafter are the deserters of that way.

75. If We had given them mercy and removed their grief , they would have strayed and drowned in their transgression.

76. We punished them severely. They neither obeyed their God nor they pleaded.

77. Finally, when We open the gate of the severe suffering against them they become hopeless.

78. And it is He who created the ear, sights and mind to them. You thank only a little.

79. And it is He who spread you on the earth. You will be gathered together only to Him.

80. It is He who gives life and causes death. The change of night and day is His responsibility. Will you not understand?

81. Instead, these people say like what their fore-fathers said.

82. They ask,” Will we be indeed raised alive , if we die and become dust and bones?

83. (And said),” Thus, even before this ,it was warned to us and to our fore-fathers. These are nothing but the tales of our fore-fathers.”

84. Ask (o Muhammad),” To whom does the earth and whatever is init belong? Answer, if you know?”

85. They will say ,” For Allah.” Ask,” will you not think?”

86. Ask,” Who is the Master of the seven heavens507and the Master of the great ’Arsh’?

87. (They) will say, “(It is) only Allah.” Ask,” Will (you) not fear?”

88. Ask, “Who is the Protector, the unprotected (by others) and holds the power of everything under His control? (Answer) if you know”

89.They will say, “(It is) only Allah”. Ask, “How are you then charmed?”

90. We brought only truth to them. Indeed, they are liars.

91. Allah has not taken any child. There is no God with Him. If it is so, then each god would have gone (separated) with that they have created. They would have surpassed each other. Allah is Pure10 (from all weaknesses) from what they say.

92. He is Knowing the hidden and the seen. He is Exalted above what they associate with (Him).

93, 94. Say26 (O Muhammad), “My God, if you show me how they are warned then my God, do not place me with the unjust.”

95. And indeed, We have the Power to show you whatever We warn them.

96. Prevent the bad with good. We are well Knowing of what they say.

97. And say, “My God, I seek refuge in You from the temptations of Shaitans.”

98. And say, “My God, I seek refuge in You from their (Shaitans) approach to me.”

99, 100. Finally, when death comes to whoever, he will say, “My God send me back to do good deed from what I had left.” Not so, this is only a (mere) word. He tells that until the Day they will be raised alive26. There is a veil behind them298.

101. There will not be any relationship between them on that day1, the ‘Sur’ is blown. They will not also enquire about each other.

102. They are only successful, whose weights have become heavy.

103. They caused harm to themselves, whose weights have become light. (They) will stay in hell permanently104.

104. Fire will scorch their faces. He will be there disfigured.

105. (It will be said), “Were not My verses recited to you? You have been considering them lies.”

106. (They) will say, “Our God, our misery has overcome us. We have been people who have lost the way.”

107. (Also say), “Our God, You remove us from here. If we return to the old days, then we were indeed unjust.”

108. He will say, “Remain humiliated here and do not talk to Me.”

109. Indeed, a group among My servants has been saying, “Indeed, our God we have believed. You forgive and give mercy on us. You are the best of the Merciful.”

110. You considered them a thing of mockery. Finally, (they) made you forget from our remembrance. You have been also laughing at them.

111. Indeed, I rewarded them today as they have endured patiently. It is they who have been successful.

112. (He) will ask, “For how long a period, in terms of number of years did you live on the earth?”

113. They will say, “We lived for a day or a few hours in a day. Enquire those who enumerate.”

114. He will say, “(You) lived only for a little. Should you not have awareness about this?”

115. Do you think, ‘We have created you in vain’ and ‘you will not be returned to us?

116. Allah, the true Ruler is Exalted. There is no one worshipful besides Him. (He) is the master of the noble ‘Arsh’.

117. And whoever calls other gods besides Allah, there is no sign with him about it. It is with Allah, lies the enquiry of him. Indeed, the disbelievers (of only one God) will not get success.

118. And say, “My God, forgive493 and have mercy. You are the best of the Merciful.”

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