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154. The reason why heavenly beings were not sent as messengers of God.

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154. The reason why heavenly beings were not sent as messengers of God.

The verses (6:8,9, 17:95, 23:24, 25:7, 41:14) of the Quran replies to the question ‘why heavenly beings are not sent as messengers of God in place of humans.The people of those days in order for them to believe wanted heavenly beings be sent as messengers of God.

The arguments put forth by those people were “ heavenly beings who are in no requirement of eating and drinking are better placed than humans, and we do not have any inhibitions in believing in the God that sent them as His messengers”

They refused to accept a human being like them who ate and drank, as a messenger of God,.and also refused to believe in the scriptures brought by the messengers..

And for the aforesaid reasons the messengers were rejected by these people can be seen in verses (25:7, 6:8,9, 23:24, 41:14 ) of the Quran..

We can easily believe in a being that does not eat and drink like humans and also take into confidence the scriptures they brought. These were the wishes of the people as seen from the verses we cited above. 

Allah replies the following to their question.

In verse (6:9) of the Quran, Allah says ,”if we happen to send heavenly beings as our messengers ,we will send them in human form”.

In verse 17:95 of the Quran Allah says “if the heavenly beings move freely on earth we would send heavenly beings as messengers” 

Allah says,

”They are demanding heavenly beings be sent as messengers, and in case we decide to send them as messengers we will be doing it by sending them in human disguise with human attributes,.and they will again raise the same questions

There is another important fact we need to observe in the message of Allah that says “He will send heavenly beings as messengers in human form 

If the task of messengers is just to deliver the scriptures to people there are no restrictions in sending an angel. 

The task of messengers does not stop with just delivering the messages, they are also tasked with the responsibility of living the scriptures as a model to explain it to the people. This cannot be implemented by them (the angels)as a human. Hence it is not feasible to send angels as messengers of God to men.

The messengers who bring the scriptures have an additional task of explaining and living the scripture brought by them.amongst the people, is the reason angels cannot be replaced by them. 

By not revealing the scripture in written form.

By not sending angels as messengers 

By sending men as his messengers.

We can understand by the above cited verses of the Quran that the task of the messengers is to explain and live the scriptures they bring along with them.

There is ample denial in these verses to the concept by some that The Quran alone is sufficient without any explanation from Prophet Muhammad. 

If The Quran is believed to be more than sufficient, the Almighty would have sent angels instead, because it is easier for humans to believe in angels than messengers. 

To know more about obeying the commandments of Allah and following the guidance of Prophet Muhammad please refer explanation points 18, 39, 50, 55, 56, 57, 60, 67, 72, 105, 125, 127, 128, 132, 164, 184, 244, 255, 256, 258, 286, 318, 350, 352, 358, 430 .

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