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104. The knowledge about the ‘hidden’ revealed to messengers by God.

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104. The knowledge about the ‘hidden’ revealed to messengers by God.

In these verses (3:179, 72:26-27) the Quran says Allah will educate His messengers about the ‘hidden’ matters in this universe. People who misunderstand these verses believe the messengers are aware of all hidden matters in the multiverse. 

The fundamental of Islam is the belief only Allah is aware of all hidden matters in this multiverse, the angels, humans including prophets, jinn, have knowledge about the same.

The verses of the Quran 2:30,31,32,36, 3:44, 4:164, 5:109, 5:116, 5:117, 6:50, 6:58, 6:59, 7:20, 7:22, 7:27, 7:150, 7:187, 7:188, 9:114, 10:20, 11:31, 11:42, 11:46,47, 11:49, 11:69,70, 11:77, 11:81, 12:11-15, 12:66, 12:102, 15:53, 15:54, 15:62, 16:77, 20:67, 20:86, 20:115, 20:120,121, 27:20, 27:22, 27:65, 28:15, 31:34, 33:63, 34:3, 34:14, 37:104, 38:22-24, 42:17, 51:26, 79:42,43 talk about knowledge of hidden matters lying only with Allah.

And only in these two verses (3:179, 72:26-27) does the Quran mention the sharing of knowledge of the unknown, unseen, hidden, with the messengers. 

What do these two verses convey?

The message in verse (3:179) that God will impart knowledge to his messengers about the hidden is not a general one. 

During Prophet Muhammad’s time the hypocrites dressed as Muslims blended with them. 

This verse (3:179) talks about such hypocrites to be identified by Prophet Muhammad. In the beginning of the verse, we can find the phrase ‘God will not allow the Muslims and hypocrites to blend’ and only later we find the declaration that ‘Allah will impart the knowledge about the ‘hidden’ to His messengers. 

In the same way the verses 72:26,27 do not declare that God will teach the messengers about all hidden matters, rather about paradise, hell etc. that comes under the purview of basic beliefs in Islam. There is enough evidence in these verses to prove the same.

And Allah says in these verses about sending angels continuously to monitor the messengers delivering His commandments. 

The message conveyed in these verses is that God will educate the messengers regarding belief in the unseen (hidden) who in turn will deliver it to the people. 

The messages regarding the hidden, the unseen, taught by Allah to Prophet Muhammad were all delivered by him to the people. Since knowledge about the hidden, unseen was imparted to Prophet Muhammad by Allah specifically to be delivered to people. And he carried out the entrusted duty impeccably.

Hence God will impart knowledge (to the messengers about the unknown and unseen) necessary, such as the hereafter world, paradise, hellfire, life in the grave etc., and not all that He possesses. 

Since Prophet Muhammad has delivered to us all the knowledge without any alterations that was imparted by Al-Mighty to him, it is deemed we are also aware of the same.

Though the verses contain within them this message, some people force irrelevant viewpoints regarding these verses. There is nothing found in these verses to substantiate their argument. 

Other than this nothing has been imparted to anyone about the hidden/unknown. 

Please refer explanatory points 17, 41, 49, 79, 83, 100, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471 to know more about the wrong arguments of people who worship shrines. 

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