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409. Do people who have not perpetuated injustice face punishment?

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409. Do people who have not perpetuated injustice face punishment? 

This verse (8:25) of the Quran, says the punishment from Allah will also target those who have not perpetrated any crime. 

Many may wonder the logic behind the act in punishing those who have not committed any crime. Verses 7:163-167 of the Quran clears the doubts raised. The following are the verses: The community that was commanded not to go fishing on Saturdays broke up into three groups.

One group violated the ban on fishing on Saturdays and carried on.

The second group persuaded them from fishing on Saturdays and not to violate the ban by God.

The third group, though did not violate the ban and go fishing, failed to stop the ones who ventured to go fishing, and hindered those who tried to stop them from fishing.

When the Almighty punished those who violated the prohibition imposed by Him on fishing on Saturdays, He also punished the group that did not stop those who ventured to go fishing on the banned day.

This verse conveys the message, not only those who commit crimes would be punished, but also those abetting the same.  

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