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57. AL HADEED - (The Iron)

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Chapter : 57

Al-Hadid – The Iron

Total verses : 29 

As the 25th verse of this chapter mentions about ‘Iron’ it is named ‘Al-Hadid’

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. All in the heavens507 and the earth exalt Allah. He is the Mighty, and the Wise.

2. The rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs only to Him. He gives life. He causes death. He has power over all things.

3. He is the first and the Last, the outward and the inward. And He is the knower of all things.

4. It is He who created the heavens507 and the earth in six days 79. Then He sat511on the ‘Arsh’. He knows whatever that enters into the earth, that which emerges from it and whatever descends from the heavens and that which ascends into it. Whereever you are, He is with you 49. Allah is seeing of what you do.

5. It is to Him rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs . (All) the matters will return only to Allah.

6. He causes the night to enter into day. He causes the day to enter into night. He is knower of whatever in your mind.

7. Believe Allah and in His messenger. You spend (in good deeds) from that for which He has made you the guardians. There is a great reward for those among you who believe and spend in (good deeds).

8. And what happened that you do not believe in Allah, when the messenger has been calling you to believe in Allah? He has (already) taken the covenant from you. (Do not forget that) if you have belief.

9. It is He who sends down on his servants clear signs in order to guide you from darkness 429 to light. And indeed, Allah has kindness upon you and most Merciful.

10. And what happened to you not to spend on the way of Allah? It is to Allah belong the rights of the heavens507 and the earth. From among you those who, before the victory of (Makka), spent(in good deeds) and fought will not be equal to (others among you). They have high rank than those who spent and fought after (victory).Allah has promised you all, only good. And Allah is knower of what you do.

11. If anyone gives Allah a good loan75 then He will give them manifold. For them there is also a good reward.

12. (O Muhammad), the day, you (will) see the light of believing men and the believeing women proceeding before them and on their right side. This day, the good news is - the gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. You will remain there permanently. Indeed, this is the great victory.

13. On that day, the hypocrites among the men and the women will say to the believer, “ Take care of us. We will take some (light) from your light.” It will be said, “ Go back to your rear and seek for the light.” There will be errected a protective wall between them. It will also have a gate. Inside, there will be mercy. From outside, there is torment.

14. They will call them, “ Were we not with you? ” They will reply, “ Not so, it is you who put yourselves into grief. You expected (this for us). You doubted. Greed deceived you till the coming of Allah’s order. The deceiver (shaitan) also deceived you in Allah’s matter. ”

15. This day, no compensation will be accepted from you and from the disbelievers (of only one God). Your dwelling place is only hell. It is your only companion. It is a very bad dwelling place.

16. Has not the time of submission come to the minds of those who have believed, with Allah’s remebrance and with the truth descended (from the God)? Has not the time come, so that they should not become like those, who were given the Books (before that)? As the time has extended, their minds have become hard. And most of them are criminals.

17. You understand that after the death of the earth Allah gives life to that. We explained the signs that you should understand.

18. Indeed, it will be given manifold for those men and women who gave charity and those who gave a good loan 75 to Allah.For them there is a noble reward.

19. And those who believe in Allah and His messengers are the truthful and the witnesses with their God.For them, there is their reward and light. The people of the hell are those who rejected (Us) and considered Our verses lie.

20. You know, “ The life of this world is only vanity, attraction, boasting between yourselves and increasing the wealth and children. ” (The state of this world) is like rain. The plants (that grew because of this) give happiness to the disbelievers (of only one God). Then it becomes dry. You will see it turning into yellow colour. Then it becomes rubbish. In the hereafter, there is severe torment (for the bad) and forgiveness and satisfaction (for the good) from Allah. This wordly life is nothing but facilities of delusion.

21. Hasten towards the forgiveness and the paradise of your God. Its width is like the width of the heaven and the earth. It is prepared for the believers of Allah and His messenger. This is Allah’s bounty. He gives it to those He wants. Allah has great bounty.

22. Whatever evil occurs on the earth or to you except that is recorded in the ‘Register’157 before We make it occur. It is easy for Allah.

23. (He has created fate) so that you will not grieve over what has been lost for you and overjoyed over what He has given you. Allah will not love everyone who is proud and boastful. 289

24. They are stingy and enjoin stinginess upon the people.Indeed, those who reject (should know that) Allah is free from need485 and Praiseworthy.

25. We sent Our messengers with clear signs. We sent down with them the Book and the Balance for the people to establish justice. We sent down iron 423. There is great power and benefits for the people. Allah will identify those who help Him and His messengers . Indeed, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.

26. And Indeed, We sent Ibrahim and Nuh as messengers. From among their progeny We placed the honour of prophethood and the Book. Among them there were also persons who were guided. Most of them are criminals.

27. Then (we) continued to send Our messengers on their foot-steps. We also sent Isa, the son of Maryam, after (them).We gave Him ‘Injil.’491We caused kindness and affection in the minds of those who followed him. They themselves invented celibacy. They did not observe even that in the way it has to be observed. We had not prescribed upon them (anything) except seeking Allah’s satisfaction. We gave the reward to the believers among them. Most of them were criminals.

28. O believers, fear Allah. Fear His messenger. He will give you his reward doubly from His bounty. He will provide light for you . You will be guided (in the right way) by that. He will forgive you. He is Forgiving, the most Merciful.

29. (He bestowed you mercy) to know that the people of the Book 27 will not have any power over anything in Allah’s bounty. The bounty is in the hands of Allah. He will give it to those He wants, Allah is Possessor of great bounty.8

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