58. AL MUJADHALA - (The Argument)

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chapter -58

Al- Mujadalah – The Argument.

Total verses :22 

As the first verse of the chapter mentions about the argument of a woman with the messenger, it is named ‘Al- Mujadalah.’

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Indeed, Allah heard the word of the woman who argued with you and pleaded to Allah about her husband. And Allah hears the argument of both of you.Allah is the Hearing,the Seeing

2. They are not mothers to those who call their wives, mothers, in anger. Nobody (else) can be their mother except those who gave birth to them. They utter objectional word and lie. Indeed, Allah is ignoring the sins and Forgiving 316.

3. And the one who calls his wife mother, in anger and then retract on what he said, has to free a slave before touching each other. This is the advise given to you. Allah is Knowing of what you do.

4. And the one who did not get (the slave) has to observe fasting continuously for two months before facing each other. The one who has no strength (then) he should give food to sixty poor persons. This is becoming of you to believe in Allah and His messenger. These are the limits of Allah. There is painful torment for those who disbelieve (Him).

5. Indeed, Those who turn away from Allah and His messenger will be humiliated as those before them were humiliated. We have revealed clear signs. There is humiliating torment for the disbelievers (of Him)

6. On the Day 1 Allah resurrects all of them, then He will inform them about what they did. Allah has calculated it . They forgot it.Allah is Seeing of every thing.

7. Do not you know that Allah knows what ever is in heaven507 and what ever in earth? There is no secrets of three without Him being present as the fourth. Among the five except He is the sixth. Either it is less or more than this and whereever they are except that He is with them49. Then, on the Day of Qiyamah1 He will inform them of what they did. Allah is Knower of every thing.

8. Do not you know those who were forbidden from speaking secrets?286 Then they do again that, from which they were forbidden. They talk secretly about sins, transgression and disobedience to the messenger. (O Muhammad), when they come to you they greet you with the greeting which Allah has not made the greeting for you. They talk among themselves that, should not Allah leave us without punishment for what we say. For them hell is sufficent. They will char in it . It is a bad dwelling place.

9. O believeres , if you speak secret then do not speak secrets about sin, transgression and disobedience to the messenger. Speak secrets about good and piety. Fear Allah, to whom you will be gathered together.

10. Speaking secret is caused by shaitan in order to make the believers sad.He cannot harm them even to a small extent without the permission of Allah. And the believers should rely only on Allah.

11. If it is said to you, “O believers, give space (to others) in the assembly” then you give space. Allah will give space to you. If it is said, ‘rise up’ then rise up. Allah will increase many degrees for the believers among you and those who were given knowledge. And Allah knows well about what you do.

12. O believers, if you speak to this messenger (Muhammad) privately, you advance charity before you (speak) privately.This is better for you and pure.If you do not get (anything) then, Allah is Forgiving,the most Merciful.

13. Do you fear to advance charity before your private talks?Allah accepted your pleading for forgiveness when you did not do it. So, establish prayer. Give also Zakkath. Obey Allah and His messenger. Allah is aware of what you do.

14. Do not you know those, who made close friends of those people, on whom Allah has become angry? They do not belong to you.And (you) also do not belong to them.They knowingly do false swearing.

15. Allah has prepared painful torment for them.Indeed,what they were doing was bad.

16. They made their oaths shields.64 They prevented from the way of Allah.Their is humiliating torment for them.

17. Their material wealth and the wealth of their children will not save them even a little from Allah. They are the people of the hell. They will remain their permanently.

18. The day on which Allah resurrects them, they will swear to Him as they swear to you. They think that they are in a principle.Remember, indeed,there are the liars.

19. Shaitan has overcome them. He made hem forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of shaitan.Remember, the parties of shaitan are the losers.

20. Indeed, those who oppose Allah and His messenger are the humiliated.

21. Allah has decreed,”Indeed, I and My messenger will overcome.” Allah is powerful and Mighty.

22. You will not see those who believe in Allah and the Last Day1, loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger, even if they are their parents ,children brothers and their family. Allah has decreed faith in their minds.He has strengthened with His ‘Ruh’444. He will make them enter into the gardens of the paradise.Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently.Allah is pleased with them.They are the people of Allah. Remember, indeed, Allah’s people will be the successful.

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