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79. Do the dead possess powers? 

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79. Do the dead possess powers? 

In this verse (2:259) of the Quran we find a narration about a pious person. Allah makes the pious person remain dead for 100 years, with his bodily remains left unburied on the surface of the earth. 

But this person is unable to realize the period of time he was in that state, he feels he slept for a day. Without him being buried underneath the surface of the earth he could not understand what happened to him lying above the ground for a period of 100 years. We need to ponder how a person buried underneath the ground could possibly be aware of things around him. 

Some Muslims pray to those dead and buried even after a passage of many years. We can come to understand this kind of act is wrong from this narration in the Quran. 

We can call this person pious for sure because it is mentioned in the Quran, but all the people interred in the so-called Muslim shrines cannot be said for sure to stand testimony about their piousness or sainthood. It can be only known on the day of judgement. Hence this one verse is more than enough contradicting prayers made at burial sites of Muslim shrines. 

To know more about wrongness in justifications put up by people who pray at shrines. Please refer explanation point Nos 17, 41, 49, 83, 100, 104, 121, 122, 140, 141, 193, 213, 215, 245, 269, 298, 327, 397, 427, 471

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