Chapter : 56
Al- Waqiah- That event
Total verses: 96
As the first verse of the chapter mentions this word, it is named ‘Al- waqiah’
In the name of Allah , the most Beneficent and the Merciful.
1,2,3, When the Event1 occurs, there is nothing to prevent that from occuring, to delay that and to make it occur before.
4,5,6. When the earth will be shaken altogether (from its base) and when the mountains will be grounded into powder, they will become scattered dust.26
7 . And you will become three groups.
8. (The first group) remains on the right side. What is meant by those who remain on the right side?
9. And (the second group) remains on the left side. What is meant by those who remain on the left side?
10. And (the third group), those who went before. They were (also) foremost (in capacity)
11. It is they who are nearest (to God)
12. They will remain in the delightful gardens of paradise.
13.14,15. From the first group (those who were on the right side) a section and from the last group a small section will remain in the decorated couches.
16 .They will recline on them facing each other
17, 18. Boys with everlasting youth will circle around them26, with goblets filled with spring water,jugs and plates.
19. They will not get headache because of that. They will not also get intoxicated.
20. 21. And (they will circle around) with the fruits they want and the flesh of the birds they want.26
22.23. And (there will) also be ‘Hurul-ain’ 8 like the hidden pearls. 26
24. This is the reward for what they have been doing.26
25. They will not hear either vain or sinful word.
26. Except the word “salam , salam”159 .
27. (The next) remain on the right side. What is meant by those who remain on the right side?
28, 29, 30,31, 32, 33, 34. They will remain under thornless lote-tree , under the banana tree, with bunches of fruits hanging (from it) under the long shadows, near the poured out (flowing) water, near the plants of fruits, in plenty, neither forbidden nor limited and on the couches raised high.
35 . Indeed, It is we who created (those) women with beauty.8
36, 37. And we made them virgins,8 of equal age and with affection.26
38,39,40. This belongs to a section of the first group and a section of the last group, remaining on the right side.26
40. And those remaining on the left side. What is meant by those who remain on the left side?
42, 43. They will remain on the scorching winds, boiling water and in the shadows of the dense smoke.26
44. There is neither coolness nor sweetness.
45. Indeed, they have been living luxuriously before this.
46. They have been persisting obstinately in great sin.
47,48. And they have been saying, “When we and our forefathers die and became bones, will we then indeed, be rusurrected?”
49, 50 . say, “Those who have gone before and those who come after will surely be gathered together on the fixed time of the known-day.1”
51, 52. O those who remained astray considering (it) a lie, then, you will eat indeed, from the tree called ‘Zaqqum’
53. And you will fill the stomachs with that.
54. And you will drink scalding water on top of it.
55. You will drink like a thirsty camel.
56.This is their feast on the day of judgement.
57. It is we who created you. Will you not believe?
58. Did you think, about that you emit as sperm?
59. Did you create it or We created?
60, 61 It is We who fixed the death among you. It was not that We were not able in replacing you by others like yourselves or transforming you into beings that you do not know.
62. And Indeed, you have known that (We) created this first time. Will you not learn?
63. And Did you think about that which you saw?
64. Is it you who make it grow or We who make it grow ?
65, 66, 67. Had We wanted We would have made it into chaff. Then you will have fallen into deep grief, by saying 26, “We have Indeed, incurred debt. No, we have been prevented.”
68. An Did you think about the water you drink?
69. Did you send down it from the clouds or We sent it down?
70. Had We wanted We would have Indeed, made it into salt water, will you not be grateful?
71. And did you think about the fire that you ignite ?
72. Did you make the tree for it or We made it?
73. It is only We who made this a lesson and beneficial to the travellers.
74. So, exalt the name of your God, the Almighty.
75. I swear on the places where the stars fall. 379.
76. And indeed, if you have known, it is a great oath 379.
77,78. Indeed, it is the noble Quran 26 which remains in the protected Register 157.
79. (Nobody) except the pure (angels) touch it. 291
80. (This is) revealed from the God of all the worlds.
81. Do you ignore this message?
82. And do you consider it a lie for the wealth given to you (as a gratiude)?
83, 84. You will be seeing (him) at that time when (the soul) reaches his throat.26
85. And it is we who is nearer to him than you, Yet, you will not see it.49
86, 87. You can bring back his (soul) if you do not follow (this religion) and if you are truthful.26
88, 89. And if he is among those who are nearer to God then there is for him good, fragrance and comfortable garden of paradise.26
90, 91. And if he belongs to those who remain in the right side then, there is ‘Salam’ for him from the people of the right side .26
92, 93, 94. If he considers (it) a lie and remains misguided then, boiling water and charring in the hell is his feast.26
95. Indeed, this is certainly a firm truth.
96. So, exalt the name of the Almighty God.
56. Al WAQIAH - (That event)
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