45. AL JASYA (The Kneeling)

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AL- JASIYA (The Kneeling)

Total Verses : 37

As the 28th verse of this chapter mentions about the presentation of every generation in this state of kneeling before the God, this is named ‘Al-Jathiya’.

 In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

1. Ha, Meem2.

2. This is the revealed Book from Allah, the Almighty and the Wise.

3. Indeed, there are many signs in the heaven507 and the earth for the believers.

4. And, there are many signs for those who believe firmly in your creation(in God’s creation of man) and in spreading all other living things.

5. And there are many signs for the people of understanding in the fluctuation of night and day, in the (rain) water which Allah sends down from the heaven,507 in giving life to the earth after it has become dry and in directing the winds.

6. (O Muhammad) There are Allah’s verses. We tell you with truth. Then, in what news will they believe after Allah and His verses?

7. Woe to every inventing sinner.

8. He hears Allah’s verses recited to him. Then, he arrogantly persists as if he has not heard it. Warn him about the painful torment.

9. And if he comes to know any of Our verses, then, he takes them mockingly. The humiliating torment is only for them.

10. Behind them is the hell. Whatever they have done and those guardians who have been made by them except Allah, will not help them even a little. And for them there is severe torment.

11. This is the right way. There is severe painful torment for those who disbelieved in their God’s verses.

12. It is Allah, who made the sea beneficial to you, so that, the ships should sail with His order, that you will seek his bounty and be grateful.

13. And He made whatever is in the heaven507 and on the earth, beneficial to you. Indeed, there are many signs for the people who think.

14. Tell those who have believed to forgive those who do not believe in Allah’s suffering. So that, He will give reward to people for what they have been doing.

15. If any one does a good deed then it is good for himself. If anyone does evil then it is bad for himself. Then, you will be returned only to your God.

16. And, indeed, We gave the children of Israel the Book, rule and the status of a prophet164. We gave them pure things. We honoured them above all the people of the world.

17. And We gave many signs about the religion. Then they differed between them because of the jealousy, only after the knowledge had come to them. Your God will give judgement on the Day1 of Khiyamah in what they differ.

18. (O Muhammad), then We placed you in a (clear) way of thhe religion. So, you follow only that. Do not follow the desires of the ignorant. (those who do not know)

19. Indeed, they will not save you from Allah, even a little. And indeed, the unjust are friends to each other. Allah is Guardian to those who feared (Him).

20. These are clear signs to the people. This is the right way and Mercy for the people who believe firmly.

21. Do the criminals think that we will make them like those who have believed and done good deeds? Whether they live or die remains the same. The judgement given by them is very bad.

22. And Allah created the heaven507 and the earth only with proper reason. Each person will be given reward for what he has done265. They will not be caused injustice.

23. Did you see the one who made his inclinations God? Allah led him astray purposely. He put the seal on his ear (hearing) and his mind. He placed a cover on his right. Who will show him the way, after Allah? Will you not think?

24. And they say, “Thhere is nothing except this worldly life. We die; we live; Except the time nothing destroys us”. They have no knowledge about this. They are nothing but assuming.

25. And if Our clear verses are recited to them, nothing is there as their evidence except to say, “If you are truthful then bring (back) our fore-fathers”.

26. Say, “It is Allah who causes to live. Then He makes you die. Then He will assemble you together on the Day1 of Khiyamah about which there is no doubt”. Yet, most of the people do not know.

27. And it is to Allah the rule of the heaven507 and the earth belongs. On the Day1, the time comes, only on the day, the vain will lose.

28. And you will see each generation kneeling. Each generation will be called towards its (Register). You will be given rerward for what you have been doing.

29. This is Our Book. It speaks the truth against you. We have been recording whatever you have been doing.

30. Their Allah will admit in His Mercy, those who believe and do good deeds. (Only) this is the clear success.

31. To the disbelievers (of only one God) it will be said, “Were not Our verses recited to you? You became arrogant and remained as the people who committed crimes”.

32. When it is said, “Indeed, Allah’s promise is true, there is no doubt in that Time1”, you said, “We do not know what is meant by that Time1. We are nothing but assuming. We are not firm believers”.

33. The evils that they have done will be exposed. Whatever they have been mocking, will suround them.

34. It will be said, “As you forgot the meeting of this Day1. We will also forget6 you on this day. Your place of living will be hell. There is no one to help you”.

35. The reason for them is that you considered Allah’s verses as mocking and this worldly life tempted you. This day, they will not be removed.They will not be compelled (to do prayer and such activities).

36. All praise be only to the God of the worlds, who is the God of the heavens507 and the God of the earth.

37. To Him belongs the greatness in the heavens507 and the earth. He is Almighty, the Wise. 

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