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355. The prediction about atom bomb in the Quran. 

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355. The prediction about atom bomb in the Quran.

This 105th chapter of the Quran refers to a miraculous event that took place in Makkah before the birth of Prophet Muhammad. 

The first place of worship built in this world is known as Kaaba. A king named Abraha grew jealous about the huge number of people who came to worship there and mobilized an army of elephants to demolish this structure. The Almighty protected Kaaba from being demolished by the army of elephants by making use of tiny birds known as Ababeel. 

These birds carried small heated pellets of rocks in their beaks and pelted them on the elephants, turning them to like ruminate cattle feed.

This chapter of the Quran refers to the said incident.

Prophet Muhammad was born in the said year the incident took place. and was aware of the incident from people around. 

Each resident of Makkah had knowledge of the event, and the people started recording a yearly calendar by naming it as the year of the elephant. 

When all the Arabs and for that matter Prophet Muhammad was aware of this incident there is no need for this to be referred in the Quran. 

And this chapter gives much less information than the Arabs knew about the incident. 

Hence the objective of this chapter is not to convey the message about the destruction of the army of elephants, but for people to be aware and ponder about two messages that are conveyed here. The first message is to remind them about how they should be thankful to Him for saving them miraculously from destruction by the army of elephants.

And the other message is understood when deeply contemplated about the happenings that took place. 

To stress contemplating, the chapter itself starts with the phrase ‘Didn’t you notice’.

The chapter requires us to ponder about how colossal beings like elephants were reduced to smithereens by tiny birds. The Quran says the small pellets of rocks the birds carried in their beaks were heated ones and not the normal ones. 

This does not refer to the pellets being heated externally and transferred by the birds to targets, because the tiny birds did not have the capacity to carry heat that could destroy gigantic beings like elephants. If the heat referred here is taken as one from external sources, the birds themselves would not be in a position to carry the heated pellets.

Moreover, had the pellets been heated externally they could have lost the heat by the time they reach the ground. 

Hence this refers to a heat that explodes on falling to the ground or the target. 

We can see the atom bombs releasing enormous heat only on explosion and can be normally touched before exploding. 

In this incident it is seen the elephants were turned in to appearing as chewed cud when the pellets targeted them. 

 The Almighty says in the Quran to ponder over this phenomenon of stored heat/energy.It has now been discovered all matters in this world are made up of atoms and breaking down of these atoms result in the release of enormous energy.

Man has already proved that a small bomb is sufficient enough to devastate a vast area. And if the bombing is done from an altitude, it does not harm the bomber, but affects the bomber when explodes at the ground level. This incident explains all the facts embedded within.

This chapter 105 seems to convey a message that if man puts in efforts to fit enormous heat within a restricted space and explodes it, a great devastation can be carried out.

For more details please refer to point no; 412.

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