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356. The end of Abu-Lahab 

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356. The end of Abu-Lahab

This chapter 111 of the Quran talks about the maternal uncle of Prophet Muhmmad and also his sworn adversary.

In the initial stages of Prophet Muhammad propagating Islam Abu-Lahab was his sworn adversary as well a huge impediment to him, who cursed the prophet for having invited him to a gathering to hear about Islam. This verse was revealed as a sign to reprimand him. (Bukhari : 1394, 4770, 4801, 4971, 4972, 4973) 

Abu-Lahab and his wife along with his family members were annihilated during the time of Prophet Muhammad itself.

And there is also an important prediction in this chapter that declares Abu-Lahab will never accept Islam and will be consigned to hell. Abu-Lahab who was determined to prove the Quran and Islam wrong could have pretended to have reverted to Islam there by ascertaining nothing of the sort predicted in the Quran happened and proved the prophet a liar. But Abu-Lahab died till the end proving himself to be an enemy of the prophet as well Islam.

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