354. Is the Quran structured on the mathematical figure 19?
The verse (74:30) of the Quran speaks of the number on guard at the gates of hell as 19. Most of the scholars subscribe to this view, without any exception.
But the recently shot and killed person named Rashad Khalifa blabbered non-sense in the guise of offering a new explanation to the same, and argued that he is a messenger of God, for having discovered this from the Quran.
We are explaining his stupid concept here, so that nobody gets confused and are misled by it.
Let’s first go into what Rashad Khalifa has to say about this verse, the following are his words.
‘There is 19 on it’ means the Quran has 19 over it, conveying the message, the Quran is structured with number 19 as its pivotal point, being controlled by the same. and he says this proves the Quran to be God’s words.
A) The Quran contains 114 chapters, and number 19 happens to be a factor of 114.
B) The word ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman’ is found 114 times repeated in the Quran and 19 happens to be a factor of 114.
C) The sum total of all letters forming the words ‘Bismillah Hir Rahma Nir Rahim’ is divisible by 19,
Whichever passage or verse is picked from the Quran for mathematical calculation purposes, turns out to be divisible by 19.
Since I made this modern discovery and thereby proved the Quran to be God’s word, I am a messenger of God myself with God having bestowed the power on me to do the same. These were the arguments of Rashad Khalifa.
And he also recommended the removal of two verses from the Quran because they do not fall in line with his concept of number 19 and the Quran.
During those days this person’s view on the Quran and number 19 was the talk of the town the world over, only to realize a few years later its absurdity.
We need to make clear three things regarding this.
1. Is the explanation for this verse offered by Rashad Khalifa valid?
2. Is the declaration by Rashad Khalifa, the Quran is structured within the cardinal number 19 true.
3.That Rashad Khalifa is a mentally deranged person is evident from his writings.
Let’s take the first issue.
The argument he put forward saying the Quran has 19 above it and is totally bound by the cardinal number 19 is entirely wrong.
Even people who have scant Arabic knowledge will deny the meaning he gives to this verse. The meaning given to his verse, by Rashad Khalifa is found to be wrong primarily in the grammatical sense.
To prove the meaning given by him is wrong, we need to first understand Arabic grammar.
We use the word ‘his’ and ‘her’ respectively to denote the male and female gender of a person respectively.
But to denote other than humans either living or without life or objects, we use the word that or this object, for instance we say these cattle.
We generally start mentioning these cattle or that cattle died during the famine, floods etc., and not mention by the gender of the cattle, by saying she cow or he cow.
But while quoting in Arabic takes a different hue, there are only two types of genders that can be quoted in Arabic and there is no representation for denoting objects and living things without gender.
In the Arabic language there are only two classifications as ‘his’ or ‘her’ when mentioning the genders, and all things come within the purview of these two genders and are required to be mentioned as belonging to any one gender.
In the Arabic language, while talking about either humans or any other beings, they are referred to as belonging to any one of the two genders only, and not denoted by demonstrative adjectives.
For example, while referring to a phrase ‘the sunrise is at 5.30 AM,’ in Arabic it is mentioned as ‘she rises at 5.30 am’ and not as, ‘it rises at 5.30 am’, similarly when referring for example the phrase ‘the moon rise is at 6.30 pm, it is mentioned as ‘he rises at 6.30 pm’ in Arabic language.
If a question is put to someone asking ‘to which gender does wind belong’ he will give us a strange look, but when the same question is put to an Arab, he will say ‘female gender’. And 90% of the Arabs know to segregate the gender of things they come across in their daily life.
If we need to express the phrase ‘my hand broken’ in Arabic our words would not be as it (the hand) is broken, but she (the hand) broke, because there is no demonstrative adjective in Arabic language to denote an object without a gender. It is expressed as either she (the hand) broke or he (the nose) broke, because hand is female gender and nose belongs to the male gender. While translating from Arabic to English the original text will be found expressed either in the male or female gender and nothing is denoted without a gender.
Though every other thing along with humans are denoted in either gender, while translating we mention them by their demonstrative adjective ‘it’
Taking this into consideration we need to analyze the above cited verse of the Quran. The Arabic word Alai-ha is translated as ‘above it.’
The direct meaning of this word Alai-ha is ‘above her’, and Alai-hi means ‘above him’ combining both, this can be mentioned as above them or above that.
It needs to be noted, the Arabic original is mentioned as ‘above her’.
The word Quran is denoted as belonging to the male gender and other words that refer to Quran such as Dhikr, Kitab, Furqan are also denoted in the same gender.
While discussing the Quran in the Arabic parlance, it is normally mentioned as he (the Quran) will guide us in the good path, he contains good advice, and ‘over him’ etc.,
The word Quran and other words relating to it are denoted in the male gender in the Quran.
Hence the word ‘above it’ (Alai-ha) denoting female gender definitely could not refer to the Quran. They (Rashad Khalifa followers) are deceiving people by showing the translation ‘above it’, as referring to the Quran. The people who know the Arabic language will scorn at the ignorance of people using female gender to denote the Quran.
Grammatically ‘above it’ cannot refer to the Quran, in the Arabic language.
When and if it is referred to in the Quran as ‘the Quran has 19 over it’, then it would lead to the conclusion, the Quran is structured on number 19. Hence this argument the Quran is structured on the cardinal number 19 falls flat, with the establishment of the fact the word ‘Alaiha’ denotes the female gender. The Quran is denoted by the male gender in the Arabic language. It could never be taken as the Quran is built over number 19.
If the phrase ‘over it’ does not refer to the Quran, what does it refer to?
On keenly observing verses 24-31 of this said chapter 74, it could be easily understood what the verse 74:30 refers to while mentioning number 19.
Verses 74:24, and 74:25, talk of the Quran, and 74:26, and 74:27 talk of hell.
While the above two verses talk about the Quran, they refer to it as ‘Hada’ (male gender) and not ‘Haadi’ (female gender)
The Arabic words that refer to hell are, Sakar, Jahannam, and Naar, all these are denoted in female gender.
Hence the word ‘Alaiha’ meaning ‘over her’ used in this phrase, can never be taken as meaning ‘over the Quran’, and should be taken as meaning ‘over the hell’.
And necessarily need to be taken to mean or referring to hell (female gender) that has 19 over it. There is no mention of the word ‘Quran’ in this verse. It is just mentioned as ‘19 over the hell’.
There are 19 persons
There are 19.
In the Arabic language both these phrases should mean the same.
It can be taken as meaning 19 persons or 19 beings.
The correct understanding of the meaning of this phrase, is that the Creator will admit him into hell which has 19 celestials as security at the entrance. This verse conveys the message, hell has celestials as security numbering 19.
Verse 74:31 ends by saying, though 19 are appointed as security to hell, the number in His forces cannot be counted. The phrase in this verse saying ‘do not imagine the number is just 19, there are countless beings in His military.
Hence this verse is not one that talks about the Quran, or whether the Quran is structured within the cardinal number 19, and Rashad Khalifa citing this verse to prove his arguments are believed.
And even if everything as per Rashad Khalifa, for argument's sake falls within the purview of the cardinal number 19, this verse has no relevance whatsoever to what he postulates.
There is absolutely no connection whatsoever between the argument the Quran is structured on the cardinal number 19, and the verse he quotes.
Now let’s analyze his argument whether the Quran is built on the cardinal number 19, and the mathematical calculations put forward by him.
If we are to look into his contention that the whole Quran is built on the cardinal number 19, we definitely do not find it to be. Rashad Khalifa has quoted only about 50 places in the Quran, it has been hereby confirmed, there are thousands of verses not coming within the purview of his postulates. These other verses nor the phrases, other than the 50 he has quoted do not come anywhere near the theory he has put forward. It is confirmed that the rest of the thousands of verses or the words in them, or the letters that form these words do not come under the calculations put by him.
The argument of Rashad Khalifa is, the whole Quran is structured over the cardinal number 19. Whereas he quotes only 50 places in the Quran. If a search is made among the thousands of words of the Quran, we find some words structured to fit within the cardinal number 18. We can still find words in the Quran structured to fit in some number or another.
This truth did not dawn on him, nor on the people who hold on to his views.
Some people claim there are words in the Quran that fit into the cardinal number 19, here the answer to them is, there are words that fit into other numbers as well.
There is no miracle in a number being divisible by 19. We have found many words in the Bible that are divisible by 19.
Hence, we find the details given by Rashad Khalifa regarding the Quran being structured within number 19, absurd.
There are 114 chapters in the Quran, and the number 114 is divisible by 19.
He says the word ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’ could not be found in the beginning of 9th chapter, and since there are only 113 times the word Bismillah is found in the Quran, and at the same time 113 cannot be divided by 19, he searched the Quran and discovered an additional ‘Bismillah’ in 27:30, totaling to 114 ‘Bismillah divisible by 19.
Both the calculations by him are correct, and since there are 114 chapters and the number is naturally divisible by 19.
The fact 114 is divisible by 19 is a reality, at the same time 114 is also divisible by 6, 3, 2, 38, and 57. There is nothing special about the number 19, we can attach some kind of specialty when a number becomes divisible only by 19 and not by any other. He didn’t stop with it he says, and proceeded to count the number of words in the phrase ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’ and was surprised to find the same divisible by 19.
He says when he counted the number of times the words Bismi, Allah, Rahman, Rahim, individually appear in the Quran, he discovered those numbers were divisible by 19.
He says the word ‘Allah’ appears in the Quran 2698 times and this number is divisible by 19.
He mentions the figure of 2698 in a straightforward manner and also mentions in his book from page 31 to page 63, the various verses where the word 'Allah’ is found. In this list he has deliberately blacked out many verses with the word ‘Allah’ in them.
And he has lied by quoting some verses that do not have the word ‘Allah’ in them, and by rigging he has arrived at the figure of 2698÷19=142. We are pointing out a few of his hanky-panky acts as examples.
Verse 25:68 mentions the word ‘Allah’ twice, but he says the word is found only once.
Verse 40:74 has the word ‘Allah’ mentioned twice in it, but he says the word is found only once.
Verse 46:23 has the word ‘Allah’ only once in it, but Rashad Khalifa has lied saying the verse has it mentioned twice. We need to point out yet another fraud committed by him. He claimed the last verses of chapter 9 are interpolations and to prove the same he says, when the total number of verses of the Quran is divided by the number 19, he gets 2 as remainder, and that 2 refers to the last two verses of chapter 9, hence he argued strongly that they do not form part of the Quran. He has verse 9:129 in his list of verses mentioning the word ‘Allah’ where it is mentioned once. On the one hand he says this verse 9:129, is not part of the Quran, and on other he includes this verse in his list containing the word ‘Allah’. As per his argument this verse does not form part of the Quran.
His list contained only 2697 places in the Quran where the word ‘Allah’ is mentioned. To make this number divisible by 19 he picked verse 9:129, which he argued as not part of the Quran to round up to a figure 2698 to be divisible by number 19. It is confirmed that neither does the Quran contain the word ‘Allah’ in numbers as claimed by him, nor the number he mentioned is divisible by 19.
The word ‘Rahim’ appears in the Quran 115 times. But he has released a list quoting 113 places and not including 9:28 where the word ‘Rahim’ appears once. Citing the reason as those verses not forming part of the Quran and needs to be deleted from the Quran
He deletes a verse citing it as interpolation when taking into account the word ‘Rahim’, and the same is added by him for taking the word ‘Allah’ into account.
He takes into account a verse for a particular word and leaves out another verse for the same word. He will do funny acts while doing calculations. He will let things be as they are, as long as it satisfies him regarding number 19. In case he is not satisfied with his number 19 theory, he will come out with all kinds of concoctions and say it has worked within the purview of 19. While taking count of the word ‘Allah’ and ‘Rahim’ he failed to take note of the word ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’ containing the same words.
113 chapters of the Quran start with the phrase ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’ and the verse 27:30 has the phrase in addition. While taking count of the word ‘Allah’ in the Quran, the phrase ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem’ should also be included because both the words are found in the phrase. But Rashad Khalifa did not take into account the same. He has left out 113 phrases containing the words Allah, Rahim, Rahman. As per his calculation when the left out 113 words of ‘Allah’ is added to 2698 +113=2811, which is not divisible by 19.
As per his calculation the word ‘Rahim’ appears 114 times, and adding the 113 ‘Rahim’ found in the ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’ to it totals to 227 which again is not divisible by 19. This is the reason he avoided adding the word ‘Rahim’ from Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’
He says the word Rahman appears 57 times in the Quran, which again is divisible by 19. This is a wrong message from him, because the word Rahman appears 113 times in the phrase ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim 113 times. And when this is added to the 57 already claimed by him totals out to 170 which is not divisible by 19. The whole issue is about ‘Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim’. Avoiding to mention this word is calculations is nothing but sheer blabbering. If the phrase was not taken into account at all by him totally, it could to some extent be tolerated, but he has added it in some places.
Does the word ‘Bismi’ come under the ‘19 theory’ put forward by him. Let’s look into what he has blabbered about the same. He says the word ‘Bismi’ appears 3 times in the Quran, and that he would not add to the count the ‘Bismi’ found in 96:1, because of the additional ‘Alif’ found in it. Since the word Bismi appears 3 times, let’s look into how he explains about the divisibility of 19 by the number 3.
He says “Look at the three places where the word ‘Bismi’ is found. It is found appearing once in the verse 27:30, add 27 and 30 (not supposed to question the reason for adding.) the sum total is 57.
Add 3 (the number of places where the word ‘Bismi’ is found in the Quran) to it, we get a total 60, we also find the word Bismi in 11:41, add 11+41 totalling to 52 now add the previous 60 to 52 that totals to 112.
Then add verse (1:1) 1+1 =2 where the word ‘Bismi’ appears, bringing the total to 114. This 114 is divisible by 19.
He has thus blabbered, and the question whether the word ‘Bismi’ is divisible by 19, has not been answered here.
Since he found out for himself his blabbering on the topic ‘Bismi’ he proceeded to remove the ‘B’ in ‘Bismi’ to deal with the word ‘Ism’.
He has listed out after rigging, 19 places in the Quran where the word ‘Ismu’ appears.
The word Ismu appears individually in 14 places of the Quran, and appears as Al-Ismu, Bi-Ismi, and Ismuhu added to some other words in 10 other places totaling the number to 24 appearances in the Quran, but he gives a fraudulent account as 19 appearances. Try to understand the absurdity of his research (?).
The Quran has certain letters in the starting of some chapters, there are 29 such chapters starting with particular Arabic letters. They are chapters: 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 68.
He names these as ‘chapters with initials’ and argues that, in each of the ‘chapters with initials’ the particular initials (letters) mentioned at the starting of the chapter appear in those chapters in a number, that is divisible by 19. And declared that as a miracle of the number 19.
The three letters of the Arabic language Alif, Laam, Meem, are mentioned at the start of the second chapter ‘Al-Baqra' of the Quran. He says in this chapter, the letter ‘Alif’ appears a certain number of times that is divisible by 19.
In the same way the letter ‘Laam’ will appear a certain number of times, that is again divisible by 19, and similarly he quotes the same for the letter ‘Meem’
When, for fourteen hundred years these initial letters at the beginning of the chapters existed without anyone discovering the reasons for it, he willfully lied they were for the reason to prove that the Quran is structured on the cardinal number 19.
For people who were unaware in the beginning of the reasons for the presence of such an Arabic alphabet at the start of some chapters of the Quran, his message sounded like a great philosophy. They started hailing him as someone who gave a meaning to the whole Quran.
But when it was found out the initial letters were not as per his calculations, his indecency was exposed and confirmed.
He always quotes the Arabic letter qaaf as an example, and as per argument an initial alphabet. The letter qaaf appears 57 times in chapter 50 of the Quran, and is a reality the number 57 is divisible by 19.
And he would display the entire chapter with an Asterix mark wherever the letter qaaf appeared making his followers happy. And apart from this, the letter qaaf can be found appearing 57 times in chapter 42 When his admirers came to know this they travelled to the heights of their surprises.
He should have pointed out the same from all the chapters of the Quran, that begin with the ‘initial letters’ The same should have been identified and pointed out in chapter ‘Al Baqarah’ The people who follow him do not bother about such facts. Hence it is imperative we discuss this threadbare.
Rashad Khalifa said the qaaf ‘initial letter’ appears in chapter 50, a certain number of times that is divisible by 19, the same letter qaaf is found also in chapter 42, in addition to letters such as Ha, Meem, Iyan, Seen, Qaaf.
While mentioning the 5th letter qaaf as appearing in this verse 57 times the number that is divisible by 19, he keeps quiet regarding the other four ‘initial letters’ appearing in this verse.
In the above cited verse of the Quran the letter ‘Ha’ appears 51 times, a number not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ appears in the same chapter 297 times, a number not divisible by 19.
The letter Iyn appears in the same chapter 98 times, a number again not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Seen’ appears in the same chapter 53 times, a number not divisible by 19.
Of the five letters identified as ‘initial letters’ by him only the lone letter ‘qaaf’ is divisible by 19, whereas the other four do not fit into his description, and the reason why he did not mention them, and focused only the letter by highlighting the same with Asterix etc.,
The false hope he nurtured that no one would cross check this had encouraged him to give these kinds of concoctions. He has made yet another absurd observation with regard to chapter 42, of the Quran, by saying the chapter is structured to fit within the cardinal number 19.
He says the number 19 can be arrived at by adding the letters Iyan, Seen, Qaaf, found in the chapter collectively and leaving out the first two letters ‘Ha’ and ‘Meem’.
Iyn- 98
Seen - 53
Qaaf - 57
Totalling to 208
This number 208 is not divisible by19.
While taking into account the number of times the letter ‘Seen’ appears in this chapter (42) he fraudulently takes into account the word ‘Seen’ from ‘Bismi.’
Another fraud he committed is the counting of all the three letters collectively, instead of showing them as individual letters.
In case all the letters together are needed to be counted as one
On a similar basis when the letter ‘Saad’ is taken for analysis for Rashad Khalifa’s views, on initial ‘letters’ we see it appearing 29 times in chapter 29. Which is not divisible by 19.
Hence, we find his calculations failing in chapter 38.
On finding his calculations not working in chapter 38 regarding letter ‘Saad’, we see him indulging in his usual fraudulent ways of diverting the issue.
His fraudulent indulgence is as follows:
The ‘initial letter’ ‘Saad’ is found 97 times in Chapter 7, he says to add this number to 29 (the number of times the same letter ‘Saad’ is found in chapter 38.) Bringing the total to 97+29 = (126). When even this 126 is found not divisible by 19, he wants 26 (the number of times the initial letter ‘Saad’ is found in chapter 19) to be added to it resulting as follows 29+97+26=152, which becomes divisible by 19.
Here we find him accepting the fact that in all the three chapters of the Quran where the ‘initial letters’ ‘Saad’ are found, in numbers that cannot be divided by 19.
While adding up the numbers from the the three chapters containing the initial letter ‘Saad’ to prove his point, the same yardstick is not used by him in other chapters containing other ‘initial letters’
He grouped together the three chapters as containing the ‘initial letter’ ‘Saad’, and stopped short of these chapters containing other ‘initial letters’.
The three chapters he refers to are as follows:
Qaaf, Ha, Ya, Iyn, and ‘Saad’. (Chapter 19)
‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ ‘Meem’ ‘Saad’ (chapter 7)
‘Saad’ (chapter 38)
Out of these three chapters the word ‘Saad’ appears in chapter 19, along with four other ‘initial letters’.
1) Qaaf- appears (137) times, not divisible by 19.
2) ‘Ha’ appears (147) times, not divisible by 19.
3) ‘Ya’ appears (312) times, not divisible by 19.
4) ‘Iyn’ appears (117) times, not divisible by 19.
5) ‘Saad’ appears (26) times, not divisible by 19.
None of the five ‘initial letters’ found in the 19th chapter found in this chapter again, are not divisible by 19.
In the seventh chapter the letter ‘Saad’ is found with other three ‘initial letters’
1) The letter ‘Alif’ is found (2651) times, which is not divisible by 19.
2) The letter ‘Laam’ is found (1627) times, which is not divisible by 19.
3) The letter ‘Meem’ is found (1161) times, which is not divisible by 19.
4) The letter Saad is found (97) times, which is not divisible by 19.
In all the three chapters where the letter ‘Saad’ appears, it is found in a number not at all divisible by 19.
And even in chapters of the Quran where the letter ‘Saad’ appears along with other ‘initial letters’ it is found in numbers that cannot be divided by 19.
Though it is very clear in the Quran, he has tried his maximum best to fool the people with all kinds of fraudulent calculations.
He then points to chapter 68 of the Quran which starts with the ‘initial letter ‘Noon’.
As per his argument this letter ‘Noon’ should appear in this chapter in a number that is divisible by 19
But we find the letter ‘Noon’ appearing in this chapter (131) times which is not divisible by 19.
Even if the ‘Noon’ from the ‘Bismillah’ phrase is taken into account, totalling to 114, it still is not divisible by 19, proving him to be a fraudster. Here, he commits another foolishness to arrive at a figure that is divisible by 19.
The letters of all languages in the world can be expressed in writing in two forms. For example, the letter ‘M’ in English can be expressed in writing as ‘M’ or YEM. The same can be found in writing the Arabic letters, as can be seen in the case of the letter ‘Meem’ where it could be expressed in one letter ‘Meem’ or by writing it as Meem Ya Meem, which can still be pronounced the same.
Similar is the case with the letter ‘Noon’ where this can be expressed in writing it as a single letter ‘Noon’ or by writing it as ‘Noon Waw Noon’
The 68th chapter of the Quran begins with the letter ‘Noon’ expressed in a single letter, whereas he has shown it expressed in three letters as ‘Noon Waw Noon’ wherein an extra ‘Noon’ is created taking the total number of ‘Noons’ to 113, expectedly divisible by 19, making his followers flooded with surprise.
The next verse he points out is chapter 36 starting with Yaa Seen and named as surah Yaa Seen.
As per his argument the letter Yaa, as well the letter Seen need to be present in this chapter in a certain number that should be divisible by 19.
In sura Yaseen the letter is found to appear 47 times which is not divisible by 19, even if the ‘Seen’ in the Bismillah is added it totals to 48 which still is not divisible by 19.
Before taking into account the letter ‘Yaa’ we need to know the uniqueness of this letter
(1) It can be expressed as, ‘Ai’ ‘Ya’ ‘Yi’ and ‘Yu’. For example, in the word shaitan the ‘Yaa’ is pronounced as ‘ai’.
(2) It seems to appear as ‘Yaa’ but pronounced as ‘Alif’ or turns to be silent. As the second representation of the letter ‘Yaa’ for example, in the word ‘Ala’ in Arabic the letter ‘Yaa’ would be found at the end turning out to be silent.
(3) The third representation of the letter ‘Yaa’ is the position of the letter ‘Hamza’ above ‘Yaa’. Though it appears as ‘Yaa’ it is pronounced as Aa or Ei and not as ‘Ya’ or Yi.
The first type of ‘Yaa’ in chapter Yaseen appears 214 times a number that is not divisible by 19 and even after adding the ‘Yaa’ (of the first type) present in the ‘Rahim’ of Bismi the total comes up to 215, which again is not divisible by 19.
The second type ‘Ya’ appears 21 times which again is not divisible by 19. The third type of ‘Yaa’ appears 9 times, a number not divisible by 19,
Even if all the three types of ‘Yaa’ are added the total comes to 214+1+21+9=245, still not divisible by 19.
The three types of ‘Yaa’ counted together or individually do not result in a number divisible by 19.
But he presented this as evidence. Let’s look into it.
He had said if the letter ‘Yaa’ and ‘Seen’ are counted together it would result in a number that is divisible by 19. This can be achieved by fraudulently manipulating the counting of numbers as he had done.
The three types of ‘Yaa’ are 245.
Seen 47
Total 282.
Not divisible by 19.
If a demand is made not to include the three ‘Yaa’s by him, and that only the first type of Yaa needs to be taken into account, it results in a number not divisible by 19.
The first type of ‘Yaa’ 214
Seen 47
Total 261
Not divisible by 19. If he insists on the second type of ‘Yaa’ to be taken into account it is present in the following manner;
The second type of ‘Yaa’ appears 21 times.
‘Seen’ 47 times.
Total 68
Not divisible by 19
And if there is demand that the third type of the letter ‘Yaa’ needs to be taken into account we find the number still not divisible by 19 as follows:
The third type of ‘Yaa’ appears 9 times.
‘Seen’ 47 times
Total 56
Not divisible by 19
As per his calculation, in whatever way the letters ‘Yaa’ and ‘Seen’ are added up, we do not arrive at a number that can be divided by 19.
While taking into account the number of ‘Yaa’ and ‘Seen’ he fraudulently skipped some places to facilitate a number that is divisible by 19.
He had said these words ‘Yaa’ and ‘Seen’ are found cumulatively 285 times in the chapter. But the truth is, in whatever we look at the numbers we can never arrive at that figure of 285.
The next one he points out is chapter 40, where the ‘initial letters’ ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’ appear. We do not find these letters as per his argument, in a number divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Yaa’ appears 62 times, which is not divisible by 19.
Even if the letter ‘Haa’ present in the beginning of the chapter, (in the word Bismi) is added up the resultant total is 63 not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ is found 377 times in this chapter, which is not divisible by 19.
Even if the 3 ‘Meem’s present in the beginning of the chapter are also added to the total, it comes to 380 a number not divisible by 19.
If these numbers are not divisible individually by the number 19, they do not either when put together 380+64=444.
The letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’ are found 46 times in chapter 41, this number is not divisible by 19. If we add the ‘Haa’ from the ‘Bismi’ in the beginning of the chapter we still get a total of 47, not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ is found in this chapter 273 times, not divisible by 19.
If the 3 ‘Meem’s present at the beginning are also added it totals only to 276, not divisible by 19.
We have already explained about how except the letter ‘Qaaf’, the remaining ‘Haa’, ‘Meem’, ‘Iyn’, ‘Seen’, are not divisible by 19.
Chapter 43 of the Quran starts with the letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’.
The letter ‘Haa’ appears 42 times, not divisible by 19.
If the ‘Haa’ found present in the beginning of the chapter is also added, the number totals to only 43, not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ is found 321 times in this chapter, not divisible by 19.
If the 3 ‘Meem’s present in the Bismi are also added to this number we get 324 not divisible by 19.
And when both the numbers 324+43 are added totals to 367, not divisible by 19,
The 44th chapter of the Quran also starts with the letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’.
The letter ‘Haa’ is found 14 times not divisible by 19.
When the ‘Haa’ found at the beginning of the verse is also added it totals to 15, not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ appears 147 times in this chapter, not divisible by 19.
The addition of three ‘Meem’s present in the beginning of the chapter gives a number (150) that is not divisible by 19.
When both the numbers (150+15) are added still appear not divisible by 19.
The letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’ also appear in chapter 45 of the Quran.
‘Haa’ is found appearing 29 times. Not divisible by 19.
When the ‘Haa’ from the beginning of the chapter is added the number turns out to be 30, still not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Meem’ appears 197 times in this chapter, not divisible by 19.
Adding 3 ‘Meem’ to this number does not result in a figure that is divisible by 19.
Even if both the resultant numbers are added it totals to 230, which is not divisible by 19.
Chapter 46 of the Quran starts with the letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’. ‘Haa’ 34 times, not divisible by 19, and if the ‘Haa’ found in the beginning of the word ‘Bismi’ added to this number still the resulting 35 is not divisible by 19.
The number of times the letter ‘Meem’ found in this chapter is 222, not divisible by 19.
And even if the 3 ‘Meem’ found in the beginning of the chapter are added, it gives a number (225) not divisible by 19.
And even if both the numbers (225+35) are added the resultant figure (260) is not divisible by 19.
In chapters that start with letters ‘Haa’ and ‘Meem’, they do not appear in a number divisible by 19, and Rashad Khalifa accepts this fact, and says to add ‘Haa’ ‘Meem’ letters found in all the chapters of the Quran, arriving at a number divisible by 19. To arrive at such a number, he would take into account all the initial letters’ ‘Haa’ ‘Meem’ ‘Iyn’ ‘Seen’ ‘Qaaf’ put together. Let’s look into the manipulations he had undertaken to prove his point.
He continues to go on adding until a figure divisible by 19 is arrived at.
He presents a calculation 2147÷19=113, from there onwards tries somehow to arrive at a figure of 19. He says this in his own words.
He has developed a manipulative method to arrive at figures, without even counting the ‘initial letters’. This can be found out very easily by people even with a 5% thinking capacity. There are people who sing his praises even after coming to know about deceptive ways revealed by himself. Let us look into his absurdities.
We have already proved from chapter 19, about how the letters Qaaf, ‘Haa’ ‘Yaa’ ‘Iyn’ ‘Saad’ appearing in chapter do not satisfy the conditions of Rashad Khalifa to be divisible by 19.
His absurdity starts here.
Though there are five ‘initial letters’ found in this chapter as per his classification, he leaves out four of them and chooses to take into account only ‘Haa’. One does not need much intelligence to question this. Let us take ‘Haa’ for an analysis now.
‘Haa’ appears 148 times in chapter 19,
There are 27 places in this chapter where this letter appears in the form ‘ta’ when written and pronounced as ‘haa’. He has added this to increase the tally of ‘haa.’ He usually takes into account the letters based on their form, but here he has included the ‘haa’ that appears in a different form. Even taking his word and attempting to add the 147 ‘haa’ and the 27 ‘haa’ appearing in a different form, it totals to only 175.
Leaving out four of the five letters ‘Qaaf’ ‘Haa’ ‘Yaa’ ‘Iyn’ ‘Saad’ and taking only ‘Haa’, he should have at least proved his ‘19’ theory in this one letter.
As per his counting there are 175 ‘Haa’s in this chapter, when this number is not found to be divisible by 19, he wants us to jump to chapter 20. This chapter starts with letters ‘Taa’ and ‘Haa’, and wants us to add the total number of times both these letters appear in this chapter.
His lackeys should have questioned him at least at this juncture about dividing the number of times the letter ‘Haa’ appears by 19. And if it was found not possible at that juncture, they (the lackeys) should have demanded only the letter ‘Haa’ from this chapter (20) to be added.
Or, have they pondered about the reason to add ‘Haa’ and ‘Taa’ together they could have discovered he is a fraudulent person. As required by him when the Haa’s from the 19th chapter are added with those from the 20th along with the Taa’s present in the 20th, we do not arrive at a figure divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Taa’ appears 28 times, and the circular ‘Taa’ and ‘Haa’ are together found 251 times.
We find the letter ‘Taa’ in this chapter appearing in a number not divisible by 19, neither does the letter ‘Haa’, and even if both the letters are added, we arrive at a figure of 279, which again is not divisible by 19.
He accepts all these facts, and wants us to include the 175 ‘Haa’s from the 19th Chapter into this count, totalling to 454 yet again not divisible by 19.
In spite of all the manipulations when 454 is not found to be divisible by 19, he wants us to go in for yet another jump to Chapter 26,
and add up all the Taa, Seen, Meem, letters found in this chapter together totalling up to 611 as follows:
Taa- 33
Seen - 94 (Including the one in ‘Bismi’)
Meem- 484 (Including the one in ‘Bismi’)
We find the letter ‘Taa’ in this chapter 26 in a number not divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Seen’ appears in a number not divisible by 19.
And the letter ‘Meem’ also appears in a number not divisible by 19.
When all the three numbers are added up the sum total is 611, which also is not divisible by 19, and to this number he wants us to add the 454 already there totalling to 1065, when even this number is not divisible by 19, he wants us to jump to chapter 27. This chapter begins with the letters ‘Taa’ and ‘Seen’ containing 27 ‘Taa’ and 94 ‘Seen’s including the one in ‘Bismi’.
Total - 121
Here we see all the numbers arrived at by adding as instructed by him are not divisible by 19.
He wants us to continue adding this number as 1065+121=1186 in spite of all his manipulations he could not arrive at a number that is divisible by 19, and again, he wants us to jump to chapter 38, which starts with the letters Taa, Seen, Meem, with Taa 19 times, Seen 102 times and Meem 460 times appearing respectively.
The 38th chapter of the Quran starts with the letters ‘Taa’, ‘Seen’, and ‘Meem’,
In this chapter we find 19 ‘Taa’s 102 ‘Seen’s including the one in ‘Bismi’ and 460 ‘Meem’s.
Only the letter ‘Taa’ which appears 19 times is found divisible by 19.
The 102 (‘Seen’s) not divisible by 19
The 460 (Meem’s) not divisible by 19.
The total number we arrive at 19+102+460=581 is also not divisible by 19.
On pointing out the various discrepancies in the calculations made by him up till now, he wants us to add 581 to the already available total of 1186, making up a figure of 1767.
Taking into account particular letters from unconnected four chapters, and one letter from a chapter of the Quran, can be accounted for any number that we wish to be shown as desired by us.
When a question is put to him as to why stop with these five chapters and not extend it to other chapters containing the ‘initial letters’, he replies by stating the number 19 theorem has been proved hence the full stop.
Now we understand the reason why he was christened “The Mental 19”
It needs to be remembered, more of the numbers derived were those as per his calculations not divisible by 19 than that were divisible.
In the above 16 chapters we have pointed out, there are 37 initial letters present, out of which only the letter qaaf appears in a number divisible by 19 twice, and the letter ‘Taa’ appearing in a number divisible by 19. The rest of the 37 initial letters appearing in other chapters does not come to be divisible by 19.
He also argues citing chapters of the Quran that start with letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ ‘Meem’ in a number that comes to be divisible by 19.
The chapters that start with the letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’, ‘Meem’, are 2, 3, 29, 30, 31, 32.
While quoting chapter of the Quran in his book, he says:
There are 4502 ‘Alif’s
3202 ‘Laam’s and
2195 ‘Meem’s
Totalling to a number 9899. Which he says results in a calculation of 19X521=9899
We need to observe many things here. As per his arguments and as claimed by him, this number 9899 is arrived at only by adding the numbers 4502+3202+2195=9899.
When taken individually these numbers 4502, 3202, and 2195, do not get to be divided by 19.
These numbers become divisible by 19 only when added together, and is against his claim that each and every initial letters appear in numbers divisible by 19.
He argues that 9899 is divisible by 521, resulting in 19. And number 521 is many times greater than 19. And is also not divisible by 19, this is the reason he brings his theorem to an abrupt end at this juncture. This is his second error.
The third manipulation is as follows;
In this chapter of the Quran, as pointed out by him we find only the letters ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ appearing in a manner pointed out by him. The letter ‘Alif’ does not appear as pointed out by him 4502 times. And any one proving that ‘Alif’ appears in chapter 2 of the Quran 4502 times will be awarded 1,00,000 INR from us. We can also announce a reward of Ten million INR, because no one proves the numbers.
There are 4722 Alif’s that appear in this chapter of the Quran, whereas he has lied it to be as 4502. Now, adding up the numbers 4722+3202+2195 = 10119, we find it not divisible by 19.
By showing a manipulated number he was able to prove his 19 theorem, and if insisted he could never be able to prove his 19 formula. We would have judged him to be an ordinary liar if he had given some number, but we see he lied quoting a fixed number, having faith on his blind followers that they would not verify. The extraordinary faith he had on his blind followers had prompted him to lie accompanied with a list of verses that contain the letter ‘Alif’. For instance, he has said there are 9 ‘Alif’s found in the 4th verse of chapter two of the Quran, whereas only 8.
He has confidently written in his book stating there are 9 ‘Alif’s found in verse 6, but only 7 are found.
He says there are 3 ‘Alif’s in verse 7, but anyone can check, it has 5.
And also says the 8th verse has eleven ‘Alif’s’ whereas it has only 9.
There are many places in the Quran that he has quoted with wrong counts of the initial letter ‘Alif’.
20 letters in verse 20
24 letters in verse 24
12 letters in verse 12
25 letters in verse 25
26 letters in verse 26
5 letters in verse 28
11 letters in verse 9
16 letters in verse 31
22 letters in verse 22
14 letters in verse 34
15 letters in verse 35
15 letters in verse 36
7 letters in verse 37
11 letters in verse 39
11 letters in verse 40
19 letters in verse 41
7 letters in verse 42
10 letters in verse 43
The above list was provided by him as containing the number of ‘Alif’s in page number 193 of his book. The entire list is wrong, with either the number being less or more of the letter ‘Alif’ contained in them.
He has provided a list of 45 verses in this page, out of which 22 are found to be absolute lies. On analysis we can find out that in over 100 verses one cannot find the letter ‘Alif’ in numbers as quoted by him.
Let’s analyze the third chapter of the Quran starting with the ‘initial letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ ‘Meem’.
He gives the following list:
Total number of Alif’s- 2521
Total number of Laam’s- 1892
Total number of ‘Meem’s 1249
Total number of initial letters 5662.
5662 = 19 x 298.
It is clear that even as per his own calculations the initial letters above cited do not appear to be divisible by 19 individually and he accepts it as,
We find ‘Alif’ appearing 2521 times, a number not divisible by 19.
‘Laam’ appeared 1892 times, a number not divisible by 19.
‘Meem’ appearing 1249 times a number not divisible by 19
And argues 5662 divided by 19 gives 298, but conveniently forgets 292 is not divisible by 19. And we do not find the letter Alif in a number as quoted by him, he says there are 2521 of them in this chapter, but in fact there are 2662 Alif’s.
Alif’s - 2662
Laam’s- 1892
Meem’s- 1249 This number is not divisible by 19.
The three initial letters appearing in this chapter however added or individually counted do not come to be divisible by 19. But he has resorted to his usual lies.
The list of initial letters provided by him as appearing in this chapter is misleading, similar to what he had done in other chapters.
He has unshakable faith on his followers who believe in stupid lists about numbers of letters in verses. He says there are
14 Alif’s in 4th verse.
10 Alif’s in 5th verse.
12 Alif’s in 6th verse.
38 Alif’s in 7th verse
12 Alif’s in 10th verse.
13 Alif’s in 11th verse.
22 Alif’s in 14th verse.
And anyone on checking this account can find it a blatant lie on his part. He has lied about the letter ‘Alif’ in over 50 verses of this chapter in the Quran. He has misrepresented numbers of the letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ appearing in chapters of the Quran, and also in the 29th chapter.
Total count of Alif’s - 774
Total count of ‘Laam’s - 554
Total count of ‘Meem’s - 344
Grand Total 1672
And says in his book page no. 206, when 1672 is divided by 19 gives 88.
And if all the three numbers are considered individually none of them is divisible by 19, and only when totaled together in the wrong method becomes divisible by 19.
The letter ‘Alif’ appears in a different count than quoted by him as follows:
Alif – 813 counts
Laam –554 counts
Meem-344 counts
Total count- 1711.
This is not divisible by 19.
The fact is none of the initial letters either individually or totally counted is not divisible by 19.
As usual he has provided a fraudulent list:
11 Alif’s in 2nd verse
10 Alif’s in 4h verse
12 Alif’s in 5th verse
12 Alif’s in 8th verse
7 Alif’s in 9th verse.
25 Alif’s in 10th verse
6 Alif’s in 11th verse
12 Alif’s in 12th verse
12 Alif’s in 13th verse
He has lied 9 times in 13 verses, where in the initial letters he has quoted are either less or more in numbers and not as quoted by him.
The letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ are found in the 30th chapter, as accounted by him in the following manner:
Total count of Alif’s - 544
Total count of Laam’s- 393
Total count of Meem’s- 317
Grand total-1254
1254 ÷19=66.
As per his argument there are 544 counts of Alif’s in this chapter, but this number is not divisible by 19.
There are 393 Laam’s, not divisible by 19.
There are 317 Meem’s, not divisible by 19. 317
It is not divisible by 19 even if all the three counts are put together as follows 568+393+317=1278. But when the number 568 is substituted with 544 the resulting total is divisible by 19. There are a total 568 Alifs found there whereas he gives a fraudulent number of 544 to be conveniently divisible by 19. Hence, 568+393+317=1278
We find these three letters appearing in a count not divisible by 19 either individually or when counted together.
The following is the list provided by him
Total count of Alif’s - 347
Total count of Laam’s- 297
Total count of Meem’s - 173
Grand total -817
817 ÷ 19 = 43
The above cited total count of Alif’s, Laam’s and Meem’s put together does not get divided by 19, nor do they come divisible by 19 even individually. He has given a fraudulent account of 347 Alif’s as found in this chapter, whereas the actual number is 386.
Because 386+297+173 = 856 which cannot be expected to be divisible by 19, he has manipulated the numbers to suit his calculation of arriving at 19.
The above quoted numbers are not divisible by 19 either individually or added together.
Similarly, chapter 32 of the Quran starts with the initial letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’
He accounts for the initial letters in this chapter as follows:
Total count of Alif’s- 257
Total count of Laam’s- 155
Total count of Meem’s- 158
Grand total -570
570 ÷19 =30
None of the three numbers viz; 257, 155, 158 representing the three letters are divisible by 19, and even these three added together the sum total does not get divided by 19, until fraudulently manipulated.
We can find out the truth from the following fraudulent list he has provided.
13 Alif’s in the 5th verse.
4 Alif’s in 6th verse
5 Alif’ in 7th verse
21 Alif’s in 8th verse
7 Alif’s n 9th verse
11 Alif’s in 10th verse
11 Alif’s in 13th verse
All the above figures he has presented are false.
All together we find in the six chapters that start with the initial letters Alif, Laam, Meem, none of the counts in which these letters appear are divisible by 19, even if totally counted together. There is absolutely no connection between the number 19 and these chapters starting with the initial chapter. A fraudulent person of his kind is hard to find.
Other than manipulating these three initials(?) letters he has also played on the other one’s as well.
Let’s now go into the chapters of the Quran that start with the letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’, ‘Ra’. Taking advantage of the imbecility of his followers Rashad Khalifa had lied enormously regarding these letters as well.
He has given an account of the letters Alif, Laam, Ra, that start with the 10th chapter.
‘Alif’ counts- 1319
‘Laam’ counts- 913
‘Ra’ counts- 257
Total counts 2489
And arrives at a calculation 2489÷19=131
He has followed his usual way of fraudulently providing the counts of these letters to suit his theory on 19.
We find the actual counts as follows, differing from what he has provided:
1366+913+257=2536, there are 1366 Alif’s and not 1319 as given by him, totalling to 2536, and not 2489 as claimed by him, this number is again not divisible by 19.
Since there are different shapes for the letter ‘Alif’ thinking it could create confusions he has confidently lied.
It can be seen for example in the 5th verse of this chapter, the letter ‘Alif’ is found only in 18 counts whereas he has misquoted as 19. Similarly, he has given the number as 12 in case of ‘Alif’s appearing in 6th verse whereas the letter appears 14 times.
He has misquoted the count of Alif’s in numerous verses of the Quran.
The letters Alif, Laam, and Ra are also found in the 11th chapter of the Quran, and he gives us the following account of the same.
Total counts of Alif- 1370
Total counts of Laam – 794
Total counts of Ra- 325
Grand total- 2489
By releasing this account, he accepts the fact these numbers individually are not divisible by 19 and also, cannot as a result be divisible by 19 even if added together unless of course if manipulated.
There are 1421 Alif’s present and not 1370 as claimed by him, and according to this account 1421+793+323=2537, and this number is not divisible by 19.
He has listed the counts of Alif’s as usual in each verse of this chapter and followed the same with manipulation in numbers, as can be seen for example, he says there are 4 Alif’s in the first verse, whereas as there are 5 Likewise, he says there are 15 Alif’s in the 3rd verse, but 16 are found Similarly, we find the letters Alif, Laam, Ra, in the 12th chapter of the Quran according to him as follows;
Total counts of Alif’s- 1306
Total counts of Laam’s- 812
Total counts of Ra’s- 257
Grand total-2375
and arrives at a calculation as follows: 2375÷19=125.confirming the fact these letters individually are not divisible by 19.
And even if the three letters are counted together the resultant number does come to be divisible by 19 until manipulated as the total count comes to 1378+812+257=2447, not divisible by 19.
The wrong numbers he quoted can be seen as follows: In the first verse of this chapter, he gives the count of Alif’s as 5, whereas there are 6 of them. He gives the number as 11, but there are 12. In this way he has given false accounts of these letters in many places.
Similarly, the initial letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’, ‘Ra’, can be found in the 14th chapter. But he presents his own counts as follows:
Total counts of ‘Alif’s - 585
Total counts of ‘Laam’s- 452
Total counts of ‘Ra’s- 160
Grand Total- 1197
And arrives at a calculation of 1197÷19=63.
Whereas the actual counts are as follows with 614 Alif’s 614+452+160=1226. This number is not divisible by 19. And even the individual total counts of these letters are not found divisible by 19.
His accounting of the letters can be found false in the very first verse of this chapter, where 16 Alif’s are found while he has shown only 12.
Next, we find the letters ‘Alif’’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Ra’ in the 15th chapter, he gives his account of these as follows:
Total counts of Alif’s- 493
Total counts of Laam’s-323
Total counts of ‘Ra’- 96
Grand total -912
And arrives at 912÷19=48 Even as argued by him the individual counts of these letters do not come to be divided by 19.
As against his claim of 493 Alif’s in this chapter, there are 527 found, leading to a total as 527+323+96=946, which is not divisible by 19. Even in this chapter of the Quran he has deliberately misquoted the count of Alif’s, for example it can be seen in the 6th verse there are 8 Alif’s while he claims it as 7.
Hence it stands confirmed that similar to letters Alif, Laam, Meem also the Alif, Laam, Ra, appearing in the respective chapters do not satisfy the condition of being divisible by 19 when either individually or totally counted.
Finally, he takes up the 7th chapter starting with the letters Alif, Laam, Meem, Saad, with his own accounting as follows:
Total counts of Alif’s- 2529
Total counts of Laam’s- 1530
Total counts of Meem’s- 1164
Total counts of Saad’s-97
Grand total-5320
Leading to a calculation of 5320÷19=280 by him As can be seen even according to his own claim none of the four letters whose counts individually or totally counted do not come to be divisible by 19, except by fraudulently manipulating them. Because we find the count of Alif’s as 2651 and not 2529 as quoted by him totalling to 2651+1530+1164+97=5442 which is not divisible by 19.
As usual Rashad Khalifa has manipulated numbers in this chapter also, like he has claimed there are 12 Alif’s in the 3rd verse, but we find only 11 and 10 Alif’s in the 4th verse, whereas 12 are found. We have hence proved that Rashad Khalifa’s 19 theory does not have relevance whatsoever with the Quran and the initial letters (?) he had pointed out.
He had claimed there are a total of 285 words in the first revealed chapter 96 and this is divisible by 19. He has released two contradictory works on this subject. In his book ‘Visual Presentation’ page no; 17, he says there are 285 words in this chapter, and in his so-called translation of the Quran he says the same chapter consists of 304 words. Both his claims are false, because there are only 288 words in this chapter. And he has manipulated the number of words to suit his claim of divisibility by 19.
A more corroborative exposure of his foolishness can be seen in is claim as prophet of Islam, any average person could sense this.
We need to understand something more important, before going into his absurdities.
We are aware how in the name of numerology, people are misguided in today’s world by some. The precursors of this practice were ignorant Muslims who believed in the use of talismans and other objects that are supposed to bring good things in life to the users. Rashad Khalifa presents us with numerical calculations based on the blind beliefs of these ignorant Muslims as evidence to prove him as the prophet of God.
Based on the principles these people formulated, ignorant Muslims claim the word Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim is represented by number 786. They call this the Apjath calculation. Allah has not indicated either directly or indirectly in the Quran the allotment of particular numbers to particular letters in the Arabic language.
This Apjath calculation was used by the jews in their Hebrew language. We can find almost all the Arabic letters except a few being used in the Hebrew language. These so-called Muslims have allotted the same numbers that the jews had given to letters in the Hebrew language. Since six Arabic letters are not represented in the Hebrew language, they have been allotted different numbers.
He claimed himself to be the prophet by citing the Jewish calculations as evidence.
His name Rashad Khalifa is calculated by him as having the following value numbers Ra (200), Sheen (300), Alif (1), Daal (4), (200+300+1+4=505) And Khalifa has a value of 725 as follows Ha (600), Laam (30), Ya (10) Fa (80), Ha (5), (600+30+10+80+5=725)
He presents a calculation by adding both the value numbers as 1230.
Let’s look at the way he is trying to prove himself as the prophet of God using this number as evidence.
Verse 2:119 of the Quran says ‘We sent you as a messenger along with truth’ he claimed this verse refers to him, and cites as evidence the number 505 representing his name Rashad when added to the number 725 representing Khalifa along with 119 the verse number totalling to 1349 which is divisible by 19, (1349÷19=71) which in turn points out to him as the discoverer of the 19 theory about the structure of the Quran. Hence claims he is the Prophet alluded to in this verse of the Quran.
Since it happens to be the 119th verse of this chapter he wants the representative numbers of his name to be added to it.
Though from this argument of his we can come to a conclusion about his insanity, we can confirm the same additionally by going through another evidence he presents.
Verse 5:19 says, ‘Our messenger has come to you’, this verse he says is referring to him, by giving a foolish number game of requiring us to add 505+725+19+5=1254, the 5 and 19 are to be taken as 5:19 of the Quran When, a question is raised as to why the 2 denoting the chapter is not added in the previous case, then he would have replied as having arrived at the divisibility by 19 without doing so.
Verses 26:214-223 start by asking the prophet to target his relations with messages with warnings to them. Rashad Khalifa claimed these verses refer to him citing the 19 criteria as shown below:
Here while requiring us to add 214, he conveniently leaves out 26, the chapter number, because if added it results in a figure not divisible by 19.
The Quran speaks about the messenger in verses 25:27, 28, 29, and 30. Rashad Khalifa argues these verses refer to him as the messenger. He goes on to present an innovative stupid method of calculation arriving at a figure of 505,725,25,27,28,29,30 (505, and 725 representative numbers of his name, 25 representing the chapter of the Quran, and 27,28,29,30 verses of the chapter 25.) to be divided by 19. Nothing more is needed than this as the proof to conclude him and his followers as a bunch of insane beings.
In verse 44 of the 28th chapter of the Quran Allah speaks to Prophet Muhammad. But Rashad Khalifa claims he is being addressed by the Almighty.
And gives us the following calculation as evidence:
He wants us to add the numbers representing his name, 505+725=1230, then continue writing 44 (the verse number) making it 123044 when this becomes divisible by 19
Next, we see verse 44:13 of the Quran talking about Prophet Muhammad, but Rashad Khalifa claims the Quran is talking about him, and gives the following explanations about it.
Rashad -505
Khalifa -725
Verse -13
The resulting total is not divisible by 19. 44+13=57 comes to be divisible by 19 (57÷19=3) Can anyone fathom his stupidity.
Verse 27:82 of the Quran talks about the emergence of a creature at the time of the doomsday, Rashad Khalifa claimed that creature to be himself. And said it prophesied the advent of a prophet in the last days, and presents a calculation none could imagine as follows:
Since this is being said in verse 27:82 Rashad Khalifa splits it to 2+7+8+2=19.
To falsely identify himself as a messenger of God he has been presenting all kinds of foolish calculations making his followers imbeciles.
He has also invented a new method of calculation instead of the normal counting,
He has calculated as,
by placing digits in inappropriate positions (e.g., Placing a number in its 1000th position instead of the 10th position.)
There cannot be a self-declared fool other than this person in the whole world.
He cites numbers that are difficult even for supercomputers to compute.
He has written down in one long continuing stretch the numbers of 286 verses of the 2nd chapter of the Quran as 12345678901112131415161718……286 hoping no one would verify.
Despite the development of science, when a liar or an insane person cannot be considered as good men, there is no chance of them being a messenger of God.
But weakness in men remains the same, one such weakness exposed starkly is 19. From the time men were introduced to numbers they were struck with awe and fear, imagining some numbers would bring good luck while others brought bad happenings. He noted down certain numbers thinking they were favorable to him while others were not.
Then he created something called numerology, and gave a particular number to a particular alphabet, and accordingly, allotted numbers to all the letters in the language and synchronized these letters to numbers to mantras, and shortened the long mantras constricting them into mere numbers. He then started to engrave these numbers in bits of copper sheets, wrote them in bits of paper and cloth folded in small packages to be hung around the neck, and homes.
They refused to live in houses with door numbers 13, and renumbered those houses with 12, 12A, 14, 15, 16 and so on.
These kinds of superstitions are held even today not only by the tribals living in remote hilly uninhabited areas, but also by people living in highly educated societies in Europe and the US.
People in some places and at times considered certain numbers special, and holy for them, and treated number 19 the same way.
Each sect of the Jews had a holy number of their own, and a group that considered 19 as special to them also existed at the time. They like the rest of the sects played with 19 by structuring planets of the universe within the number.
Rashad Khalifa accepts this fact as seen in his book Quran-The Final Testament i n page number 403. The first time 19 was given a spiritual identity was in 816.AD (Hijiri 201)
A liar by the name of Babak Khorrami from Khorasan region of Iran started a movement with an ideology based on 19. He was murdered in (837 AD) Hijiri 223, for creating turmoil in the Muslim community for about twenty years.
Even after a few centuries, people who accepted his ideology did exist in groups scattered in some places.
Later towards the beginning of the 19th century from the same Khorasan region came Hussein Busrui who was the fountain head for a couple of ideologies.
He was born in the village of Busra Vaia in the Khorasan region and Babism which later came to be known as Bahaism was the result of his guidance.
He called himself Babul Bob, and Muhammad Ali Shirazi who rechristened himself as Bob and Mirza Hussein Ali who declared himself as ‘Bahaullah’ with their 16 early disciples belong to the sect of 12 Imams, (the Idna Asharia). Mostly all the misguidances in the name of Islam like (12) imams and 5 (Allah, Ali, Fathima, Hassain, Hussan, -the Panja took their roots from the Shias) these people the Shia Bahai’s who were used to treating numbers as sacred needed a sacred number for themselves and decided to retain 19, and declared the whole universe pivoted around this number.
19 plays an important part in their doctrines, as can be seen given below:
1. Year Bob was born 1819 - 1+8+1+9=19
2. Bob was born in the 19th century.
3. Bob was born in the 19th year of the 19th century.
4. There were 19 members including him in the group when he declared himself as Bob, that professed their ideology.
5. Divided each year in 19 months.
6. Divided each month into 19 days.
7. Fixed the number of days to fast as 19.
8. Can pronounce talaq 19 times.
9. The period of Iddah after talaq is 19 days.
10. The Iddah period for women whose husbands are dead is 95 (5x19=95 days).
11. Women who underwent a menstrual cycle need not take bath, cleaning 95 times is sufficient enough.
12. People living in cities need to pay a Mahar of 19 Mithqal of gold.
13. People living in villages are required to pay 19 Mishka of silver as Mahar.
14. Zakat was fixed at 19%.
15. All the houses were required to be renovated every 19 years.
16. Hussein Ali declared himself as ‘Bahaullah’ 19 years after his marriage.
17. People were required to chant ‘Allah-hu-Abha' 95 times.
18. Only 19 beads in the tasbih.
19. Need to pray 19 times before burying the dead.
20. Every 19th day tends to be celebrated as a festival day called 19th day festival.
21. One mithqal is roughly equivalent to 4.6 grams. (19 naqquts)
22. Zakat becomes mandatory on a person possessing 19 mithqals of gold or equivalent things in value.
23. No need to pay (Hucul) Zakat for possessions whose value exceeds 19 mithqals, till the value reaches another 19 mithqals.
24. Hussein Ali declared himself as ‘Bahaullah’ 19 years after Ali Muhammad Shirazi christened himself as ‘Bob’.
25. Number 19 can be seen manifesting itself even in punishments meted out by them. First time offence of prostitution attracts a fine of 19 mithqals of gold, a second time offence attracts twice the amount, and a third time offence attracts double this amount of, 76 mithqals of gold. The 19th offence of whoring attracts a death sentence.
26. Their scripture known as ‘Aqdas’ written by Bahaullah is divided into many ‘paras.’
They have regrouped the previously existed ‘paras’ now into 10x19=190.
As usual the refuge for all adversaries of Islam, Haifa in Israel serves as the headquarters of this sect.
The Jews in spite of all the fostering and encouraging Bahai ism they could not obliterate truth with falsehood. They could not harm Islam.
The Jews attempted to destroy Islam right from the beginning, and were joined by Christians later, only to be given company by the communists after the Russian revolution. But the full-time workers who work very hard even today to destroy Islam are the Jews.
The Jews who sensed the quantum of confusion created by people in the garb of Muslims like the Qadhianis as more than people from outside Islam, hit upon the modern plot of 19.
Instead of going in and instigating a new confusion they decided to continue with what was available at hand, the Bahaism and its ‘19’ concept.
The ‘American Jewish Lobby’ functioning in the US, and having great influence, picked Rashad Khalifa from Egypt working in the US.
Rashad Khalifa's father was a renowned mystic, and the Jews did not have much in convincing a person already buried in mysticism to make a saint out of a human, and a God out of that saint. A person who has already been bred and brought up in an ideology deeply rooted in mysticism and used to the belief of being amalgamated with God, resulting in screams of I am God! I am God, the Jews did not have much difficulty in convincing him to be the prophet, while he already believed himself to be the God.
The American Jewish lobby helped Rashad Khalifa with American citizenship, and assured him of a fat salary with a request to give up the present job then, and to take up a job with them. A deal was struck with Rashad Khalifa, and everything from writing pens to computers were gifted to him. He was also supplied with stooges as assistants, their names are given as Ericson, Caesar Majel, Eric, Carmelle, Yusuf, Barakat, Habib, Emily K. Stuart, Ramadan, Eddy Yuksel, Cadott Adi soma and Lisa Spray, at his disposal. Rashad Khalifa started his research about 19 in the Quran with the help of computers provided by these people. He was provided with the best software of the time.
A fortune would have been spent on software programming people, those days very rare in Arabic.
Rashad Khalifa says this took place in 1968. with the Jews bearing all the costs, and helping him with Arabic software which were prepared by them, in this context we need to remember there were Jews whose mother tongue was Arabic. However, the project which was a five-year plan had to be hurried due to the pressure from the Jewish pay masters, who decided to have a trial run on the Muslims.
Accordingly in 1973 a book was released from the publisher named ‘Islamic Productions’ (a shell company of the Jews) titled ‘Miracle of the Quran, and significance of the mysterious alphabets’ where Rashad Khalifa has written a little about chapter 42, and 50, starting with ‘Qaaf’, and Chapter 7, 19, 50 starting with the letter ‘Saad’, and chapter 68 starting with the letter ‘Noon’. A lot of publicity was given to this book.
The gullible Muslims lost their senses believing the book is genuine and earnestly started distributing reprinted copies of the same giving Rashad Khalifa the required publicity.
Since the trial run was successful it was decided by them to implement the scheme already plotted, and they resumed their research in 1968 more vigorously in the same manner till the time he was assassinated in 1990. But the work is being continued by his henchmen even now.
It can be known from the facts we presented above, there is absolutely no connection between these people and Islam, and are creations of Jews to create divisions and confusions within the Muslim community and Islam.
354. Is the Quran structured on the mathematical figure 19?
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