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353. The cloud of smoke after the ‘Big Bang’.

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353. The cloud of smoke after the ‘Big Bang’.

This verse (41:11) of the Quran says the sky was filled with smoke.

This followed the incident that took place as mentioned in verse 21:30 The ‘Big Bang’ theory states the whole universe started from a single point exploding and growing into what it is now. 

 The ‘Big Bang’ theory can already be seen found in the Quran some 1443 years ago, where it says in verses (41:11) and (21:30) that, the whole universe is the result of an explosion of a single point which left a cloud of smoke consisting of dust particles turning into what the universe is now.

 The Quran by saying ‘the heavens and earth were fused together and we cleft them apart’ in verse 21:30, and also verse 41:11, where it says about the resulting of the present-day universe from the smoke particles, due to the explosion of a single point, proves itself to be the word of God. 

Please refer to point no 287 to know more regarding this.

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