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331. The weight of the earth taken in by humans.

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331. The weight of the earth taken in by humans.

Verses (50:4, 71:17) of the Quran say the weight of the earth is reduced by humans due to their imbibing the same into them. A great scientific truth is revealed in these verses.

Immaterial of the advent of any number of organisms on earth, their weight does not get added from outside the earth, rather they add their weight from what is within the earth. The weight of the earth is reduced by getting transferred to organisms such as animals, trees, and other living things.

Thus the weight of the earth is taken in by these living things, while they keep growing and developing.

The weight of the earth never increases in spite of the number of humans being added. If the earth is weighed even now along with its people it would be the same as in the beginning of the time.

The fact that man takes his weight from the very earth he lives revealed by the Quran 1443 years back stands testimony to the claim, the Quran is the word of God.

To know more about this please refer to explanation No;167. 

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