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330. Immediate grant of paradise to martyrs.

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330. Immediate grant of paradise to martyrs.

In this verse (36:26) of the Quran, Allah while talking about a virtuous person’s recommendations for the prophet’s, all of a sudden says “ go to paradise”.

The message this person was murdered by members of his community is beset within this verse, and that virtuous person thus killed was granted paradise immediately is conveyed here. 

We in a life to be spent in the grave after our death, and also in the questioning there.

But there is an exception for such martyrs, they are granted paradise immediately and they would fly about in paradise in the form of a green coloured bird, is explained by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the hadith book Muslim: 3834. 

To know more about this subject please refer to explanation points 41, 332, 349. 

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