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332. Is there torment in the grave?

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332. Is there torment in the grave?

Some argue the non- existence of a life in the grave, and present these verses (36:51, 52) as evidence to prove their claim.

In these verses the evil are said to rise up with a question “Who is the one that awakened us” and that, those that are awakened in this manner are losers, is mentioned in the Quran.

If they had been in continuous torment in the grave they would not have uttered the words ‘Who is the one that awakened us’. Only the ones who were devoid of all disturbances, and were in deep sleep would utter such words.

If they are to be turned out as losers on their awakening then it means, they were not undergoing torment in the grave. Some people argue saying, though there is mention of torment in the grave in the hadiths, it need not be taken into consideration because it contravenes the Quran.

To strengthen their claim, they also put forth another argument, saying, Allah does not thrust injustice on anyone, and believing that Allah torments people in the grave amounts to believing Allah as a tormentor.

Now let us imagine, one of the sons of the first man on earth Adam (AS) is being tormented in the grave for the sin he committed, after his death. Now let’s imagine a man who dies ten days before the judgment day (doomsday), being tormented in the grave for the same sin committed by him, 

The second person undergoes only ten days of torment, whereas the son of Adam undergoes torment for millions of years for the same sin committed. 

There cannot be disparity in the award of punishment by God for the same crime committed by different people, they argue.

Hence they come to the conclusion, believing in torments at the grave and doubting the standards of justice by God are contravening the Quran.

Let us see in detail if there is substance in the claim of such people.

Coming to the conclusion that there is no life in the grave, based on the words “ who are the ones who woke us up” by the people in the grave, is entirely wrong. This is the result of not having entirely analysed the Quran, and taking up just two verses piecemeal.

People transcending from one world to another forget entirely what transpired in the previous one. They will not be able to remember the happenings in the previous one. Hence people who are awakened from life in the grave forget their previous status entirely.

There is evidence in the Quran to prove that when humans transcend from one world to another they forget the previous state.

When the first human Adam (A.S) was created, the whole posterity of generations to come, were exposed by the creator and He asked them to confirm if He was their Creator to which they replied in the affirmative. (Verse 7:172)

The reply thus given by us is not in our memory at the present. It does not ring a bell in our mind in spite of God Almighty reminding us. We believe because God has reminded us, and not because we remembered this ourselves.

When man transcends from one world to another, he is oblivious of all that happened in his previous world, which can be understood from this verse. 

Life in the grave is an altogether different world by itself. And awakened from that world to be presented before Almighty God is another world altogether. Hence, while transcending from one world to another, based on the question “who is the one that disturbed us from our sleep” by man, questioning the existence of a life in the grave, is not wise.

Generally man tends to forget his previous position when subjected to a heavy jolt. The entire deadly scenario to which man is exposed immediately after his awakening from the life at the grave is also another reason, that makes him pose a question, “Who is the one that woke us up from our sleep?

The verse (22:1,2) of the Quran clearly states this. 

This verse claims to be the voice of the one who’s been subjected to a heavy jolt. Allah says it to be the laments of the person exposed to a heavy shock. 

Moreover the unbelievers would claim many other untruths as true in the hereafter. And these untruths cannot be accepted as true just because Great God exposes them.

This verse not only talks about the disbelievers' question regarding who woke them up from their sleep, verse (30:55) says the disbelievers will swear by Allah that they did not remain in the grave for more than one hour.

Will these people who argue believe that the doomsday has arrived in one hour’s time after the man’s death or will they take it as the laments of a shocked person?

And also their claim there is no other punishment than in the hereafter stands hollow exposing their ignorance. 

The words ‘torments in the grave’ may not be found in the Quran, but such a thing exists and is being expressed in different words in the Quran.

The verses 40:45,46 of the Quran say that Firoun’s forces are shown hell fire everyday in the morning and evening, and that the doomsday punishment (Qiyamat) is much more severe and is in waiting.

The Quran says before being subjected to severe punishment on the judgment day, they are being tormented everyday. 

Prophet Muhammad has already explained regarding torment in the grave, and these explanations are nothing but an exegesis of this verse and are not a contravention of the Quran. This applies not only to the forces of Firon but to the entire humanity. 

The angels that capture the soul of the evil people flog them, and say “taste the extreme heat sufferings” and also Allah says similar sufferings that engulfed the forces of Firon will be meted out to these, in verse 8:50-52. It can be understood from these, the sufferings in the grave does not refer only to Firon’s forces , but also addresses everyone. 

The question about injustice in some being punished for a longer period than others should not be posed, after coming to know the arrangement by God. Even if such a question is posed, the Quran has an explanation to offer. Let’s imagine, a person commits a sin hundred years ago, and another does the same today, though the sin committed by both is the same , there is a difference in the quantum of crime.

The person who committed the sin hundred years ago, is the initiator and role model for others committing the same crime, and remained a guide to the person doing the same crime a hundred years later. 

Hence the punishment in the grave is the only option, he could be punished for having misguided himself as well several others in due course of time.

The murder that was committed by Adam’s son stands as a prototype for all the murders in the world, hence he deserves undergoing the most number of days of punishment.

If one gets into the analysis of how many were misguided and the gap in the period of time they took into committing murders , the wise would not question the disparity in punishments in the grave.

Please refer to explanation points 166, 349 to know more on this subject.

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