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329. Three messengers being sent, one after another to a single community.

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329. Three messengers being sent, one after another to a single community.

In this verse (36:14) of the Quran Allahs says two messengers were sent followed by a third to a community.

Though this message is about a historical event it contains an explanation

The historical event cited here suffices as an argument against people who do not consider explanations to verses of the Quran by Prophet Muhammad necessary.

If it is argued the messengers of Almighty were tasked only with reaching the scriptures to the people, then it means only one messenger be allotted to each community. But this verse says three messengers were sent to a community at the same time. 

The task of the messengers does not end with just delivering the scriptures to people, as erroneously argued by some can be seen from this verse.

The responsibility of reaching the scriptures to the people, explaining to them, and spreading the message of the scriptures among the people, required more than one messenger at the same time. This is one of the reasons three messengers were sent to the same community at the sametime. 

The stubbornness in the mindset of the people in their belief, and deficit in their comprehending powers are believed to be the reasons for the necessity of more than one messengers to be sent at the same time. To say this differently, it points to the significance the Almighty has accorded to the prophets than the scriptures.

Similarly we can see Prophet Musa was accompanied by Prophet Haroon at a particular period of history in verses (25:35, 20:29,30,31) of the Quran.

These verses do not only say about two messengers being sent but also talk about the reason behind it.

If the task of the was restricted to reaching the scriptures to the people, Prophet Musa alone would have sufficed the requirement, there is no need for two messengers at the sametime. 

Prophet Musa pleaded his inability to shoulder the responsibility and demanded Prophet Haroon be sent along. The Almighty fulfilled his reasonable demand and let Prophet Haroon accompany him. 

We can understand from this the need for a messenger to clarify to people the message of God.

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