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259. The Honeybees and honey.

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259. The Honeybees and honey.

The verses (16:68,69) of the Quran talk about how honey is created.

There are four scientific truths revealed in it.

The zoological researchers have declared that the honeybeees however further they travel to collect the honey, come back to their origin exactly. 

This verse reveals Allah has made some kind of intuition in the bees to ” depart and arrive with ease “. 

The Quran has already revealed long ago about arrival of bees to their origins however far they go and about the intuition to do so.

(This has been clearly explained in point no; 474.)

Secondly it was previously believed that the bees collected fluids from flowers, and fruits and collected them in their combs to make them into honey.

But the scientists of today have found into be untrue.They have found out ,the honey bees take these fluids as their food. The process to convert these fluids into honey takes place within their bodies and not outside in their combs. The honeycomb does not possess any technology to do the conversion.

The Quran says this in this verse.                  

By the words “ take in your food from the flowers and fruits” the Quran clearly reveals that the bees take those fluids as their food.

Thirdly it is seen that the fluids that are taken as food by the bees undergo a chemical change to become honey and gurged out.

The honey bees have a an aperture for the honey to be gurged out other than the opening for excretion. The honey that is thus gurged out is saved in the combs.

This has been proved by the scientists..

But the Quran fourteen centuries ago has revealed that honey does not come from the mouth of the bees from its intake of food, but from its stomach. 

The findings of the latest scientists revealed 14 centuries ago by the Quran could never be the possible words of any man. 

Fourthly the people of all faculties of medicine agree with the medicinal values of honey that has been pointed out in this verse.

This verse is one that establishes doubtlessly Quran is the word of God.

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