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183. The capability of Jinns.

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183. The capability of Jinns.

Verse (27:39) of the Quran conveys the message that the jinn named Ifrit offered Prophet Sulaiman to bring him the throne of queen Sheba before he could rise from his seat.

There is no difference of opinion in the interpretation of the verse.

But the verse (27:40) next to this says “before a blink of the eyelid said the one who had knowledge of the scriptures”.Now there is a difference of opinion as to who is mentioned here as the one with knowledge of the scriptures, does it refer to humans or Jinns.

The reason for the difference of opinion is verse 27:39 where it is mentioned as “belonging to the Jinns” whereas in verse 27:40 it is mentioned as “the one with knowledge about the scriptures”.

People who are familiar with the the verses of the Quran talking about capabilities of humans and jinns know very well the verse (27:40) also refers to the jinns,because the capability of the jinns is much more than that of men say the verses 72:8,9 of the Quran. 

The Jinns have been granted with capabilities to go up and touch the borders of the heavens without any equipments.Man is incapable of carrying a throne from one country to another within the batting of an eyelid. And we do not find any proof in the Quran or the sayings of Prophet Muhammad of man having been provided with such capability, hence there can be no difference of opinion regarding these verses.

And also it is concluded that whatever is quoted in verse (27: 39) is by the jinn without much knowledge and the next quote of the verse (27:40) is by a jinn with better knowledge.

Next let’s go through the claim by some that they are in control of jinns.

The truth is no man can control Jinns.

.Allah has provided man with skills to control animals.

Allah has conveyed this clearly in verses 45:12, 45:13, 14:32, 16:14, 22:36, 22:37, 22:65, 31:20, 43:13 of the Quran.

Did Allah say anything anywhere in the Quran,about controlling of jinns (who are equally rational) by man.Did Prophet Muhammad or Allah teach man how to control the jinns? Never.

There is evidence to prove that jinns created from fire are not visible to the human eye but are provided with rational knowledge like humans. 

The verses 51:56, 6:130, 55:31, 7:38, 7:179, 11:119, 32:13 of the Quran talk about the jinns being awarded paradise for their good deeds and hell fire for their evil acts by Allah, just as in the case of human, and also about fulfillment by them their worships. . 

Verse (7:179) of the Quran talks clearly about jinns being rational

Man brings under his control animals with five senses, how can he do the same to jinns with six senses. 

When a man with six senses cannot take control of another, how is it possible in the case of jinns. 

Moreover we have already seen that jinns far bypass humans in their capability.

Similar to humans, jinns are also provided with capability to think rationally,.and are thousands times more powerful physically than humans..When such is the case,it may be the jinns can take control of humans rather than the other way around.

To be more specific, there is more evidence to prove that man can never bring jinns under his control at all.

Keenly look into the verses that speak about how Allah made the jinns subservient to Prophet Sulaiman.

“We made among shaitans the pearl divers and very hard laborers subservient to him (Prophet Sulaiman) and we were monitoring them. The Holy Quran( 21:82).

We subjugated the wind to Sulaimaan and it takes two months for a turn.We made stream of copper run for himThere were jinns at his disposal who worked by the will of God.If any of these jinns happen to disobey us We will let them taste the torments of hell.These jinns made huge palaces he wished ,artworks, crucibles as huge as lakes, and cauldrons (that cannot be moved from one place to another).Oh!The Family of Dawood act with a sense of gratutude,and among my servants few are thankful. 

The Holy Quran : 34:12

Because the Almighty was monitoring the jinns every moment they were subservient to Prophet Sulaiman. 

.Allah made the wind obey Prophet Sulaiman. The birds, ants were also subservient to him by the will of God 0In the same way the Jinns were also made subservient to him by God’s will.

If the jinns could be subjugated by man as claimed by some, the sentence “We subjugated the jinns to him”in the Quran would be meaningless, suggesting man can do the same thing done by Almighty.

The fact that Prophet Sulaiman was presented with subjugation of jinns for him to make use of, includes the message that man cannot bring jinns under his control.

Prophet Sulaiman, having enjoyed the immense benefits and blessings of the Almighty, pleaded not to offer the same luxuries to others

Said Prophet Sualiman ”My Lord, forgive me, grant me a kingdom the kind of which no one else gets from You.And You are the most benevolent. The Holy Quran :38:25. 

This prayer by Prophet Sulaiman was accepted by the Almighty can be evidenced in the Hadiths.

Abu Huraira (R.A) said

One day Prophet Muhammad said, last night a rogue Jinn tried to disrupt my worship or something like that, and the Almighty gave me power over it,and I thought I would tie up the jinn in one of the pillars in the masjid to show people coming in the morning for worship.Then I remembered the prayer by my brother Sulaiman to the Almighty not to grant similar blessings as offered to him to anyone else.

Hadith Book Bukhari:461

Allah brought into the memory of Prophet Muhammad the prayer by Prophet Sulaiman, and avoided the opportunity of taking control of the jinns by him. This shows the pleading of Prophet Sulaiman was accepted by God.

From this we come to understand even Prophet Muhammad,could not subjugate Jinns.

When it is clearly declared in the Quran that man cannot subjugate jinns, where comes the question of taking control over them?

If they could subjugate jinns for fulfilling physical tasks or for whatever, why would they go abegging around for money. 

When we tell a person who can subjugate a jinn, that I will beat him up ,and in return only the jinn that has been taken control by him should respond, would he accept the challenge.

If taking control of jinns by men were true, they could have easily ordered the jinns bring out the tonnes and tonnes of gold buried underneath..

Or they could dispatch a set of jinns to handle terrorist countries like America and Israel.The jinns have much more capabilities than these countries,

When the jinns could bring the throne from a place very far away within the batting of an eyelid,nothing can stop them from decimating all the weapons in control of the Pentagon.

These people who fabricate to have control over jinns perform petty tasks and not those supposed to be performed by Jinns. 

When intellectually analysed the jinns which are invisible rational beings have the ability and more chances to subjugate men, and we are visible to the jinns, while we cannot see them says the verse 7:27 of the Quran. 

.When a jinn orders a man to carry out some tasks, man cannot refuse because he is unaware from which direction the next move of the jinns would come, they being invisible..Hence it would be concluded that may be man can be serve the jinns because of their enormous powers and not the vice versa. 

Jinns with rational thinking, more powerful than humans, and because of their invisibility being an additional advantage, they can never be subdued by humans.

We can come to understand these persons who claim to have control over Jinns decieve people to make money and do not perform any task fit enough to be called as that of the jinns.

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