158. Will only the unjust be destroyed?
The verses (6:47, 46:35) of the Quran wonder whether only the unjust people will be destroyed when God’s wrath comes down. These verses seem to convey only the unjust will be destroyed by the wrath of God when it arrives ,and not the just people.
But at times of floods, rain, storms, earthquakes not only the evil, but also some good people are being killed, and hence some people consider these verses as contradicting and not true for all practical purposes.
These two verses do not talk in general terms about sufferings by people at times of natural calamities , they talk of instances when God’s wrath is sent down on people who were against the messengers sent by God. At such times we find Allah differentiating the good from the evil while destruction.Allah makes this clear in verse 46:35 of the Quran.
Allah says in the Quran “ Like the steadfast among the messengers,who maintained patience (at times of distress) keep patience “When destruction reaches them only the evil are vulnerable.
This was how the communities of the Prophet Nuh, Prophet Lut, Prophet Hud, Prophet Salih, Prophet Musa were differentiated and only the evil were subjected to punishment. .
The tribulations passed on to people when there are no more Prophets, come without any differentiation and affect the good and the bad alike.
158. Will only the unjust be destroyed?
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