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32. Not preventing people from coming to Masjids for worship. 

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32. Not preventing people from coming to Masjids for worship.

These verses of the Quran (2:114, 96:8-18) say that Allah is the absolute owner of masjids, and nobody should stop or prevent people from coming to worship Him there.

Some places of worship in religions other than Islam serve as centers of propagating untouchability among humans.

Though to a certain extent unsociality is eradicated in India in the usage of public ponds, public wells, public roads, and government organizations there remains this obnoxious practice in places of worship, preventing people from reaching the sanctum sanctorum of deities, where a certain specified group only are allowed. 

But this kind of situation should not arise in masjids, because of the belief that Allah is the absolute owner of masjids.

The Quran (2:114) openly declares that nobody should be prevented from coming to the masjids for worshiping Him. Mainly due to this kind of sayings in the Quran we see no incidents of practice of untouchability in Islam. 

Whatever may be the reasons, no Muslim should be prevented or stopped from coming to masjids to worship.

Prophet Muhammad was prevented from offering worship in the house of Allah the ‘Kaaba.’

We find a severe warning regarding this from Allah in verses 96:9-18 of the Quran.

“Let them form their assembly, I do Mine” is the wording of the above verses. 

In the beginning stages of Islam, the infidels entangled the intestine of a camel around his neck to pin him down to the ground and mocked him. Oh, my Lord You take care of these people'' was his prayer. The Al-Mighty felled them like rootless trees. (Book Bukhari:240, 520, 2934, 3185, 3854, 3960)

Hence Muslims should understand that preventing people from coming to masjids is a grave crime. They should understand the act of preventing people from coming to masjids is a war declared on God. 

Everyone is equal by birth and one can surpass the other only by his deeds. The Islamic concept of humanity can be referred to in explanation points 11, 49, 59, 141, 168, 182, 227, 290, 368, 508. 

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