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31. Impertinent, perverse questions directed at Prophet Musa. 

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31. Impertinent, perverse questions directed at Prophet Musa.

Do not direct such questions to Prophet Muhammad as did by the community people of Prophet Musa to him.

When we search the Quran for the type of questions directed to Prophet Musa, we find four profoundly serious questions by his people to him. 

We come to understand this verse (2:108) refers to the four questions, offering a full explanation.

1. When Prophet Musa and his followers were saved by Al-Mighty God from being drowned in the sea, they started walking away from the sea. They witnessed a group offering worship to an idol, they demanded that a similar idol be created by Prophet Musa for them to offer worship. (The Quran 7:138.) 

This is one of the demands put up by the followers of Prophet Musa, as explained by Prophet Muhammad. 

Prophet Muhammad happened to walk with his followers near a tree belonging to the infidels, that they considered as holy, and used it to hang their weapons on its branches. On seeing this some of the companions of Prophet Muhammad asked him to pick a similar tree that can be revered by them, the Prophet said, ‘Allah is the purest’. You are asking for something like what the followers of Prophet Musa demanded from him, “in the name of the One Who holds my soul’ you are following the footsteps of your ancestors” 

2106 Book Tirmidhee:2106. 

When everything looks good in Islam, searching an alternative source with rituals not part of Islam should be avoided is the message for here. 

Yearly commemoration of so-called saint’s death anniversaries, panjas, procession with sandalwood paste ornamental baskets, tying of nuptial knots around the bride's neck, tarot reading, rituals performed on the 3rd,7th, 40th days of the dead, falling at the feet of religious leaders, are activities all similar to what was demanded by the Children of Israel from Prophet Musa to create an equivalent to God Almighty.

2. The followers of Prophet Musa even after witnessing the omnipotence, power, of God Almighty, demanded His appearance. Their demand was met with a very loud thunderous sound that made them fall unconscious. (Al-Quran 4:153) 

When it is declared that humans cannot eyewitness God Al-Mighty in this worldly life, demanding a change in the concept annoys God Al-Mighty to a great extent. 

The message here is whatever God Al-Mighty has concluded and declared should not be demanded to be changed. 

3. Whatever laws that have been promulgated by Lord Al-Mighty have to be taken as and believed as all aspects considered by Him, delving into them will create hardships only for us. 

Similar impertinent questions were asked by the followers of Prophet Musa. 

During Prophet Musa’s time a murder took place in the locality where he lived. The people wanted to find the perpetrator. The Al-Mighty commanded the followers of Prophet Musa to slaughter a cow and throw a piece of meat on the dead person, on which would come alive to name the murderer. 

When the commandment was to slaughter a cow, they could have executed the task immediately, instead those people started asking stupid and impertinent questions about the age of the animal, its color, and its characteristics only to create difficulties for themselves. This can be seen in the Quran 2:67-71.

Here the message is not to behave in an impertinent manner. 

4. Here we also find another message encasement, that during revelation of the Quran to refrain from demanding more and more explanation from Prophet Muhammad. 

This is clearly pointed out in the Quran 5:101, 102. 

Prophet Muhammad said, ‘In matters where I have not made clear of my views leave me alone, your ancestors were subjected to destruction because they asked impertinent questions and differed in their views with their prophets.’

Book Bukhari 7288. 

Prophet Muhammad said, ‘When something that is not forbidden happens to be prohibited because of persistent questioning by someone, he is the worst sinner’.

Book Bukhari:7289. 

Asking questions to Prophet Muhammad like the ones asked by followers of Prophet Musa should not be done is what is implied here.

The message here to understand is that Prophets should not be subjected to questioning. 

But fraudulent ulemas (religious teachers) use this verse to stop people from questioning them. 

From the period of Prophet Muhammad’s demise, any Islamic scholar cannot turn things declared haram into halal or vice versa. Islamic scholars should not use this verse as a shield to stop people from questioning them. 

For further clarifications please refer to explanation point no 150. 

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