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78. AL NABA - (That News)

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Chapter :78

An-naba – That News

Total verses: 40

As the second verse of this chapter mentions the word ‘That News’, it is named ‘An-naba’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1 .About what do they raise question?

2,3. About the great news over which they have disagreement26.

4 .Not so, they will know.

5 .Not so again, they will know.

6,7. Have We not made the earth (as) a cradle284 and the mountains pegs248.26

8 .And We created you in pairs.

9 .And made your sleep as a rest.

10 .And made the night a garment.

11 .And made the day a period for livelihood.

12 .And built over you seven strong (heavens).

13 .And also fixed a bright lamp.

14,15,16. And sent down, from the dark rain clouds, abundant water in order to bring forth grain, vegetation and dense gardens.

17 .Indeed, the Day1 of judgement is a fixed one.

18 .You will come in many groups on the day the ‘Sur’ is blown.

19 .And the heaven507 will be opened and it will become(form) many gates.

20 .And the mountains will be displaced and will become a mirage.

21,22. Indeed, the hell is awaiting as the home for the transgressors26.

23 .Stay there for ages.

24 .They will not taste there either coolness or(cool) drink.

25 .Except boiling water and purulence.

26 .This is the reward in accordance with the deed.

27 .Indeed, they were disbelievers of the enquiry.

28 .And they consider Our verses altogether  a lie.

29 .We have recorded every thing in writing.

30 .Taste it.Will not increase anything except torment.

31,32,33,34. Indeed, for the righteous remain a plan of success (paradise) gardens, grape-vine yard, gorgeous maidens of equal age8 and filled goblets26.

35 .There, they will not hear either vain thing or lie.

36 .(O Muhammad), this is the calculated reward given from your God.

37 .He is the God, the most Merciful, of the heavens, the earth and whatever between them. They will not be able to speak with Him.

38.The Day when the Rooh444 and the angels will stand row on row, no one shall speak except those who granted permission by the Most Merciful and the one who tells the truth.

39 .This is the true Day1. Let whoever wants  take his home with His God.

40 .Indeed, We warn you of the torment which is near. On that day, man will see the deed done by him. The disbeliever (of only one God) will say, “Should I not have  become dust?”

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