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77. AL MURSALATH - (The wind that is sent forth)

மொழியாக்கம் - ஆங்கிலம்
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Chapter :77

Al-Mursalat – The wind that is sent forth

Total verses :50

As the first verse of this chapter mentions ‘The wind that is sent forth’, it is named ‘Al-Mursalat’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1,2 . By the (winds which are) sent forth continously (one after another) and by the storm which blows violently26.

3,4. And by those which spread and by those which separate completely26.

5,6. And by those which (winds) deliver a lesson either as forgiveness or as warning26.

7. Indeed, what you are warned will occur.

8. The stars lose their brightness.

9. And when the heaven507 is split.

10. And when the mountains are blown away.

11. And when the time is fixed for the messengers (it will occur).

12. For what day (they) are delayed?

13. For the Day1 of judgement.

14. And do you know what is meant by the Day1 of judgement?

15. And on that day1, woe for those who considered it a lie.

16. Have We not destroyed the forefathers?

17. Have We not made descendants to follow them?

18. Thus, We treat the sinners.

19. And on that day, woe for those who considered it a lie.

20. Have we not created you from an insignificant water?

21,22. And have We not kept it safely for a fixed period?

23 .And we only determined. We are the Best in determinig.

24 .And, on that day1 woe to those who considered it a lie.

25,26. Have We not made the earth a shelter for those who are alive and (those who are) dead26?

27. And we established elevated pegs on it248. We gave you to drink sweet water.

28. And on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

29, 30. You proceed towards that which you considered a lie. You walk towards the shade which has three branches26.

31 .That will not give shade. It will not save from the fire.

32 . Indeed, that will throw flaming torches like fortress.

33 . That will be like yellow coloured camels in colour.

34 . And on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

35 . This is a Day1, they cannot speak.

36 . And they will not be permitted to give any excuse.

37 . And on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

38 . This is the Day1 of judgement. We gather you and your forefathers together.

39 . If you have a plot, plot it against Me.

40 .And, on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

41 . Indeed, the righteous will remain in the shades and the springs.

42 . And they will be with the fruits, they want.

43 . (It will be said), “Eat and drink happily for what you had been doing.”

44 . Indeed, thus We reward those who did good.

45 . And, on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

46 . You eat for a short period. Enjoy (yourselves). Indeed, you are sinners.

47 . And, on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

48 . And when it is said to them to do ‘rukuh’ they will do ‘rukuh’.

49 . And, on that Day1, woe to those who considered it a lie.

50 . After that, in what news will they believe?

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