Al-Qalam-The pen
Total verses:52
As the first verse of this chapter mentions the word ‘ the pen’, it is named Al- Qalam.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
1. Nun2. By the promise on the pen and what they write.
2. You are not a mad man468 by the grace of your God.
3. And indeed, you will have endless reward.
4. And indeed, you are of a great character.
5, 6. You will see to whom is the madness among you. They will also see26 .
7. Indeed, Allah is the most Knowing of who has gone astray from His way. He is well aware of those who are guided.
8. Do not obey those who consider (it a) lie.
9. (O Muhammad) if you adjust they also wish to adjust.
10. And do not obey anyone worthless who swears more.
11. He is a fault finder and a carrier of scandals.
12. Preventer of good, transgresser and sinner.
13. Violent, moreover, born illegitimately.
14. Do not (obey Him) because he has wealth and male children.
15. When Our verses are recited, he says, “ (These are) tales of the fore- fathers.”
16. We will mark him on his nose.371
17. Indeed, We tested484 them as We have tested those people of gardens. They swore and said, “We will reap that in the morning.”
18. They did not say if Allah (so) wills (We will reap).
19.Hence, when they were sleeping, that which had to surround from your God surrounded that (garden)
20. And It became pitch dark.
21,22,23,24. And in the morning they started calling 26 each other speaking in a low sound, “ If you would reap then go to the cultivated land. Indeed, no poor should enter among you, to-day.”
25. And they met the morning with a strength to prevent .
26. When they saw the destroyed (garden), they said, “ Indeed, we have come to (a different place) losing the way.”
27. (They said) “No, we lost (everything).”
28. One who behaved moderatly among them asked, “ Did I not tell that you should have exalted God. ”
29. They said, “ Our God is pure10 (from all weaknesses). Indeed, we caused injustice.”
30. They faced each other blaming.
31. They said , “ Woe to us. Indeed, we trangressed.”
32. (Also said) “ Our God may give us a compensation better than this. We will have faith in our God.”
33. such is (Our) torment. The torment of the Hereafter1 is greater. Should they not know?
34. Indeed, for the righteous (of God) there are gardens of pleasure in the paradise.
35. Will we treat the muslims like the criminals?
36. What happened to you? How do you pass judgement ?
37, 38. Do you have a Book, which you recite, that says there is indeed, for you whatever you choose?
39 . Do you have agreements, which will be valid till the Day1 of ‘Qiyamah’, made with Us, that indeed for you, is whatever you decide?
40 . Ask them, which of them is responsible for this.
41. Or do they have gods? If they are truthful, let them bring their gods.
42. On the day, when the shins will be uncovered and they will be called to do ‘Sajda’249., they will not be able to do so.
43. Their sights will be cast down. Humiliation will surround them. (In the world) they had been called to do ‘Sajda’, when they were without any defect.
44. Leave Me and the one who consider this messege a lie you will seize them gradually without they being aware of it.
45. And I will give them time. Indeed, My plan is firm .
46. (O Muhammad), are they going to bear the burden of debt because you ask of them a payment?
47. Or do they have (knowledge) of the hidden and have recorded (that)?
48. You be patient for the judgement of your God. You do not be like the ‘companion of fish’. He called the God, filled with grief.
49. If He had not been favoured by his God's mercy, He would have been thrown in to the open land, humiliated.
50. And yet, his God selected him. He made him righteous.
51. And indeed, (O Muhammad), when those who disbelieve (in only one God) heard the admonition, they tried to trip you by their sights. They say, “Indeed, he is mad.468”
52. This is nothing but an advise to the people of the worlds.
68. AL QALAM - (The pen)
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