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67. AL MULK - (The Sovereignity)

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Part - 29

Chapter : 67

Al- Mulk – The Sovereignity.

Total verses : 30

As the first verse of this chapter mentions the word ‘the sovereinty’ it is named ‘Al-Mulk.’

1. He is blessed in whose hand is the sovereignty. He has power over everything.

2. He created the death and the life, inorder to test484which among you is best in deeds. He is Mighty, the Forgiving.

3. It is He who created seven heavens507 in layers. You will not see any contradiction in the creation of the most Merciful. (You) see again. Do you see any fault?

4. You turn your vision twice. The vision will return to you tired and humbled.

5. And We indeed, decorated the first heaven507 with lamps. We made then the things which are thrown on the shaitans307 We prepared for them the torment of Hell.

6. And for those who dibelieved their God there is torment of Hell. (It) is a bad living place.

7. When they are thrown into it, they will hear, as it boils up, from it, the braying of a donkey.

8. It will try to burst out in rage. When every group is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them, “ Did not (any) warner come to you? ”

9. For that, they will say, “ yes, indeed, the warner came to us. Yet, we considered it a lie.” And we said – Allah did not reveal anything. You are but in great error”

10. And they will also say, “ We would not have become the people of hell, it he had either listened or understood. ”

11. And they will accept their wrongs. Then woe, for the people of hell.

12. Indeed, there is forgiveness and great reward for those who fear their God alone.

13. And keep your talk either secret or say it openly, indeed, He is knowing of whatever in your mind.

14. Will not the creator know? He is subtle, the well acquainted.

15. It is He who made the earth (to use) easy for you. So, travel on it to different places. Eat His food. The return is only to Him.

16. Are you without fear that the one who is in the heaven507 will not bury you in the earth? Then, the earth will shake.

17. Or , are you without fear that the one who is in the heaven507 will not rain down stones on you?. You will know, how (terible) was My warning.

18. And those who went before them also considered it a lie. How was my retribution?

19. Do not they see above them the birds with wings outspread and folded in? Except the most Merciful, none hold them from falling down260. Indeed, He is the Seeing of everthing.

20. Are there any of your forces which can help you except the most Merciful? The disbelievers (of only one God) are but in delusion.

21. Is there anybody who can give you food if He stopped his food?463 But they have persisted in trangression and hatred.

22. Is the one who has fallen face- down guided (in the right way)? Or, the one who walks on the right way steadily?

23. Say “ It is He who created you. He made for you ear, sights and minds. You are grateful only a little.”

24. And say, “ It is He who made you spread on the earth. You will be gathered only to Him.”

25. And they ask, “ If you are truthful, when will be that warning?”

26. Say, “That knowledge is only with Allah. I am only a clear warner.”

27. When they see it (from) near, the faces of the disbelievers (of only one God) disfigured. It will be said, “ This is what you have sought ”

28. Say, “ Answer, who can protect from the painful torment those who disbelieve (in the oneness of God), if either Allah destroys me and those with me or sent down mercy to us.”

29. Say, “ He is the most Merciful. We believe in Him. We rely only on Him. And we will know who is in the clear error.”

30. Ask , “Answer, who will bring to you the spring water if the water is dried up.”

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