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69. AL HAQQAH - (The True Event)

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Chapter : 69

Al- Haqqah – The True Event

Total verses : 52

As the first verse of this chapter mentions the word ‘True Event’, it is named ‘Al-Haqqah’

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the Merciful.

1. That true event1.

2. What is meant by the true event?

3. And (O Muhammad), how do you know what is meant by the true event?

4. The people of Tamud and Aad considered the event which caused shock, a lie.

5. As for, the people of Tamud were destroyed by a great sound.

6. And as for, the people of Aad were destroyed by a furious wind.

7. He directed it (wind) against them continiously for seven nights and eight days. You see those people fallen uprooted like the date-palm trees.

8. (O Muhammad), do you see the remains among them?

9. And Firaun, those who went before him and those (people of Lut), who were turned upside down, committed sins.

10. And they turned away from the messenger of their God. So Allah punished them severely .

11. Indeed, (during the time of messenger Nuh) when the (flood) water crossed the (danger) limit We boarded you in the ship.

12. (We did like this) so that We will make that a lesson to you and safeguard the ears which listen.

13,14,15. That event will occur only on that day, when the ‘Sur’ will be blown only once and the mountains will be lifted and shattered into dust 26.

16 . And the heaven507 will break. On that day, that will be unfirm.

17. And the angels will be on the edges. On that day, (O Muhammad), eight persons (angels) will carry the ‘Arsh’ of your God.

18. On that day, you will be presented (for enquiry). Nothing will disappear from you.

19, 20. So, the one who is given the book on the right hand will say, “ Come, read my book. Indeed, I had been believing that I would be meeting my enquiry.”26

21,22. He will remain in a pleasant life and in an elevated garden of paradise.26

23 . Its fruits will be (hanging) low.

24 . (It will be said) “ You eat happily, as you have put-forth in the days of the past.”

25 , 26, 27, 28, 29. The one, to whom the book is given, will say, “ I wish, I had not been given my record? And I did not know what may be the out-come of my enquiry. I wish, my (death)” had made an end (of it). My wealth has not saved me. My power has left me.”

30 . seize him and shackle him.

31. Then make him char in hell.

32. (It will be said) “Then tie him with a chain whose length is seventy cubits.”

33. Indeed, he has not been believer of Allah, the most High.

34. He has not encouraged the feeding of the poor.

35. This day, for Him there is no close friend

36. There is no food except the (foul) pus.

37. Nobody except the sinners will drink it.

38,39. I will swear on what you see and what you have not seen.26

40 . This indeed, the statement of a noble messenger.

41. This is not the statement of a poet. You believe only a little .

42. This is not the statement of an astrologer. You learn only a little .

43. This is revealed from the God of the worlds.

44, 45. And We would have punished with (Our) right hand if he (Muhammad) had invented some words on me.26

46. And then We would have cut his (life) artery .

47. And indeed, nobody among them would have stopped Him.

48. And indeed, this is an advice for the righteous.

49. And indeed, We know that among you there are liars.

50. And indeed, this is the loss for those who disbelieve (in only one God) .

51. And indeed, this is a certain truth.

52. So, exalt the name of your great God

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