65. AL THALAQ - (The Divorce)

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Chapter :65

At-Talaaq – The Divorce.

Total verses: 12

As the first verse of the chapter mentions about divorce it is named ‘At-Talaaq’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. O messenger, If you divorce women66 you divorce them as it will be convenient for them to observe ‘iddah’69. you calculate ‘iddah’. You fear Allah, your God. Do not turn them out of their houses unless they commit clear shameless act. Let them also not leave. These are the limits of Allah. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah (then) indeed has caused harm to himself. You do not know (O Muahmmad) after this, Allah may pass an order.

2. And when they reach their (fixed) term you keep them safeguarded in a good manner or separate them in a good manner. You arrange between you two honest persons as witnesses386 .Behold the testimony for Allah. Thus, advice is given to those who believe in Allah and the Last day1 and He will arrange for a way out for those who fear Allah.

3. And He will give food which he could never have imagined463. He is sufficient to those who rely only on Allah. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed, Allah has fixed a limit for everything.

4. And if you doubt in the matter of your women who have reached meno-pause, the fixed period of time for them and for those who have no course is three months. The fixed period for the pregnant women is till they give birth360. He will make their matters easy for those who fear Allah.69

5. This is the order of Allah, He has sent down to you. Allah will remove from them the harms of those who fear Allah He will grant them a great reward.

6. You settle them, according to your conveniece, where you reside. Do not harm them by causing pressure. You spend for them till they deliver if they are pregnant.74 You give them their payment if they suckle(breast-feeding of the children) for you. You mutualy decide between yourselves (about this) in a good manner. If each of you consider (it) to be a burden let another woman suckle for him. 

7. Let wealthy spend according to his capacity. And to whom the wealth was given limitedly, let him spend from what Allah has given him.74 Allah will not cause hardship to a soul beyond, what he has given it.68 Allah will cause affluence(ease) after hardship.

8. And eversomany places transgressed and disobeyed the orders of Allah and His messenger. We punished them severly taking it to strict account.

9. And hence, they tasted the consequences of their deeds. Their end result (incurred) was only a loss for them.

10. Allah has prepared a severe torment for them. O People of understanding, who believe, fear Allah. Allah has indeed sent down a teaching to you.

11. He sent to you the messenger who recites you the clear verses of Allah, in order to take those, who believe and do good deeds, from darkness429 to light. He will admit those who believe and do good deeds into the gardens of paradise. Beneath them the rivers flow. They will remain there forever. Indeed, Allah has prepared for them a grand food(feast).

12. It is Allah who created425 seven heavens507 and similar to that on the earth, in order that you will know that Allah has power over everything and He has surrounded everything with His knowledge. Orders descend between them.

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