66. AL THAHREEM - (Forbidding the lawful)

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Chapter: 66

At-Tahreem – Forbidding the lawful

Total verses: 12

Is the first verse of this chapter,it is mentioned that the prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) forbade forhimself, what is made lawful by Allah. Hence this chapter is named At-Tahreem.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. O messenger, why do you forbid what Allah has permitted you, desiring the satisfaction of your wives? Allah is the Forgiving, the most Merciful272.

2. Allah has ordained for you atonement (solution) for your oaths. He is your master (protector). He is the knowing, the wise.

3. And when this prophet told a matter secretly to one of his wives and that wife told that matter to (another) and when Allah disclosed that to the messenger, the messenger presented a few of them(to that wife) and left a few.when he informed that, the wife asked, “Who informed this to you?”.He replied258 to it, “The Knowing, the all Knowing(the God)

4. (It is better) you two (wives of the messenger) seek forgiveness to Allah.Indeed, the minds of you two remained deviated.If you help each other against him,(then) indeed,Allah is his Master.After this, Gibraeel, the good among the believers and the angels will help (him).

5. If he divorces you then, God may substitute for him wives better muslims than you(in) believing, obedient, repentant, worshipping, fasting- widows and virgins.

6. O belivers, save yourselves and your families from hell.Its fuel is people and stones. On it, there remain angels harsh and severe. They will not disobey in what Allah has ordered. They do what they are ordered.

7. O disbelievers, (in the oness of Allah) do not make excuses, this day.(It will be said) you will be rewarded for what you have been doing.

8. O believers, you ask for forgiveness to Allah without impurity.Your God may erase your wrongs.He will admit you into gardens of paradise.Beneath them rivers flow. The Day1, Allah will not disgrace this messenger and those who believe with him. Their light will hasten before them and on their right side. They will say, “Our God, You perfect our life for us. Forgive us. Indeed, You have power over all things”.

9. O messenger, fight against the disbelievers (of only one God) and the hypocrites.53 Show harshness in their matter. Their refuge is hell. That is a bad place of rest.

10. Allah shows the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut as example for those who disbelieve (Him). Both of them were wives of Our two righteous servants. They betrayed them. So, they did not save those two from Allah, even a little. It was said, “Both of you enter into hell with those who enter.”

11. Allah cites as a role model for those who believe, the wife of Firaun, as she said , “My God, build for me a house in paradise near you. Save me from Firaun and his torture. Save me from the unjust people.”

12. And (God presents as a role model.), the daughter of Imran also. She guarded her chastity.514 We blew into her Our Ruh90 . she testified the word of her God155 , and His Books . she was of the obedient.

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