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360. The Iddah of the pregnant.

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360. The Iddah of the pregnant.

Verse 2:234 of the Quran says women who lose their husbands should refrain from re-marriage for a period called as (Iddah) of four months and ten days. Please refer to point No;69 regarding the explanation of this verse.

This verse 65:4 of the Quran explains the various steps to be followed by the widowed woman. When the woman is carrying the child of the deceased man, she is not allowed to remarry until the baby is born, this period of time she remains without being remarried is known as Iddah for the pregnant woman whose husband has passed away. 

If the woman happens to deliver the baby on the day of the death of the husband the stipulation of remaining in Iddah does not apply to her.

If the woman carries the child of the dead husband during her first month of her pregnancy, she needs to wait eight or nine months for her re-marriage.

We can come to understand these stipulations from this verse (65:4) of the Quran.

Please refer to points 69, 404, 424 to know more about Iddah. 

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