64. AL ATHAGABUN - (The great loss)

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Chapter : 64

Al–Taghabun – The great loss

Total verses : 18

 As the ninth verse of the chapter mentions the day in which the bad incur a loss, it is named ‘At-Taghabun’.

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. Whatever is in the heavens507 and in the earth exalt Allah. The rule belongs to Him.Praise belongs to Him. He has power over all things.

2. It is He who created you. Among you there are also disbelievers (of only one God). Among you there are also believers. Allah is seeing of what you do.

3. He created the heavens507 and the earth with proper reason. He formed you and perfected your features. The return is only to Him.

4. He knows whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth. He knows whatever that you hide and reveal. He is the Knower of whatever is in the minds.

5. (O Muhammad), has not the news of the disbelievers (of only one God) who went before, come to you? They tasted the effect of their deeds. They have painful torment.

6. The reason (for) that is, though their messengers have been bringing clear signs to them, they said, “ Should a man guide us?” and disbelieved and ignored (only one God). Allah considered them unnecessary. Allah is free of need,485 Praiseworthy.

7. The disbelievers (of only one God) think that they will never be resurrected. Say, “Not so, by the promise on my God, you will be resurrected. Then, it will indeed be informed to you about what you did. It is easy for Allah. ”

8. So, believe in Allah , His messenger and the light that sent down by Us. Allah is knower of what you do.

9. He will gather you together on the Day1 of gathering. That is the Day1 causing loss. He will remove the misdeeds of those who believed in Allah and do good deed. He will admit them in gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there forever. This is the great success.

10. Those who disbelieve (Us) and consider Our verses lies are the people of hell. They will remain there forever. That is the bad place of rest.

11. Whatever grief may occur but not without the permission of Allah. He will show the way to those who believe in Allah. And Allah is knowing of everything.

12. And obey Allah and obey the messenger. It you turn away then (the responsbility) of the messenger is only to convey the message clearly.

13. No one is worshipful except Allah. The believers will rely only on Allah.

14. O believers, indeed, there are enemies to you among your wives and among your children. You be careful with them. If you pardon, over- looking and ignoring (then) Allah is Forgiving and most Merciful.

15. Your material wealth and (large number of ) children are but a test.484 The great reward is only with Allah.

16. You fear Allah as much as you can. Listen, obey and spend (in good deeds) that is better for you. Those who were protected from stinginess of mind are the successful.

17. If you lend a beautiful loan75 (then) He will return it manifold. He will forgive you. Allah is grateful and Forbearing6 .

18. He is knowing of the hidden and the seen, the Mighty, the Wise.

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