60. AL MUMTHAHINA - (The Test)

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Al-mumtahina-The Test

Total verses:13

As the tenth verse of this chapter mentions that the women who emigrate from their nations should be tested,it is named (Al- mumtahina).

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

1. O believers,if you are people who depart for ‘jihad’ in My way and desiring My satisfaction, do not make My enemy and your enemy close friends 89, extending affection to them.They disbelieve in the truth which has come to you.They exiled the messenger and you (from the town) because you believed in Allah,your God.You extend affection to them secretly.I am well aware of what you revealed and what you hid.And whoever does it, among you, has strayed from the right path.

2. If they have power over you(then) they will become your enemies and extend their tongues towards you to harm you.They want that you would disbelieve(in only one God).

3. On the Day1 of Qiyamah,your relatives and your progeny will never benefit you. He will judge between you.And Allah is Seeing of what you do.

4. There is a beautiful role- model for you in Ibrahim and those with him. When they said to their people, “ Indeed, we are disassociated with you and from whatever you worship except Allah. We deny you. Until you believe in Allah alone, enmity and hatred have been arisen between us and you forever. Except that Ibrahim said to his father, “ I will seek forgiveness for you. I have no power to do any (favour) to you from Allah.247 ” (In it he is not a role-model). “Our God, we rely on you. We returned to you. (Our) return is only to you.”

5. (He prayed), “ Our God, do not make us a test 484 for the disbelievers (of You). Forgive us. Indeed, our God, you are the Mighty, the Wise.”

6. Indeed , there is a role model in them for those who believe in Allah and the Last day1 .Those who turn away, then indeed, He is free of need,485 the Praiseworthy.

7. Allah may cause affection between you and those with whom you are at enmity. Allah is powerful, Allah is Forgiver, the most Merciful.

8. Allah did not forbid you to do good and to do justice to those who do not fight with you and do not expel you from your houses in the matter of religion, Indeed Allah likes the just89.

9. Allah only forbids89 , those who fight with you, those who expelled you from your houses and those who helped in your expulsion in the matter of religion, to make them close friends. The unjust are the those who make them their close friends.

10. O believed, you test those believeing women who come to you doing ‘hijrah’460. Allah is well aware of their belief. If you know that they are believers then you do not send them back to the disbelievers (of only one God). They (believing women) are not lawful for them.91 They (disbelieving men) are also not lawful for them. You give to them what they have spent (for these women). If you give them marriage-dues 108, (then) it is not sin for you to marry them. Do not continue your marriage agreement with the women who disbelieve (in only one God). You ask for what you have spent. Let them ask you for what they have spent. It is the order of Allah. He gives justice between you, and Allah is Knowing, the Wise.

11. And if whoever among your wives went to the (side of) disbelievers, when you win over (the disbelievers), give to those, whose wives have gone, similar to what they have spent ( from the materials seized from the war). You fear Allah on whom you have faith.

12. O messenger, if the believing women come to you and take oath, “ We will not associate anything with Allah, will not steal, will not do adultery, will not kill our children,487 will not invent any slander and will not disobey you in good matter” then take oath with them. You ask for forgiveness for them to Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, the most Merciful334.

13. O believers, do not make the people your close friends with whom Allah has become angry. They have lost hope about the Hereafter1 like those disbelievers (of only one God) who lost their hope about (the resurrection of) the people of the grave.

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