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91. Why is a Muslim prohibited from marrying a non-Muslim.

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91. Why is a Muslim prohibited from marrying a non-Muslim.

Verses (2:221,60:10) of the Quran say ‘Do not marry women who associate God with others until they absolutely believe in Him. 

To some, this might seem a communal demeanor, but when deeply analyzed we can find this law was enacted in the larger interest to benefit humankind.

When Non-Islamic faiths are compared, we see more similarities in them than differences. 

But when Islam is compared with other faiths one finds more disparities and less of similarities.

When people from two such faiths with wide disparity are to be bound by conjugal rights that cannot be a wholehearted union and would not last long. 

People who are atheists will not get their offspring married to believers. And this will be perceived by people as a steadfastness in ideology and not as an affront to believers.

The ideology of Islam states there is only one God, and He is unique, and does not have a wife or children or any weaknesses, and any transgressions on this would entail severe punishment in the hereafter. If a person with such an ideology marries someone with direct opposite views it would result in a situation devoid of true understanding, and harmony. 

Marriage is something that needs to be taken along with happiness in all aspects throughout one’s life. And when there is a huge deficit in ideological beliefs, it would result in utter despair. 

The one who believes in the existence of multiple gods cannot lead a peaceful life till the end with someone believing in oneness of God and denies all other forms of God.

Similarly, a Muslim with belief in monotheism cannot maintain a relationship with a family that believes in polytheism.

We need to understand the thin line of differences that run between those that prefer more control over things in life and those who dislike such controls. 

Those who do not prefer control over all matters in life will compromise with everyone, whereas this cannot be found in the case of others who like controls.

For instance, when there is a person who does not have inhibitions in food preferences, he readily eats veg; and nonveg foods, and visits both types of restaurants, but for a person who keeps himself away from non veg foods, restricts himself to visiting only veg restaurants. 

In the same way the people who believe in multiple gods have no inhibitions in accepting the God worshipped by Muslims. But for a Muslim who believes very strongly in Oneness of God will never accept another as God.

Moreover, a lot of disputes will arise between the married couple in bringing up their children and when it comes to the matter of sharing wealth.

A person, in case realizes that there can be only one God reforms himself and refrains from multiple gods concept, can marry a Muslim immaterial of his affiliation to whatever caste, clan he may belong to. 

It can be understood here there is no place for discrimination and hatred on the basis of caste or creed in Islam. 

The matter of a Muslim not getting married to a non-Muslim is based on ideology and not on racial discrimination or birth,

The concept of Islam is based on an ideology and hence one gets married to anyone who accepts that ideology and keep away from marrying those who reject it, and this does not invite a demerit.

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